At this moment, the middle-aged man looked at the doctor, his face looked very gloomy.

"Doctor, you really have no way to cure my father?"

The middle-aged man looked at the doctors and then asked.

At the moment, he had no other way out. It seemed that he had to turn to these doctors.

Since his father is not being plotted against, there is no need to seek revenge now.

The rest of the doctors now heard the words and looked at each other with a look of dignity on their faces.

Their medical skills are indeed very good, but the patient was sent too late, they can save each other's life, it is extremely amazing.

But the family in front of them can't afford to offend them.

This time, it was obvious that the other side wanted them to continue treatment.

In this way, they are a bit hesitant, seriously speaking, they do not have such ability.

Immediately, several doctors looked at each other and then shook their heads.

"We have tried our best. The other party has reached such a point that it is beyond the scope of our treatment."

A doctor on one side shook his head helplessly at this time, and then opened his mouth and said such a sentence.

At this time, Shulin is still thinking about hengyanlin.

Now listening to them say so, his face was slightly angry.

"What's the matter with you doctors? I saw a guy who called himself a doctor before, boasting that he was very powerful and wanted to cure the old man.

It's just obvious that you are a liar, but you are different. You are all doctors with high education and rich experience.

Now that I've given you the old man, why can't you do anything about it? "

Shulin was very angry at the moment. When he looked at these people coldly, he was always angry.

Listen to the other side so said, a few people on the side of the face is a little changed, and then looked at each other, several people are silent down.

In any case, they really have no way to cure each other at the moment, which is a fact.

As for what the other side wants to say, let the other side say it.

The other family is not something they can provoke.

Such a thought, they at this time, of course, is naturally depressed.

But they were silent, and the middle-aged man on one side suddenly changed his face slightly.

"What did you just say, there's a liar doctor who wants to get close to the old man? What does the other person want to do? "

Middle aged people have always felt that their father suddenly fell down like this, and always felt that things were not simple.

So now listening to his son say so, of course, he was very quick and incomparable.

Shulin listen to his father, suddenly so excited, suddenly slightly shrink his neck.

Looking up at his father, his face is very dignified at the moment, and he does not dare to neglect him. In a hurry, he will tell his father what happened before.

"Father, when I arrived yesterday, there was a young looking guy who said he was a doctor, so he had to show him and take advantage of the golden time to treat him.

But I think he is so young that he doesn't care about each other, and he just yells him away

When Shulin talked about this matter, he was quite proud. He felt that he was extremely satisfied.

I feel like I've done the right thing. I'm waiting for my father's praise.

The middle-aged man on one side just frowned, but he didn't say much.

At the moment, nothing has been determined. Even if he is suspicious in his heart, he will not give a definite affirmative tone at this time.

So he looked at his son and said, "do you have a picture of each other?"

Shulin was stunned, and quickly took out his mobile phone, "no photos, but before we checked the monitoring, I saved a picture of the other party's appearance."

With that, he turned over the picture and handed it to his father.

The man took a look and then handed it to the bodyguard.

"Go and find out who this guy is and what the details are."

Hearing this, the bodyguard immediately turned around and went down. The people on the side turned their heads and continued to look at the doctors in front of them.

"Doctor, do you really have no other way to save my father?"

People at this time, are with a trace of hope on the face of the color, and then is asked.

At this time, they only have to see if they can get an unexpected plan from them.It's just that these doctors shake their heads after looking at each other.

If there is a way, they have already said it before. Why wait until this time or say nothing.

You know, in front of this family, I'm afraid they are already a little dissatisfied.

People are rescued, but in fact, it seems to be almost the same as not.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man's eyes suddenly slightly sharp.

He knows that the doctors in front of him are the best doctors. If these people have no way, they really don't know where to get some more powerful doctors.

When the middle-aged wanted to say something, the bodyguard who had just been there suddenly came back.

"Boss, I found it."

The middle-aged man was stunned when he heard the speech. Did he find out the details of the boy so quickly? You know, it's just left.

In such a short time, did you find it?

Is it hard to say that the boy's foundation is not clean?

That is to say, those guys who have a relatively clean foundation, so it's quite difficult to find them out.

The more basic there are some problems, it is easier to find.

"Why so fast?"

The middle-aged man took a look at his bodyguard and asked in some doubt.

One side of the bodyguard smell speech, took a look at the side of the Shulin, in the eyes has some kind of inexplicable look.

Such a scene, see the middle-aged man's face slightly heavy.

"What's going on, just say it!"

He looked at the other side's appearance, also thought that the other side this is in scruples own son, thought own son in before time, has made a mistake.

However, at this moment, no matter whether his child has done anything wrong, he will not let it go easily!

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