The other side said, while slightly shaking his head, let's Heng Yan Lin look at where friends come, also did not knot in the topic.

This is the other party's business, Heng Yanlin also just casually inquired about it.

In the final analysis, some of these things are not Heng Yanlin's.

One side of the art friends, listening to Heng Yanlin's words at the moment, is a face of crying and laughing, in the eyes there is a trace of fear.

At that time, he killed the sea demon outside. It was a critical time.

At that time, seeing a friar coming, he was naturally very nervous, and thought that some friars wanted to come to kill and capture the sea demon.

Immediately, he put down the cruel words and prepared to drink the Retreater.

But where would you know that the monk who came here was actually Heng Yanlin.

Then, after Heng Yanlin put out her identity, she was really scared.

Be prepared to explain what you want to explain with Heng Yanlin, so as not to worry about yourself.

However, Heng Yanlin left immediately, leaving her with no chance to explain.

However, seeing Heng Yanlin talking about this matter, his heart also slightly relaxed.

Look at Heng Yanlin's appearance, should not be thinking about this matter just right.

Otherwise, the other party will not be at the moment, taking out this matter to say things.

Then, she is also facing in front of Heng Yan Lin smile.

"It's not that it's too dangerous outside. The Taoist friends who go out don't know how many of them can come back. I'm a little nervous."

Said here, she also followed to shake her head, eyes full of helpless meaning, there is also a trace of happiness.

At that time, Xinkui met a monk named hengyanlin. If she changed to the rest of the monks, she could not guarantee that she could still live.

The monks who have been here for a long time all know the name of Heng Yanlin.

Moreover, the other side is also famous, quite kind-hearted.

In the sea area outside, whenever he meets Heng Yanlin, he never sees any friar killed by him. This is what all monks have experienced.

What's more, if there is a need, when he meets Heng Yanlin, he will not be stingy as long as he pays some spirit stones and makes him feel satisfied.

Hengyanlin's strength, also represents, but where there is hengyanlin's hand, there is no injustice.

Therefore, the number of monks saved by Heng Yanlin is not too small.

This is also the reason why the monks here are so gentle about hengyanlin, because no one knows.

When you go out, you will not encounter hengyanlin when you are in danger. If the relationship with hengyanlin becomes worse.

When the time comes to meet Heng Yan Lin, the other side is not willing to hand, then how to do?

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, to also quite agree with the nod.

"Yes, over the past few years, some monks who were familiar with here have gradually disappeared."

Those who don't appear here belong to the monks who have been confirmed to fall.

Some of them were killed by sea demons.

Others see each other go out to hunt the sea demon, but they never come back.

Although there is a possibility of survival, some of them are still too few. Most of them just fall.

After all, there are so many miracles in this world.

When Heng Yanlin came back before, there were countless monks who kept saying hello to him.

And these friars, of course, will gradually let the monks familiar with Heng Yanlin be there.

Until these friars, in the end is slowly disappearing, and then these monks are not seen.

The other party at the moment of this sentence, can be said to be incomparably touched Heng Yanlin.

As a monk, after the process of cultivation, I don't know how many monks will fall on the way.

On the road of cultivating immortals, how many monks can there be at the end?

Speaking of this, the monks on one side were all slightly silent.

At this moment, we all know the cruelty of this practice.

Especially in this place, because of the pressure of the sea demon, it is even more so.

When I think of those fallen monks, I can't help but think of myself, and then think that maybe one day, I will fall here.

Heng Yanlin smiles and then throws away this trace of melancholy.

In comparison, the monks here are more cruel when they practice.

After all, no one knows that there will be such a sea demon, which is constantly oppressing the living space of friars.Maybe one day there will be some friars who will be devoured by these sea demons.

The living space here is too cruel. It's not like some monks on the mainland. On the contrary, it will be much easier.

Heng Yanlin at the moment, after thinking about it, just shook his head, not to think about this matter.

"We monks always act against the weather. If we fall down halfway, it just means that we are not lucky enough. Even so, we monks have never been afraid of it."

Heng Yan Lin light said a word, let the friars on the side, after listening to, are all slightly shocked.

Then the mind, which had been somewhat relaxed, began to close.

In fact, the mind of a monk who can cultivate to get Dan is not so easy to shake.

At this moment, they suddenly have some feelings, so there is such a situation.

However, even in this case, they still did not hinder them. After listening to Heng Yanlin's words, they immediately responded and then closed their mind.

When the cultivation reaches the end of the elixir period, their heart to Tao will not be too low.

Therefore, one by one at the moment, are some of the ideas before, are discarded in the outside.

Heng Yanlin slightly took a deep breath and began to put down the sea demon he had captured.

In the past, hengyanlin needed to take the sea demon to sell, but now he doesn't need to.

Originally strong fame in the body, pressure is not how many people without eyes to find Heng Yanlin.

Therefore, hengyanlin didn't have to worry at all. If he took out the corpses of these sea monsters, someone would stare at him.

What's more, if you really want to target hengyanlin, you've already watched it before. Even if hengyanlin doesn't show up, it's the same. There will still be people staring at hengyanlin.

It's just that the monks disappeared later.

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