Hengyanlin's heart is full of thoughts. At the moment, hengyanlin doesn't know what to do.

There is one thing in common about the stone that these people talk about. That is, this stone is indeed extremely miraculous. Otherwise, it would not be so.

But because of this, they have no other way at the moment.

Therefore, at the moment to look at the current situation, in the current situation, in the past, some situations really let Heng Yanlin helpless.

Anyway, Lin yanheng doesn't know what to do.

However, in terms of the current situation, in the past, if we knew what the current situation was like, Heng Yanlin also knew what to do.

The words he said also gave hengyanlin a wake-up call. No matter what, the other party's words at the moment still have some reminders for hengyanlin.

In case the above monks Yuanying don't like hengyanlin, there are some threats to hengyanlin.

Therefore, after thinking about it, hengyanlin still feels that, in the current situation, it is really very helpless for hengyanlin.

However, in terms of the current situation, Heng did not know what to do before.

After thinking about it, hengyanlin also felt that, in terms of the current situation, hengyanlin had no other way.

This is hengyanlin at this time, some of the ideas in his heart, after thinking about it, he felt that this thing is going on like this, and hengyanlin has no other way at all.

However, in terms of the current situation, Heng does not know whether the other side's words can be believed.

Heng Yanlin's eyes twinkled slightly.

Ice Xuan at this moment, also slowly close to Heng Yan Lin, looking at the front of the Heng Yan Lin, eyes slightly move.

"You say, is that really true?"

As a monk of jiedan, Bingxuan naturally knows what happened before.

However, in the current situation, she is not sure whether what the other side said is true or not.

There are stones in the sea area. She has heard of some of them and knows that monks who go there will be affected.

But actually how, Heng Yan Lin actually did not know.

However, after thinking about it, Heng felt that, in terms of the current situation, the situation in front of him is really a headache.

What does Bingxuan think? If what the other side said is true, then in the past, those monks who were with her were all calculated?

At the thought of this, her face became more and more ugly.

How to see, in the previous time, if this thing is really like this, she will feel extremely uncomfortable.

Looking at the situation in front of her, Bingxuan is also confused.

She was so worried that it was really true.

Because once this happens, that is to make it clear that the sea monsters they hunted before belong to totally meaningless.

Heng Yanlin listens to this words, eyebrow also follows slightly a frown, looked at ice Xuan of one side.

"I don't know how this thing happened. However, after we go out later, we'd better find a place to hide. As for the sea monsters, we have nothing to do with them.

Anyway, there is not much left for friars jiedan. Since they are all going to die, it's not sure. It's better to ignore them. In fact, there is no difference between more or less of us

Heng Yan Lin thought about it, looked at the other side, and then gently opened his mouth and said a word.

From the perspective of hengyanlin at the moment, in terms of the current situation, there is no need for the rest to continue.

There are about a large number of monk jiedan in Fengmu city. Apart from these accidents, I'm afraid there are not many monks jiedan.

In this case, for the monk jiedan who is so little here, in fact, there is so much less, and it is totally unaffected.

After thinking about it in the heart, Heng Yanlin has been completely determined at the moment.

If the people above really unite with these guys, the island of this place must not have been occupied in this way.

In any case, the monks above also need a place to practice and also need such resources.

If all the friars have already fallen, it will not be of great benefit to them.

After thinking about it in the heart, Heng Yanlin has been determined at the moment, and what should be done now.

Heng Yanlin thought of this in his heart, and then he looked at the situation in front of him, and then his face sank slightly.Anyway, listening to such news at the moment, Heng Yanlin is in a bad mood.

One side of the ice Xuan also followed a face helpless.

Not only that, the rest of the monks began to quarrel at this time.

Some friars, although they have some doubts about such things, have come out in any case, and they have no other way.

In the current situation, this matter has planted a seed in their hearts.

As long as you are not stupid, then, even if someone continues to hunt these sea monsters, they can't work so hard.

In addition, these monks will be more careful, but don't really be calculated at that time.

If the people above really want to calculate them, they will definitely continue to kill behind the back when they kill the sea demon.

Therefore, as long as a little bit of brain people, will not do such things.

After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin felt that with the current situation, it was really a headache.

"In other words, you are sure of this, is it true? What if it's fake? This wooden city has the biggest monk here. If it falls, where else can stop these sea monsters?

When the time comes, all the islands will be gone. Where can I go to practice when it's time? "

A friar seems to be a little reluctant, but also some helpless general, facing the friars on one side, he said aloud.

Anyway, in the current situation, if the news is false, what can we do then?

I was afraid that such a thing would happen. When the place was gone, where could the monks go?

I'm afraid I can't even go anywhere.

Some of the monks listened and their faces moved slightly.

Yes, what if such news is false?

Anyway, if the news is true or false, it will be more troublesome.

After all, there are countless monks gathered here. Once this place falls, the number of them will increase greatly.

Once that happens, whatever happens, it will be related to them.

Even if they can run at the moment, but after that?

Where can they go?

Thinking about it, some monks began to wonder whether this was the end of it or not, when it didn't happen.

After going out, it's better to continue to hunt the sea demon.

"Although I don't know whether it's true or not for the time being, there's only one life for me. Therefore, no matter what, I won't go on like this.

After I go out, I'll find a place to hide, and then I'll see what happens after that, and I'll make a judgment. "

"That's right. If there is such a small world, I'll have a chance when I wait to enter it. Maybe I can enter the realm of Yuanying, but it's not possible."

One side of the friars, at the moment, have to say.

It seems that at this moment, one by one is convinced that this matter is true, in any case will not be hunting the sea demon.

When she saw this scene, the corner of her mouth was slightly hooked, and her heart seemed to be a little pleased.

In any case, in view of the present situation, what the monks in front of them said was in line with his thoughts.

There are not so many jiedan friars united together. Even if the small world opens up and he enters, he will be easily surrounded by the rest of jiedan friars.

In this way, even into this small world, it is useless.

"You, no matter what you think, I have no other thoughts. In addition, even if you want to go back and hunt the sea demon, I won't say much.

I just hope that after you go back, you don't say a word about things here. In addition, please be careful when hunting sea monsters! Don't let anyone kill you. "

Speaking of this, the other side's face also appears a bit dignified. It seems that at this moment, the other party is really thinking about the monks here.

Some monks listened to this and nodded in their hearts.

The other side has a word in the end is not wrong, no matter what, after going back is really to be more careful.

Otherwise, once something happens, it will be too late to regret.

At this moment, the monk looked at his sincere face and felt a little strange in his heart.

Judging from each other's appearance, it doesn't really look like lying. In this way, is it possible that the Yuanying friars above are really entrapping them?If so, what can they do?

You know, the strength of these Yuanying friars and how to deal with them is simply too simple.

Xinkui also, if the other side really has any idea, it's not good to fight them in Fengmu city.

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