The Dean looked at Wu Liuyi in front of him, and the anger in his eyes was about to show.

Wu Liuyi also noticed the president's eyes at the moment. His heart sank slightly and his cold sweat began to flow continuously.

For the rest, the president in front of him is not so easy to provoke.

He was very clear about this. He saw the dean in front of him at the moment. Then he felt a slight twitch in his heart, and then he said in a deep voice.

"Dean, this guy doesn't have any certificates. He's just a fake. How can such a guy cure these people? It's impossible in any way. Can you be cheated by some people, Dean? "

Wu Liuyi looks at the dean in front of him and then speaks with sincerity.

It's just that the Dean on one side is just lazy to pay attention to this guy at this time. He is very angry by this guy at this time.

The rest of the things don't say, this man was called in by him. How can this guy drive people away? What's the matter?

What's more, hengyanlin in the end has no such ability, he can not be clear?

Immediately, he took a look at the guy in front of him, and then sneered.

"Do you know the other person is incompetent? Have you tried? "

With that, his face was already full of sneers.

The rest did not say, at this moment, he really did not believe what the other side said.

Heng Yanlin strength in the end, he is very clear.

Can understand such an ancient means, this is even he can't, and hengyanlin will.

Such a person, however, did not feel that he would not have any means.

Cold lotus language at this moment also began to nod repeatedly, "yes, Dean, you don't know, before that, Heng Yanlin saw two patients here, and both came out at a glance, and these two patients were directly misdiagnosed.

One of them was clearly diagnosed as dead, or the other party saw it and then rescued him. "

Cold lotus language for this side of the guy, but extremely disgusted, at the moment there is no polite meaning, directly is to hengyanlin in this do things, are one by one said.

Listening to such words, their faces changed slightly at this time.

If so, it is enough to prove that Heng Yanlin's medical skills are extremely powerful.

It can be seen at a glance whether this person has died or not, which is still misdiagnosed by the doctor, which is even more powerful.

Thinking of this in the heart, they look at the Heng Yan Lin in front of them at the moment, and then their eyes become extremely ugly.

Dean looked at the side of the cold lotus language, eyebrows followed slightly a wrinkle, "when is this thing?"

The president really did not know, this is a how to return a responsibility, at this moment is to look at the side of the cold lotus language.

"What happened not long ago, the people in the hospital have all known about it, and it was on the news before. The president, you are not in the hospital, so it is normal to not know."

Cold lotus language hears speech, hurriedly is to answer a voice to say.

Listening to such words, the president immediately frowned and looked at Wu Liuyi. His eyes were full of coldness.

"You are very good at it. All the patients in the hospital have been diagnosed as dead. Can you see at a glance that this person is not dead? You can't do it, and you still have the face to drive him away?

Don't say, it's not true

Wu Liuyi's lips moved slightly, and he didn't know what to say at the moment.

There is cold lotus language here, he is really not able to win trust from each other.

Therefore, at the moment, he knew that what he said at the moment had no effect.

Duwei can't care so much at the moment. Even if this guy is to be punished or something, it will be something after that.

At the moment, we still need to save people as soon as possible. These are his own soldiers!

"Where is the doctor now? Do you know where he lives? I'm going to get people here now

Du Wei asked nervously at this time.

He still can't really take care of the things at this moment. Anyway, if there is a dean here, how to deal with it.

President smell speech, turn a head toward the side of cold lotus language to see.

"It seems that you have a good relationship with him. Do you know where he went?"

Cold lotus language smell speech a Zheng, for hengyanlin here, she really did not know, before she wanted to send hengyanlin back, but hengyanlin did not agree.

In this way, she really did not know where Heng Yanlin lived.

Fortunately, however, she still knew Heng Yanlin's phone, and immediately took out her mobile phone, "I'll make a phone call and have a look."With that, she dialed the mobile phone directly, but what she didn't think of was that after dialing out, the phone was prompted and could not be reached.

At this moment, hengyanlin has entered the primeval forest, and there is no signal at the moment.

Cold lotus language put down the phone, face slightly embarrassed, "can't get through, as if the shutdown."

Duwei smell speech, immediately eyebrows slightly frown, "call me, I check where he is."

One side of the president also quickly ordered, "let people go to the personnel department there, get his information out, see if there is his address, and immediately send people to please."

Cold lotus language smell speech, hastily nodded, "this matter I go, I and he also calculate more familiar, go words also can say move."

President smell speech nodded, acquaintances to go will be better.

After all, in the previous time, Heng Yanlin had just been driven away. It was not certain that he would have some complaints in his heart.

With such a thought in his heart, he nodded at the cold lotus language, indicating that the other party could go.

Cold lotus language smell speech, smile at the president, turn to leave to find the information of hengyanlin, and then go to hengyanlin's home to invite hengyanlin over.

At the moment, hengyanlin didn't know what happened here. Now Hengyan forest has gone deep into the primitive forest.

Heng Yan Lin, who is quite well prepared, now looks at the big trees on one side, as well as the rich smell of trees inside, with a slight eyebrow.

"In such an environment, it is very possible to have some miraculous drugs."

Heng Yan Lin nodded in his heart, wrapped up his package and walked slowly towards the front.

It's just outside. It's impossible to find some panacea.

This needs to go deep in order to meet the herbs there.

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