Some of the monks thought of this, and their hearts moved slightly.

In any case, such a thing is quite hidden.

Therefore, no matter what the monk Yuanying is, it is impossible to fight them in the city.

In this way, they are quite safe in the city.

From time to time go out to kill a few sea monsters and then return, which will also appear extremely safe.

At that time, these Yuanying friars will not notice them like this, will they?

If the rest of the monks went to other places to hide in this way, he would be much safer if he hid himself in the blocked wood city.

After all, there are only a few jiedan friars in the city, so the monk Yuanying will not care much.

It's too small for them to care.

When I left her before, I made it very clear.

In any case, when these friars were here, it was because they were too many that they attracted their attention.

If the quantity is less, it will not be a problem.

Heng Yanlin at this time, also thought of here.

If they hide in this wooden City, these guys will not notice themselves, right?

What's more, if you're hiding yourself and pretending to fight the sea demon outside, you'll lose your strength and your accomplishments will be reduced. You won't be able to recuperate for decades.

In this way, it must not be a problem.

Heng Yanlin's eyes twinkled slightly, and Bingxuan noticed.

Seeing Heng Yan Lin seems to be thinking about what kind of things, the heart slightly some curiosity.

"What are you thinking? Is it to determine whether what the other party said is true or false? "

Bingxuan's mind is also a little confused at the moment, listening to too much news, and the monks on this side are constantly analyzing the words at the moment.

This made him completely do not know, who should listen to now, so after thinking about it, he took a look at Heng Yanlin.

Seeing that the other side seems to have some attention, he immediately opened his mouth to ask.

Hengyanlin was a monk with extremely strong survival ability.

If the other side can point out their own, I think they can also live with.

Heng Yan Lin saw each other's face eager to look at himself, slightly hesitated in the heart.

The next words, Heng Yan Lin really do not know, should not talk with the other side.

After all, it seems that the less people know, the better.

But think about it carefully, if the other party knows, it is unlikely that he is really with himself.

What's more, it seems that there are not too many of them.

If Fengmu city had only one monk named jiedan, it would be strange.

Think of here, Heng Yanlin eyebrows slightly pick.

After looking at the other side, he said softly, "if we go back, we will encounter the sea demon by accident. If we can't resist, we will return to the blocked wood city seriously. What do you think?"

Heng Yanlin at the moment, said also quite relaxed, presumably the other side can also hear some.

Therefore, Heng Yanlin looked at each other at the moment, and then said a word.

What Heng Yanlin said at the moment was to talk with each other with his mind, but the rest of the people on the side could not hear.

Hengyanlin also need not worry. After hearing this, the rest of the monks will make a decision with hengyanlin.

Hearing what Heng Yanlin said, Bingxuan was stunned.

And then looked at the constant Yan Lin in front of him, such a decision, the other side can even think of it?

Bingxuan is surprised with Heng Yanlin's idea, but after thinking about it, she looks at Heng Yanlin in front of her, and her eyes twinkle a little. Anyway, judging from the current situation, it seems that the other party's decision is really OK.

As long as they are injured, they will not be a threat when they return to this wooden city.

The friars on the top saw that the two friars of jiedan were abandoned. Where did they have any thoughts on them?

The rest of the jiedan friars are still there. It's better to find the other friars?

After thinking about it, Bingxuan feels more and more that the decision of hengyanlin exhibition industry is good.

Immediately she just nodded, ready to go back with Heng Yanlin, seriously injured back.

That way, they won't be in any danger.

What's more, the seriously wounded friar must not go out to hunt the sea demon, which is also said in the past.

The monks above don't want them to die like this, do they?

See the other side should come down, Heng Yan Lin eyes slightly flash.

This guy, he just provided an idea. Why did the other party agree to come down?It's just that you don't have a bit of your own opinion?

Heng Yanlin looks at the ice Xuan in front of him, his eyes slightly strange.

Heng Yanlin some do not understand, in principle, the other side should be the same as their own, have their own ideas.

As for the rest of the words, just listen to them. How can they be so obedient?

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin felt a little speechless.

However, this matter at the moment, has also been so, Heng Yanlin also has no other way.

