Listen to this, two people's facial expressions are not very good-looking.

If so, they really don't have much time!

Such a thought, in the union Heng Yan Lin just said, two people at this time, is completely a bit of panic.

"What now?"

Ding Youqin takes a look at the other party, and quickly asks about it.

Under the worry in his heart, he did not care so much.

Master Wen Yan, looked at the side of the shop.

"What we can do now is to buy magic tools and break the evil spirit."

It's just that the shop owners in front of them don't want to buy at all. What can they do?

Ding you's face changed a little when he heard the speech. He only felt that it was a bit difficult to solve the problem in terms of the current situation.

I thought about it for a while, and then I looked at the shop owner.

"Shopkeeper, you can't do good. Can you give me a magic weapon? You see, I'm really burning to the brow here

Ding Youqin has no choice but to ask for help this time.

Heng Yanlin doesn't know what happened here.

At the moment, Heng Yanlin and two people on the side have directly made the car.

Both of them had things in their hands. When it was difficult to drive, Heng Yanlin took over the car directly.

After asking about the residence of the two, Heng Yanlin did not hesitate to drive directly towards the two families.

"Do you live here? Where is the house you bought? "

Before seeing this, two people said it was their own house. Heng Yanlin inquired a little curiously.

Two people smell speech, quickly shook his head, "no, before we were only here to read, but feel some trouble, bought a house."

"Yes, we just got to know each other again, so we bought a house to live in."

By the way.

Listen to this, Heng Yan Linton some speechless will these two women look at.

This is the first time I saw it, because I bought a house directly when I came to study.

So it seems that these two families are really different.

Although hengyanlin also has such wealth, but hengyanlin is lazy to do so.

Heng Yanlin stopped talking and drove the car on the side.

Lin Guixue takes a look at Heng Yan Lin, and asks him curiously.

"When you just talked to those two guys, you said that they didn't have much time. Are you serious?"

Qingjin smell speech, also some curious turn to come over, eyes inside also take a silk of curiosity.

In principle, this kind of thing is better not to inquire at will.

But both of them felt that there was no one here anyway, and it would not be in the way for them to inquire at will.

"Well, it is."

Heng Yanlin also felt that, in any case, the other party had listened to almost before, and his reply was not a big deal.

Therefore, I also responded.

"That's really not what you started. Why are you so committed?"

"Yes, is the situation in their family really so dangerous?"

This has just come into contact with this thing, the two women are extremely curious, and now their faces are full of curiosity.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, some speechless will look at these two people.

"You also have too many problems. In short, I can tell you that I did not do it. In terms of their own situation, where should I do it?

What's more, people like me will not do them any good if they do it once. "

The two women about have not understood, even if Heng Yanlin has such ability, but it is not at will can.

Heng Yanlin's face was calm and said to the two women beside him.

Two people naturally believe in Heng Yan Lin.

Since hengyanlin said so, two women naturally feel that hengyanlin will not cheat himself.

But the question is, why is the family so unlucky that they even encounter such things?

Thinking of this, the two women could not help shaking their heads, which seemed to have some feeling.

"It's also a pity that we haven't encountered such a thing. Otherwise, we won't even know what happened to us at that time."

"Yes, if you don't have a professional look at such things, how can you know that you are actually hurt by these inexplicable things?"

The two women at this time, are extremely agreed with the opening said.

At the same time, my heart was also a little frightened.

Such things, sometimes killing people is invisible. It is impossible to prevent them.In this way, they don't know how they died.

In normal times, those dangers can be avoided, but now things like this.

How can they avoid it if they have never heard of it?

Apart from this, if such things were told to them, they would not believe them.

But also Xinkui, they met hengyanlin.

With hengyanlin's help, they don't have to worry about so much in the future.

At least at that time, after seeing such things, they can still look for Heng Yanlin.

If there are hengyanlin, such things should not threaten them.

What's more, they still have this dragon fish in their hands.

"Can such things help us avoid disasters if we keep them at home?"

Lin Guixue thought of this and looked down at the dragon fish in his hands. He asked a little curiously.

Qing Jin also looked down at the dragon fish in her hands, with a little curiosity in her eyes.

"Yes, if the other party helps, will we have to change another one after death?"

This dragon fish should be able to block only once, right? If the other party dies after one time, they have to find a supplement.

Thinking of this in the heart, the two women at the moment are carefully looking at Heng Yan Lin.

"So it's better to keep more fish in the fish tank?"

"Yes, I don't have to think about it. It seems that it will be better."

Lin Guixue and Lin Guixue both want to go together.

In any case, they can buy a few, and they don't think it's a problem for them to buy more.

It's better to buy more. Once something happens and you haven't responded to it, you can also block more disasters.

Heng Yanlin in the side of the car, listening to two women so said, suddenly some speechless.

What do these two women think in their heads?

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