One side of the Shulin was seen by the bodyguard, looking at the situation at this moment, immediately felt, there is a trace of bad feeling.

But at the moment, his heart is ridiculous.

What's going on? I didn't do anything wrong before?

Why, at this moment, the other party looks at himself like this, what's going on?

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he still shut up.

Now it's not his turn to speak. If he wants to say something, he's looking for death.

He knew this clearly, so after thinking about it, he just shut up.

"Boss, you don't have to look for him. There was something about him in yesterday's news. He is really a doctor, in a class II hospital."

The bodyguard gave his boss a look at the news.

When I speak, the tone is full of strange meaning.

He has just been on the side, for the Shulin words, naturally has been listening.

Just now, after seeing the news, he didn't know what to say.

The other side is really a doctor, and according to the news, the other side's medical skills seem to be extremely powerful.

One side of the middle-aged man smell speech, suddenly face slightly changed.

Then I took a look at the news in front of me.

News time, is in his old man before the accident, the other party can not arrange so carefully?

Just now something like this happened, and then something happened to the old man.

The most important thing is that the other side's medical skills are really powerful. According to the above, all the patients were dead at that time, but they were saved alive by the other party.

At the time when the doctors were arguing, someone else took a video.

Through the video, he can feel that the patient in this hospital bed is really like a dead man.

In this case, the doctors who diagnose should have no wrong diagnosis.

But Heng Yanlin is on the side, is always calm and incomparable appearance, just let the person on the side say, from beginning to end, there is only one sentence.

Would you like me to save it? If you like, I'll take care of it.

He looked at it carefully and determined the accuracy of the news.

The other side is really a doctor, and the doctor's method is quite powerful.

The other side looks quite young.

But what is youth?

See the other side in the previous time, has had the means to bring the dead back to life, he at this time, also has completely no look of contempt.

"Boss, this is a video taken by people around after the old man fell to the ground."

At this time, the bodyguard brought some videos collected before and handed them to his boss to watch.

The middle-aged man took a look, and after clicking on the play, his face suddenly changed slightly.

Heng Yanlin in the video, in fact, doesn't really want to make a move, but the nurse on the side is pulling, and he is reluctant to stay.

And, from the beginning to the end, is their own children in the general, has been to stop each other.

At the end of the day, the nurse was about to show her child the news.

In this way, the other side can believe that Heng Yanlin is a doctor.

It's just that their children are too rampant, and they don't want to let the other side take action at all.

Seeing such a scene, the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched.

You know, he always thought that his children were right before.

At this moment, after watching the video, he realized how far wrong he was.

With Heng Yanlin's medical skills, if the other side really at that time, his father would definitely not become like this.

The possibility of being treated is still great!

Think about it, the other party is even a guy that others think is dead, and then rely on the silver needle to live.

How can medical skills be so bad for such a person?

But the silver needle, and a needle directly pierced the heart!

That position is extremely dangerous.

However, the other side did not say that he had achieved this, which also ensured that the patient survived.

In his opinion, this is a miracle doctor level.

However, their own children, so snobbish, directly drive the other party away!

At this thought, his face became more and more ugly.

One side of the Shulin at this time, also saw his father's eyes, it seems that there is something wrong.At this moment, he also felt a little uneasy,

at the moment, he took a careful look at his father, and did not know what to say.

The man turned his head and looked at his child. At this moment, he looked at himself with some trepidation, and his heart became angry.

Then he slapped him in the face.

Just listen to a clear and incomparable sound rings, Shulin white tender face has been printed with a bright red palm print.

It looks very shocking. We can all see that the other party is really furious, otherwise, it will not be so heavy.

"What's the matter? Why do you slap him all of a sudden?"

Although it can be seen that the other side is a bit angry, but the reasons for the other side's move, they are still not clear.

Even if the guy who wanted to cure before was really a doctor, there was no need to do it?

What's the matter with the other party at the moment?

People's hearts were very curious, turned to look at the owner.

"The guy he drove away is really a miracle doctor! Do you think it's time to fight? "

With that, he handed the news in his hand to the others to watch.

After seeing what was written above, the miracle doctor brought back a dead man whose heart had stopped for more than ten minutes and pulled him back from the gate of ghosts. At this moment, the corners of the mouth suddenly jerked. Looking at the side of the Shulin, his face became extremely dark.

What's the matter with this guy?

Why did such a thing happen before?

This is really a miracle doctor!

To be able to pull a dead person back from the gate of hell, when the other party was in the place of his father's accident.

If the other side is shooting, at least the situation will not get worse.

If in a better, maybe the other side a hand, his father is nothing, this is also possible!

The old man inside, it is related to all of them here!

Immediately, people at this time are facial expression a bit ugly, will this book forest look at.

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