As soon as Ding Wei was aside, his face was a bit ugly at the moment.

After that, he took a deep breath. If something happened to his family, he couldn't run away.

What's more, according to Heng Yanlin, his family...

Ding Wei looks ugly. He finds that when it comes to this time, he is still afraid to death.

Thinking of this in his heart, his face at this moment, but also for an instant is very ugly.

"Mr. Heng, do you have a way? Can you please do it?"

Ding Youqin looks at Heng Yan Lin, and quickly makes a voice pleading.

Heng Yan Lin coldly took a look at it, "excuse me, I can't do anything, I still have important things in my body, I don't want to accompany more."

Said, Heng Yanlin turned his head to look at the side of the two women, "go, your feng shui fish can not be so long, or the water inside the oxygen consumption clean, then also from the death."

With that, Heng Yanlin and two girls went out together.

This time, Ding Youqin didn't stop him. He could see that Heng Yanlin did not want to harm their family.

It's enough to know that.

As for those who begged Heng Yan Lin later, they were just asking at will.

Just now he had a conflict with hengyanlin. To tell the truth, he did not dare to let hengyanlin help at will.

Heng Yanlin refused to arrive also just good, otherwise, he would have to worry about this and that.

When hengyanlin went out, Ding Youqin turned his head and looked at the master on one side, "how master? Do you think my face is really as short-lived as the other side said? "

Heng Yanlin's words, in the end some scared him, now his face is full of tension.

Master smell speech, turn a head to look at each other, immediately eyebrow also follows slightly a frown.

"How about it?"

Ding you's face is full of nervous color. He was frightened by Heng Yanlin before, so he asked again for peace of mind.

And the master's face at the moment seems to be something wrong, suddenly let his heart slightly sink.


"look at you, there are so many evil spirits all at once. This..."

the master is not very good-looking at this moment.

He has some real skills in the end, so he can see some things at a glance.

"What happened?"

Ding Wei one is acute son, see the other side is hesitant, immediately is frown to say.

"What the colleague just said is right. Now you are a little vulnerable. Even if the other party doesn't make a move, you won't be able to live for long."

The master sighed helplessly and then said.

With the intensity of this evil spirit, he can completely believe what Heng Yanlin said.

Under such circumstances, his face naturally did not look good.

"How can this happen? When you were in the past, didn't you say that you could prepare for several days? How did it turn out like this? "

Ding Youqin was a bit anxious at this time, and said in a hurry.

Before this time, the other side but clearly talked about their family, temporarily will not have what matter.

But now, how is it like this? Are they all dying?

The master's face was somewhat unnatural.

"Maybe the object given to you is invalid now. Otherwise, it would not have become so fast."

The previous object?

Hearing this, Ding by Pro Leng for a while, immediately wake up to come to, this thing is really like this.

Before this time, the master did not give him an object, and then put it in the company?

At this time, the master frowned, "but, in principle, there are some things that can stand up to it. Why did this sudden change happen?

Would you please call back and see that gossip in your office? How is it now

The master's face was a little dignified, and he said it in a hurry.

Ding by the pro smell speech, immediately felt out his mobile phone, and then a phone call back.

A moment later, after the phone was connected, Ding Youqin asked his secretary to take a look at his office.

"I put it on the wall in my office. How about the gatekeeper now?"

Ding you said with a little uneasiness in his voice.

The secretary looked at it carefully and then replied, "boss, this gossip has fallen to the ground and broken."


Hearing this, Ding Youqin's palm trembled slightly, almost the mobile phone was not dropped.

"How can it be broken? Didn't you hang it over there beforeSure enough, it is this object that has a problem. What can we do!

Ding Youqin was also anxious at this time. If the master of the other side had been a little suspicious before, then he could be trusted at this moment.

This matter is not so coincidental, the other side said that there was a problem, made a call back to broken.

There is definitely a connection.

In this way, what the master said is true?

At the thought of this, he unconsciously felt that his head was dizzy.

"Before this time, the wife brought a relative child to play for a while, it seems that the child was broken."

The Secretary also listened to his boss's voice some wrong, now is a cautious response.

Hearing this, Ding Youqin almost didn't vomit blood.


What could have been insisted on was broken by a child.

At the thought of this, he suddenly felt his heart was filled with depression.

Iron green face hang up the phone, this Ding Wei one at this time, facial expression also has a bit ugly.

In this way, what the master said is true. Is it really hard for them to lead?

"Master, do you still have such objects? Can they be on the top for a while?"

At present, the most important thing is time. If we can withstand it, we can have more time to solve it.

But if not...

the master also shook his head helplessly at the moment.

"This thing, after ordering once, can no longer come. Otherwise, it will be eaten back."

Of course, the master is not deceiving each other. This is true.

Seriously, if we can, we all buy some of these things, can't we?

Although it's just a temporary cure, it's going to be cured all the time, and nothing will happen.

It is because it can't, so the master responded directly at this time.

Speak up to the other side about the situation.

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