"This news is quite shocking. Please listen carefully."

Stay in the face at the moment, also changed incomparably dignified, looked at the people in front of them, and then diameter said.

"Before that, I got a message by chance. In fact, this sea demon joint war is just a conspiracy. This is the sea demon and the original baby friars of human beings. They want to reduce the number of friars jiedan. Otherwise, how come the people above have not fought with each other several times, and no one has fallen down ?”

At this moment, the words left behind directly resound in the hall.

The monks at this moment, listening to such words, suddenly changed their faces, and then one by one their hearts were in turmoil.

Is this a conspiracy? How is that possible?

Haven't the sea demon and the human always been a mortal enemy?

Why is the other party at the moment saying that this matter is actually just a conspiracy? What the hell is going on here?

How do you think, in the present situation, it is really unlikely?

But what's the matter with the other party's words? Why are there such words at this moment?

At the thought of this, in front of these people to see, a group in the following, are greatly changed face.

"Liu Daoyou, such words can't be said nonsense. Are you sure this news is correct?"

"Yes, Daoyou, such things can never be said nonsense. Once it is passed on, how can we get along with these primipara?"

At this moment, all the monks changed their faces.

They were somewhat frightened by such words.

Think about it, if these two combine together and want them to die one by one, where can they go?

They can't be tolerated on the island, and it's the same in the sea.

What's more, isn't the siren and these guys belong to a deadly enemy?

Why do they work together? What's going on?

The monks were in some turmoil. Looking at the monk in front of him, his face was suddenly full of dignified color, constantly flashing.

They are at the moment, but some of them are scared by such words and don't know what to do.

"Why do they do this? There must be a reason to do so. "

Heng Yanlin in one side, after thinking about it, did not directly deny the accuracy of the news. He just asked the monk in front of him.

This is also the practice, but there is a reason?

Only when there is a reason, can they be convinced, and they can also be convinced that the other party has a reason to do so.

The friars on one side listened to Heng Yanlin's words and nodded one by one.

Yes, there's a reason to do anything, right? If there is no reason, why do these friars cooperate with these sirens?

Moreover, even if the human friars want to do this, it depends on whether the sea demon guy is willing or not.

Only when both sides agree, can the other side cooperate.

For now, they just want to see what reason the other party started to cooperate directly.

Listening to this, Liuhe had already thought of the reaction of the people at the moment.

Therefore, for the reaction of the people at the moment, he seems to be no exception.

"Please rest assured that this news is not wrong. Although I heard this news before, I was just like you, and I didn't believe it."

"In fact, their main purpose is to weaken our strength, so that they can easily get hold of it."

Good? What works?

These friars, can they still affect these young friars?

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, suddenly sharp incomparable aware of something.

At this moment, the friars on the side are all looking at the situation in front of them. In their hearts, they seem to think of something in general, but at this time, they are still not very sure.

And left on one side of the table also does not wait for people to ask again, just continue to say.

"I think you all know what happened to the sea monsters and the stone that fell in the sea before?"

Speaking of this, he looked at the monks in front of him, and then spoke softly.

When the monks heard this, they nodded again and again. There was almost no one who didn't know about it.

Just, why does the other party mention such things at this moment?

The monks were puzzled and looked at each other, and their eyes were full of doubts."In fact, there is a very important information in this. The monks of Yuanying have already cracked a secret.

In fact, that piece of stone can open up a broken small world, and all people can enter it. However, monk Yuanying's realm is too high. Anyway, he can't enter. Once he enters, the small world inside will not be able to bear it and will collapse.

However, friar jiedan and I have been able to enter together. It is said that there are many treasures in such a small world. As long as I wait to enter, we will definitely find opportunities, and it is not certain that we will step on the baby.

There are still a lot of monk jiedan who are willing to work for them. But there are too many monks who are willing to work for them. These Yuanying monks are afraid that we will get in the way.

In addition, these sea demons in the knot Dan, also have opened a lot of wisdom, also can be a trouble, therefore, they directed this matter at present.

Let's kill each other. When the small world opens, the number of monks who enter jiedan will only be greatly reduced. At that time, they will be able to obtain more treasures. "

Stay at the moment also don't hide, diameter is a breath, will think of things, are one breath out.

Hearing this, the crowd frowned slightly, and then a look of horror flashed in their eyes.

If what the other party says is true, then there is such a motive.

After all, in a small world, who knows what there are, there must be good things.

In this way, as long as you can enter it, you will never be empty handed.

And they, the monks of jiedan, will not let go of this matter.

As long as you can enter such a world, you may succeed at that time.

The thought of this in the heart, their face in the following, also changed more and more ugly.

Damn it, what this guy said is not true, is it?

Once this is true, they, the monks of jiedan, were extremely indignant before and worked hard with these sea demons?

Now it turns out to be such a thing?

At the thought of this, their faces became more and more ugly.

"Do you have evidence?"

After thinking about it, Heng Yan Lin looked at friar jiedan on one side, and then opened his mouth to ask.

When Lianying heard this, he didn't know it until he heard it.

How can I have proof of that? "

No evidence?

Hearing the speech, the people's face suddenly slightly coagulated.

As monks of jiedan, they don't believe these people just because of such words.

What if these monks were just cheating them?

Just, what are the benefits of cheating them?

The other party is a human friar. Is it hard to make them shrink back and stop resisting these sea monsters?

just in this way, when the island is occupied, where can the other party go?

There was something strange in the monks' hearts. Looking at the monk in front of him, his eyes were full of strange color.

They are really at the moment, they just don't know what to do now.

It seems that at this time, there is something wrong with everything.

Therefore, after taking a look at each other, some friars' eyes twinkled all of a sudden.

Other monks, however, are frowning at the moment, as if thinking about something at the moment.

The rest don't say, but there is a certain possibility in the other party's words.

After all, they can't find the reason for the other party's lying for the time being, and people feel very strange about that stone.

In this way, if the stone can really open up a small world, the words of the other party will be basically impossible to fake.

But what do they do now?

Is it difficult to deal with these sea monsters next?

After listening to such words, if no one comes up with any evidence, it is a lie.

The friars on one side did not know how to kill the sea monster. They had a estrangement in their hearts, but it was not so easy to eliminate.

I'm afraid that after today, these monks of jiedan will find a place to hide.

I'm afraid it won't come out until we make sure that what the monk said is true or false.

At this moment, Heng Yanlin has such a plan.

After all, what the other side said is quite possible.It's just that there are too many versions of the news from the previous stone.

At this moment, hengyanlin also heard a lot of news, at the moment of hengyanlin have some indistinguishable, the words inside, in the end is who said is true.

After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin decided to wait and see.

Heng Yanlin has heard a lot about the stone, but he really doesn't know what it is like.

Or if you have time, you still have to go to this place in person to see what's going on here.

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