Heng Yanlin listened to the other party's inquiry, looked at the other party, and then nodded gently.

Since the other party is so friendly, it is impossible for Heng Yanlin to think in such a way that he is extremely impolite.

Seeing that Heng Yanlin didn't seem to be so difficult to talk to, the middle-aged man at one side immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then slightly leaned over, "the doctor, please..."

when the middle-aged man saw Heng Yanlin coming, he naturally wanted to let Heng Yanlin go directly in and show his father how to talk about his illness.

On such a day, he has been in the hospital, his side of a lot of things have not been dealt with.

Although there is nothing wrong at the moment, if the old man doesn't wake up, then things will be more and more troublesome.

If the old man can save himself quickly, it's the best thing for him.

But the middle-aged people's words have not finished, then is listening to a pleasant voice in the side.

"Father, is something wrong with grandfather? I've got a doctor here to see the old man! "

People heard the sound, subconsciously turned around to look, and then saw a woman in a hurry to come, along with a doctor in a white coat.

The other party is also carrying a small box, which seems to be the other party's personal belongings. If there is no wrong guess, it should be some medical equipment.

The reason why people would guess like this is that there is a bright red cross outside the medical box of each other.

Clearly, it's just a medical box.

Listening to the woman's words, the people on the side of the mouth suddenly slightly puffed. Now they looked at each other for a look, and they all saw a scene of embarrassment in each other's eyes.

At the moment, they are a bit do not know how to say.

They just called Heng Yanlin over, and the woman on the side brought a doctor. Is this too coincidental?

One side of the Heng Yan Lin at this time, estimated in the heart also has a bit slant tired.

However, this is also a normal and incomparable situation, even if it is for them, they will have such ideas.

After all, middle-aged people have experienced great storms. Since Heng Yanlin was the first one to come here, and it was also difficult to invite them over, naturally, it could not be left aside. It is not in line with the etiquette of treating people.

Immediately, the middle-aged man said, "I have already found a doctor to see a doctor here. In this way, you can have a look at it first."

His meaning is very clear, if Heng Yanlin can't help, he will let the doctor of the other side to have a look at it at that time, which will not delay anything.

It's almost the best of both worlds.

One side of the woman smell speech, suddenly flash in the eyes a touch of amazement color.

Before, when she heard about this, she was worried. Moreover, she still heard that several doctors who compared with her family had already come to see her.

There was no way for these people. After she heard this, she went to a doctor in person.

This doctor, but she asked a lot of people, and then learned about the other side's medical experience, which she brought here.

Originally, I was very confident. I felt that the doctor I brought here was absolutely sure that he could cure the old man.

But where would I think that I found a doctor here in my home? It's the family, the connections and so on, which is not what I can compare with.

This thought in the woman's heart was to raise her head and glance at the past, and pick the willow eyebrows slightly.

"And the doctor?"

The woman is a bit strange, her father said that the doctor has arrived, but did not see what happened to the person. Is it difficult for the doctor to go in and treat him?

As for the side of the Heng Yan Lin, is directly ignored by her in the past, Heng Yan Lin looks, but there is not a bit of a doctor's appearance.

The middle-aged person hears speech, facial expression does not change, point to the Heng Yan Lin of one side directly.

Meaning is very clear, one side of Heng Yanlin is he called over the doctor.

One side of the woman smell speech suddenly a Leng, carefully up and down looked at Heng Yan Lin, "Dad, this is where you find the doctor?"

Wen Yu couldn't hide the strange color in his eyes, and asked his father at one side.

How she looked at hengyanlin, she didn't feel like a doctor. She saw him empty handed and wearing casual clothes.

Even if you don't judge people by their appearance, as a doctor, you don't look like a doctor at all. What's more, you have to go to see a doctor now.

It's not too inappropriate to wear like this, right?

Not to mention Wen Yu, is the doctor who came along with him. At the moment, listening to their conversation, he turned his head and looked at Heng Yanlin. His eyes were full of strange color.At the moment, Lin Yan Heng is not like a general doctor.

The doctor was very strange in his heart, but he was the one who had been invited here. He was not easy to speak at the moment, so he did not open his mouth to say anything.

The middle-aged heard the speech, but also did not conceal the meaning, "is to find in the hospital, the other side of the medical skills of some magic, may be just good can symptomatic old man's condition."

Wen Yu frown slightly, looked at the side of Heng Yan Lin, "Dad, how do I see this person is very unreliable ah, where there are so come to see a doctor, a doctor does not have the appearance of a doctor, I think it's better to let my people come to have a look at it and talk about it."

Wen Yu obviously doesn't believe Heng Yanlin any more. She just can't refute her father. In her opinion, she should take care of his father's face in any case.

If it had not been for this, she had already criticized Heng Yan Lin for nothing.

Obviously, it doesn't look like a doctor. Such a guy also wants to see a doctor. It's just like making people laugh off their big teeth!

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's face was slightly stiff.

After seeing Heng Yanlin, he was also full of doubts. He only thought that the news was unlikely to be fake, so he didn't go into deep research.

And now, by his daughter said so, he naturally had a trace of doubt.

It's just that there are some words at the moment, but they don't say much.

"Dad, my doctor has the experience of treating vegetative people, and I graduated from a famous university. I am absolutely a reliable doctor. Let my doctor see the patient first."

In her view, as long as first let their doctors to see a doctor, then there will be no side of hengyanlin what things.

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