Bingxuan looks at Heng Yanlin with a strange look in her eyes, which means that you are not a great monk yourself, but it's hard to believe that you talk like this.

Seeing Bing Xuan's eyes like this, Heng Yanlin doesn't need to talk to each other, he already knows what the other side wants to say.

Seeing this scene, Hengyan Linton rolled his eyes.

"My divinity is relatively strong, so I can feel something. Although my strength is not achieved, I can feel it."

Seeing that the other side didn't believe it, Heng Yanlin explained to the other side gently at the moment.

Listen to Heng Yanlin say so, ice Xuan suddenly wake up.

In that case, it is possible.

Moreover, judging from the previous situation, hengyanlin did have such divine consciousness strength.

After thinking about it, I feel that hengyanlin should not be faking.

After such a thought, Bingxuan feels that hengyanlin should not be lying.

"In that case, what's wrong with these friars? The other is a great monk, which should be true?"

Bingxuan turned her head and looked at the monks. Her eyes were still full of strange meaning.

According to her understanding, the other side is a great monk, which should be correct.

Just, Heng Yan Lin is saying at this time, the other side has some strange, that strange place is where?

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, silence for a moment, then think about after the mouth said.

"Do you remember that when a great friar chased us, when he was about to enter this place, it was the thing that led to the collapse of the world?"

"Of course I remember. At that time, I almost thought that these monks could come in at will. At that time, I thought that all the information they got was false."

Hengyanlin asked, Bingxuan immediately nodded and then said in response.

Before that, she could remember this thing, and remember it clearly. How could she forget it.

Heng Yan Lin looked at each other, and then nodded.

"In this case, you should also know that the world should be a big monk who can't get in. In this case, how did these monks get in?"

Heng Yanlin said, motioning to the monks on one side.

Hengyanlin himself is not a great friar at all, so hengyanlin has reason to doubt these monks.

But the rest of the monks did not have such an idea. At this moment, they all felt it.

At the moment, there is no big difference between the monks and the monks. It seems that there is no big difference between them.

In this way, they naturally relax at the moment and feel that it is not a big deal.

Seeing such a scene, Heng Yanlin felt that there was something wrong with each other's spiritual power. At this time, he naturally became more and more suspicious.

Listening to Heng Yanlin say so, Bingxuan is also slightly stunned.

Yes, Heng Yanlin's status as a great monk is naturally false.

What about these great friars? Is he really a great monk? You know, in terms of the situation before that, it could be fake.

Thinking of this, Bingxuan's eyes twinkled slightly.

After the rest of the monks had already recognized Heng Yanlin's status as a great monk, then there were more other great monks. Naturally, no one doubted.

But at this moment, Heng Yanlin reminds her that she suddenly wakes up. The situation inside is really a bit strange.

This thought, ice Xuan at the moment in front of the constant Yan Lin, and then also slightly inverted a breath of air conditioning.

"Is it hard to say that these great friars are also fake?"

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, immediately have a bit of crying and laughing can't get up, this guy, what things think in the brain?

Is that what you want to say?

What I want to say is clearly at this time that their strength is not right.

To say these people, it should be true.

After all, Heng Yanlin doesn't look like a fake from each other's feelings.

The only possibility is that there are some problems with the strength of the other side.

In this way, Heng Yanlin naturally woke up. In this way, it is possible that the problem is in this.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin directly began to talk to Bingxuan.

"It's not that they're fake. I mean, there's probably something wrong with their strength."

"What's the problem?"

Bingxuan smell speech, still have some doubts looking at hengyanlin, not very understand hengyanlin's meaning at this time."You think, since the great friars can't come in, if their strength declines, what methods are used to control them, so they come in directly?"

As soon as Heng Yanlin's words came out, she was stunned. After thinking about it carefully, she suddenly realized that Heng Yanlin's words really had some possibility like this!

Think about it, if it's true, it's possible.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she felt at this time.

The possibility is not low!

"Daoyou, it's really possible for you to say so. It's just that the other side directly lowered their own strength, or directly weakened their own strength."

At the moment, Bingxuan understood what Heng Yanlin meant.

These big friars, of course, are still like the big friars of the fake package, but the strength of the other side is not necessarily.

Most likely, that is, the strength of the other side has some fraud.

On the other hand, the strength of the other side is fake.

So it's easy to understand.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, looked at the other side after one eye, immediately replied.

"This matter is not so clear, but it is very likely that the strength of the other side is fake, that should be directly weakened, at least there is no way to restore the kind of

Ice Xuan smell speech tiny a Zheng, "why so sure, difficult to can't be the other side oneself suppressed one's own strength?"

Seeing Heng Yanlin's affirmative reply, Bingxuan was slightly stunned for a moment. She felt that, as far as this matter is concerned, it is not so certain.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech smile, "if so, you think on the other side this strength, if in this inside unseal, pour is here will not directly run to rout?"

Heng Yanlin naturally has his own reasons for saying so. In addition to this, the world should not be so easy to fool. The other side can come in by suppressing his own strength at will. Should all the other great friars come in?

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