Liu buyin looked around, and the medical record had been handed over to Heng Yanlin.

Even if Heng Yanlin does not have any patients at the moment, he is not good enough to stay here all the time, not to mention that he still has some things to deal with.

Thinking of this, Liu buyin and Heng Yanlin said a word, turned and walked out.

After seeing the chair outside, he sat in the book forest.

The other side, like what he said, sat outside waiting, never leaving, waiting for Heng Yanlin to pick him up after work.

With the other party's behavior, it can be seen that the other side is so sincere.

After taking a look, Liu buyin didn't say much. She just turned around and left. She had a lot of things to deal with, but she didn't have time to stay here for too long.

Heng Yanlin in the treatment of a patient's condition, continue to see, but there are no other patients.

Seeing such a scene, Heng Yanlin did not have the rest of the expression, sat on the position and began to practice.

Although it seems extremely difficult to practice at this time, Heng Yanlin doesn't mean to give up.

Practice is always very difficult at the beginning. When you have some accomplishments, you will gradually improve.

Hengyanlin is boring and practicing here, while the outside Shulin is waiting patiently. After reporting his own progress, Shulin is patiently waiting for Heng Yanlin to get off work.

In the consulting room, after one patient entered, no other patients entered. At such a scene, shulinton frowned slightly, and his heart was somewhat strange.

According to the principle, the other side's medical skills, it is impossible that there are no patients to see a doctor like this, right?

What's more, in the past, the other side of the news, such things can't be ignored by the hospital.

In any case, he will show off Heng Yanlin. In this way, with such a glorious person, he can also indirectly improve his own hospital reputation.

But at the moment, he turned his head and saw only the Monroe keque in front of Hengyan forest, which was really a bit strange.

How can such a person let so few people come to see Heng Yanlin?

If they hadn't carefully adjusted the news and confirmed that there was no mistake in the news, he would have doubted whether someone had lied about something.

After all, such a good doctor is not even a little patient.

Shulin looked at this side strangely and then shook his head.

In any case, the situation is already like this, Shulin has invited Heng Yanlin, and his family members are waiting for Heng Yanlin to go.

No matter what he saw at the moment, he could only stand still and watch.

Shulin is very patient. Liu buyin has been here several times and can see him sitting quietly beside him patiently waiting for Heng Yanlin to get off work.

Such a patient person is extremely rare.

As usual, there are some families of patients who do not necessarily have such patience.

Now the performance of Shulin, but let the side of Liu buyin slightly surprised.

Finally, when the bell rang, the doctors began to breathe a sigh of relief.

After cleaning up, they began to prepare for work. Except for some doctors who are still in the operating room or need to work overtime, most of them are ready to leave work.

Heng Yanlin cleaned up and was ready to leave work at the moment.

Push the door out, is to see outside Liu buyin.

Heng Yanlin eyebrows slightly a pick, after looking at each other gently nodded.

Heng Yan Lin changed a suit of clothes, and then came to the other side, "go," Heng Yanlin said softly.

Seeing the other side said so, Shulin eyes flashed a touch of joy.

The people in the family, however, have been urging for a long time. Now they are able to take hengyanlin back.

Shulin is not polite, direct is in front of the road, direct is to take Heng Yan Lin toward the front.

A moment later, he is with Heng Yan Lin on the car.

Similar to each other's personality, it is also a luxury car, which looks very suitable for each other.

Heng Yanlin sat on the co pilot and could see that the Shulin beside him was a bit worried. When he was driving, he was extremely anxious. Some red lights on the way were all rushed through.

Heng Yanlin sat on one side, his face unchanged, allowing the other party to send himself to the hospital in such a hurry.

After an hour, the car finally stopped in a hospital.

After Shulin got off the bus, he directly pulled hengyanlin to the hospital.

"DadWhen I saw a sad face outside the room, I saw a few sad faces outside the room.

It's full of smoke outside now. It's a bit choking.

The middle-aged man saw the Book Forest come back, along with a young man.

On a closer look, it is found that this is the young people seen in the news. Seeing people from the front is obviously more childish than what is seen in the photos.

Let's side of a few people, after seeing Heng Yanlin, all of a sudden are in the heart with a trace of murmur.

Do young people like this really have great medical skills? Don't come to fool people.

People's hearts are ring out such a voice, for Heng Yanlin also appears to have some distrust.

But now in front of each other's face, people naturally did not say any words, but still stood on one side to examine Heng Yanlin.

It is extremely difficult for him to invite Heng Yanlin to come.

Before this time, he went out long ago, but it was only now that he brought Heng Yanlin back.

If at this time they have to be so disrespectful and run people away, then there will be a lot of trouble.

The rest don't say, on the other side's personality is enough to have the appearance of this famous doctor.

"This is Dr. Heng. My child was rude yesterday. Please don't mind my doctor."

One side of the middle-aged man's eyes are also a little surprised, will be in front of Heng Yanlin after a few eyes, is suddenly exposed a smile, toward Heng Yan Lin is extremely kind said.

No matter whether the heart is serious or not, for Heng Yan Lin, there is a bit of disbelief, but the etiquette that should be done at this moment, he is not bad at all.

In order to avoid hengyanlin rising what mustard, that can be troublesome.

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