Now that the other party has already responded, we should be together with ourselves.

When the time comes back, the two people will be injured together.

Anyway, thinking of such an idea, hengyanlin must be only a monk himself.

The rest of the monks may choose to stay in Fengmu City, but they should not be the same as themselves.

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin also slightly relaxed.

Just at this moment, Heng Yanlin's face changed slightly, and then became ugly.

Bingxuan has been in hengyanlin side, hengyanlin's face is instantly noticed by her.

Seeing hengyanlin's face at the moment, he suddenly became ugly and incomparable. Suddenly, he looked at hengyanlin strangely.

She is a little strange, do not know why Heng Yanlin in front of her at this moment, why can have such an expression.

Normally speaking, Heng Yanlin should not have such an expression.

Didn't they have a very happy chat just now?

Thinking of this, she was looking at the hengyanlin in front of her, but she saw Heng Yanlin's face, which seemed to be slightly a little bit out of place.

"Daoyou, this is..."

Bing Xuan looks strange. He feels that both of them will come back to Fengmu city together later.

Therefore, the diameter of the opening to ask, hope to take care of Heng Yan Lin.

Heng Yanlin takes a look at this ice Xuan, but has no meaning to respond. Opening his mouth is to interrupt the other party's words.

"Do you know where you can teleport directly out of here? There should be a lot of such transmission arrays in places like this that need to be teleported far away? "

Heng Yanlin looked at the ice Xuan in front of him and asked about it.

At this moment, the voice has become incomparably urgent.

Ice Xuan smell speech, some curiously looking at Heng Yan Lin, listen to Heng Yan Lin this words, think about this, just nod.

She was quite familiar with such a place.

Therefore, at the moment, hearing Heng Yanlin's words, there is no more melancholy, that is, to respond.

"Naturally, there are places like this, and they all belong to immediate transmission. Generally speaking, they can be transferred to places hundreds of miles away."

A hundred miles away, it's not too close. The distance is OK.

Hengyanlin heard here, suddenly his face slightly relaxed, and the second meat was rushed to the ice Xuan in front of him.

"Where is the transmission array? Send me there quickly

With that, Heng Yanlin stood up and looked extremely anxious.

Bingxuan is a little strange. Heng Yanlin is in such a hurry that he wants to leave here.

But after thinking about it, Heng Yanlin wants to leave. Absolutely, there is something wrong, or in other words, what danger is there. The other party is ready to leave.

Seeing this, Bingxuan's face was also a little ugly. She immediately stood up and followed Heng Yanlin in front of her and walked to one side.

"You come with me, this transmission array is on the side."

The monks who leave here can use the transmission array by themselves, so they don't need to apply at all.

This is what was arranged before in order to ensure the safety of the monks who came to trade.

Therefore, at the moment, Bingxuan looked at the situation in front of her, naturally her face was slightly dignified, and she was very familiar with Heng Yanlin and walked to one side.

"Daoyou, is there something you are in such a hurry to leave?"

Bingxuan is a little nervous in her heart. She doesn't know what's wrong with Heng Yanlin. So she looks at Heng Yanlin in front of her and asks.

Hengyanlin smell speech, looked at each other, there are already some friars on the side, at the moment are already aware of hengyanlin.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin suddenly moved his face slightly.

After that, he took a look at the other party and shook his head,

anyway, in terms of the current situation, Heng Yanlin is better not to speak.

Heng Yanlin here, quite eye-catching, this is just a move, has attracted so many monks, eyes are looking over.

Although Heng Yanlin talks with each other with divine sense, who knows if there is anyone in the friars on this side who can find out his chat content?

In addition to this, Heng Yanlin just felt the breath, which may be here, there are other people, or in other words, there are people hiding in this.Once this happens, the possibility of Heng Yanlin being known by the other party will not be too low.

Moreover, the emergence of this situation is extremely dangerous.

Thinking of this in the heart, Heng Yan Linton's face is constantly changing.

Looking at one side of the ice Xuan, see the other party at the moment, looking at their own eyes a little strange, also some uneasy appearance.

About from Heng Yanlin side, the other side also felt something, so at the moment, it was very uneasy.

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