If so, it would be unlikely, hengyanlin felt.

After all, the rest of the monks can come in, without a little price. How could the rest of the monks bear it like this and stay outside?

Let these great monks come in, and then find what treasures, is not there a share of their own?

It seems unlikely to look like that, in any case.

Therefore, hengyanlin has reason to doubt that these nuns have been completely eliminated from some of the cultivation, at least there is no way to use the general strength of the nun.

Bingxuan is also very clever. Now, listening to hengyanlin, he will wake up.

Yes, it is possible for hengyanlin to say so.

If there is no limit, but only to lower their strength, then the rest of the monks will come in.

But so far, no other monks have come in. So far, it is likely that this is impossible.

There is no limit. This prohibition is too childish.

When I think about it, Bingxuan suddenly gives her a slight flash of eyes.

"If so, Taoist friends, these great monks are completely careless."

Bingxuan at this moment, the heart is a little bit of joy, rushed to the side of the hengyanlin is said.

At this moment, she just felt that this thing was completely available.

When these monks were in the past, although they had a lot of prestige, what could they do?

And if the monks here see their strength, if they are so humble, they will never let them go.

Besides, they will be able to get the treasures out of them.

Originally in the past, it has been said very clearly, each takes their own treasure, who gets is who.

That's what you say, but there will be a fight then.

I think so. I am looking at the nun beside at this moment. Bingxuan naturally starts to make some ideas.

If these monks, if they really have such strength, when hengyanlin hands, take them down, it should be very simple.

Before hengyanlin, he had killed many monks.

Moreover, they are all in the same state as themselves.

These nuns can not play their original strength, and they will not be the rivals of hengyanlin when they want to come.

Hengyanlin listened to the other side said that, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

The other side this words, let the hengyanlin heart suddenly have a little confused.

If you are the other party, it is impossible to recover to the great monk if you know your strength.

At this time, I know there is a big monk on the side. How can't we meet each other directly at this time?

Although the other party is making an idea, he wants to consume the strength of hengyanlin.

However, the other side will still become the focus, which is a little bit beyond the past.

Hengyanlin is very strange in his heart. Just feel that in the current situation, how to look at it is a bit strange and incomparable.

In a reasonable way, this should be impossible, but at this moment, they still see each other do so.

There may be some weird in this.

Hengyan Linmei head wrinkled, then the heart came up with such ideas.

At this time, Bingxuan on the side, looking at the hengyanlin, saw hengyanlin suddenly frown at this moment, suddenly a little strange in his heart.

"What happened, why is the friend suddenly frowning?"

Bingxuan looked at hengyanlin in a little confused way. He didn't know why he suddenly became such a person.

Hengyanlin heard the words, looked at the ice Xuan beside, and saw the other side of the confusion will look at themselves.

After thinking, I said.

"I feel that this thing is not right. If the strength of the other party is really weakened and there is no way to fight me, what does the other party come out and do? Even if I want to consume my strength, we can let the rest of the people replace it.

You think, the other party directly exposed his or her own status as a great monk. When he enters, he will definitely become the object of everyone's defense. In case of a hand, there will be a lot of monks who directly attack them.

In this way, if the other party does not have the strength of a great monk, it will not be exposed in minutes. In this way, there is no benefit for the other party. It seems strange how to look at this matter. "

Hengyanlin said his own ideas to Bingxuan, and Bingxuan heard the words and thought carefully, and then he suddenly found out that what hengyanlin said seemed to be right.


If the other party really does not have such strength, then it should be hidden. Why such a high-profile, when in, but it is easy to be targeted by the public.How to look at it, this thing has a kind of strange appearance.

After thinking about it, Bingxuan is looking at the monk on the side. Her eyes are full of dignified meaning.

"Taoist friends, can't we say that these guys still have the means to restore their original strength?"

After thinking about it, I feel that this possibility is still the highest.

Heng Yan Lin frowns when he hears Yan, but he can't rule out such a possibility.

However, this possibility is still a little low, that is, "it is possible, just according to the rules here, if the other side recovers its strength, it is afraid that it will squeeze out the world on this side, and it is likely to let this place run directly.

At that time, we will be buried together. I feel that there is some possibility, but there is something wrong with it. "

Hengyanlin at this moment, also feel a bit can't understand, on this time what happened, hengyanlin himself do not know, how to deal with.

What do you think? It seems that there is something wrong with what the other party has done.

However, if we really let Heng Yanlin feel it carefully, he just can't feel anything.

This makes hengyanlin extremely helpless, completely does not know, how should think at this moment, or in other words, how to think about the right or wrong of this situation.

Hengyanlin said so at this time, and Bingxuan didn't know what to think.

What Heng Yanlin said is also true. If the other side really recovers its strength, what should he do when he breaks the whole world?

Will you all be buried here? But the other side is a great monk. Generally speaking, a great monk can't be confused to do such a thing.

After all, a great monk can live a better life and have a better future than their own.

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