Wu Liuyi doesn't think that these patients sent this time can be cured by themselves.

Although he was extremely confident in his medical skills, this time, for the first time when he met these people, he had a premonition that this was not his ability.

But out of his own face, there are some ideas, he still stuck in it for so long.

By the way, I also asked the other doctors to come and have a look, to see if these doctors have any way.

Seeing that the doctors were helpless, he was relieved.

Fortunately, I'm not alone. I can't help holding these patients.

At least in this way, he will not appear incompetent.

"All the doctors in the hospital have come to check? Is there no way? "

President in one side smell speech, eyebrows tightly wrinkled up, look at the doctor in front of him, immediately is the deep voice inquires.

Hearing the speech, Wu Liuyi quickly nodded, "Dean, the cold lotus language has come to see it. At the moment, it's still inside, but there's no way."

Listening to the other side said so, the dean's face suddenly sank, and his eyes twinkled slightly.

This is a patient by patient. Since I can't help it here, I have to send it to other hospitals to have a look.

Otherwise, once these people die, it is that they delay each other's treatment.


When the Dean thought, where to send, the other side has the ability to cure, a clear voice rang.

President smell speech, raised his head to have a look, is to see cold lotus language picked his mask, slowly walked over.

Seeing the lotus language coming, the president's face also slightly relaxed some, "Lotus language, you don't have to be too sad, can't cure these patients also nothing."

Seeing the cold lotus language, the Dean thought that the other party would be very ashamed, and felt extremely guilty, so he made a voice to pacify him.

He knows the cold lotus language in front of him, and knows that the other party can't feel at all.

But the other side often because of their own not perfect, and the heart of some shame.

But this time, the other side and his mind, seems to be a bit different.

"Dean, I don't want to talk about this. I want to tell you that there may be one person who can save this disease."

Listening to the other side in front of him, the Dean frowned slightly. When he heard the last, he could not calm down completely.

At this time, Du Wei on one side also followed his eyebrows and then suddenly stood in front of lenglian language.

"Doctor, what did you just say? Can someone be cured? Who is it? Where is it? "

The president originally wanted to ask about these words, but seeing Du Wei say so, he stood aside at the moment and nodded to lenglian, indicating that the other side could speak.

Cold lotus language sees this to say. "Just before that, the director of the hospital, the doctor Hengyan Linheng, who you found back, was extremely excellent in medical skills and knew a lot of folk remedies. If you let the other party come, you should be able to save these people."

Cold lotus language is very positive to say.

Before that, Heng Yanlin could do a good job with the geomantic omen of their ancestral graves.

How can these people not be cured if they are just sick? Cold lotus language but do not believe that Heng Yan Lin will take the rescue is not good!

Listening to the cold lotus language, the president suddenly nodded.

"That's right. This young man is a doctor I specially got back from before. He knows some traditional Chinese medicine, and he should also know some real Chinese medicine methods. It should be just right for him to treat the disease."

The dean is very clear about where these patients come from.

And their own local treatment, in fact, is just right, can be matched.

At the moment, the Dean was reminded by the other party, and he was awakened directly. He was too flustered before and forgot about this matter.

Seeing the president said so, the cold lotus language face suddenly full of joy.

Along with the Duwei on one side, they all feel that their people are saved.

This time, the number of soldiers who fell down was a little too many. In case something happened, he didn't know how to explain it to the families of these soldiers.

However, they were happy, and Wu Liuyi's face on one side suddenly turned ugly.

Damn it, that hengyanlin has just been driven away by him. At the moment, they want to let hengyanlin treat the disease. What's the matter?

This if let the Dean know, is oneself to take Liu Xingli to drive out the Heng Yan Lin, afraid is to pluck own skin!

His face grew paler and paler at the thought.

The Duwei didn't pay attention to his face. He said in a hurry, "what are you waiting for? Go and call people and let him go in and have a look!

Don't worry, as long as I can save good people, I will never be stingyDu Wei said in a hurry at this time.

Cold lotus language's face became a bit hesitant, the president also urged up in one side.

"Yes, Lianyu, you should go and call people quickly. Their illness can't be delayed."

Lenglian said at this time, "Dean, I forgot that the doctor was just expelled from the hospital just before. He said that he could not practice medicine here without a certificate."

The dean's even is originally full of joy, at this moment a listen to this words, suddenly smile is stiff in the face.

Looking at the cold lotus language in front of him, his face sank, "who did it? Does he have a certificate? Who is in charge of it? The people I pulled in, who didn't give me face

The president's face suddenly changed ugly incomparably at the moment, but he saw Heng Yanlin such a master of traditional Chinese medicine.

He had studied traditional Chinese medicine. Naturally, he knew that Heng Yanlin's skill had already represented his extraordinary attainments in traditional Chinese medicine.

So he directly pulled in. What did Heng Yanlin do?

Heng Yanlin's traditional Chinese medicine means can't be faked!

However, under such circumstances, some people did not give him the face of the president and drove them away!

Du Wei was beside him, and his face, which had been very happy, was gloomy. His whole body began to be filled with evil spirit.

"At that time, Liu yanheng, the doctor who drove him away, didn't know

Cold lotus language helplessly open mouth to say.

But the corners of her mouth slightly hook up at this time, but she can't stand these two guys for a long time.

Especially these two guys, are for her to actually drive out Heng Yan Lin, this is what matter!

Hengyanlin is his Savior. As a result, hengyanlin was driven away because of himself!

Isn't it a deliberate effort to block her!

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