The nurse didn't know what Heng Yanlin said. It was all true. Listening to Heng Yanlin's saying, he thought that Heng Yanlin was not willing to teach.

Immediately, the nurse's face also slightly coagulated.

She felt that Heng Yanlin was selfish in doing so.

Where does Heng Yanlin know the other party's mind? At this time, he just looked at the situation of the little girl.

"Can't you tell me? You know, many people can be saved after this! "

See hengyanlin did not want to say the meaning, the nurse also has a bit of exasperation.

Looking at Heng Yanlin, he opened his mouth and said a word.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, eyebrows slightly a wrinkle, will this woman see one eye.

"Didn't I say that others can't learn such a technique. You can't even understand how I do it. Do you think it's possible to learn it? If you don't say the rest, you'll learn.

When you see the patient, you can see at a glance, the other side is internal bleeding? Now that you know it's bleeding here? "

Heng Yanlin put aside several problems in succession.

Listen to Heng Yanlin so said, the nurse Dun time also a bit stuck.

She didn't know what to answer.

A moment later, he raised his head to have a look at Heng Yan Lin in front of him, and then took a deep breath.

"So you can't teach all of them together?"

Heng Yanlin listen to this, suddenly some speechless, what is all teach?

What's going on in this woman's head? This thing can be taught at will?

Know with this woman, in fact, there is nothing to say, Heng Yan Lin slightly took a deep breath, turned his head and took a deep look at the woman.

"I don't want to talk to a white porcelain. Thanks to you, you are still a doctor. You can see the difference. If you say something like this, I have nothing to say with you."

With that, Heng Yanlin has been lazy to pay attention to this guy.

The nurse was so blocked by Heng Yanlin that she almost had no integrity. How could anyone talk like that!

The people she met before, which one is not more polite than Heng Yanlin, more gentlemanly than Heng Yanlin!

Look at this man, what are they talking about now!

At the thought of this, the nurses feel that they are very angry by Heng Yanlin.

Ruthlessly will be in front of the constant Yan Lin to stare good several eyes.

"How can you do this? I just want to save more people, so that those who could not have died can survive? That's what you do

The nurse was also a bit angry, looking at Heng Yan Lin, he whispered.

Just Heng Yanlin at this time, also has been lazy to pay attention to each other, this moment after taking a look at it, is to bow his head not to speak, just focus on the little girl.

When the nurse saw this, she frowned slightly and wanted to say something.

Just one side of the woman at this time, but some can not see down.

She just doesn't want to take care of so much, she just knows that her daughter was saved by hengyanlin.

If there is no daughter of his own.

In front of him, Heng Yanlin is the hero who saved his daughter.

Such a person, how can let the other party receive grievances here?

Thinking of this, she is a step forward, and then looked at the nurse on one side.

"Well, since he said that, that's what he said. Don't ask."

The woman spoke.

Hearing this, the nurse immediately raised her head and looked at the woman in front of her. She just wanted to say something, but seeing the woman's eyes, she could only sigh at the moment.

A moment later, the ambulance finally arrived late.

The woman saw this scene, suddenly in the heart slightly happy.

The doctors who came down, seeing the patients here, immediately changed their faces slightly.

Look at the little girl's appearance. The wound is not light. It needs to be treated quickly.

Immediately, they took down a stretcher, and then rushed the little girl to the stretcher.

"Pay attention, this little girl has not passed the critical period of her life. After you go back, you need to have a comprehensive examination, which is very thorough. Otherwise, things will happen easily."

Heng Yanlin sees in one side, gently admonishes one.

Two doctors smell speech, slightly pause for a moment, turn their heads, see Heng Yanlin on one side, immediately frown.

"Who are you, a doctor?"

"No, just a passer-by."

Heng Yan Lin Wen Yan shook his head and said a word.

Hearing this, the two doctors looked at Heng Yanlin's eyes, immediately despised a lot.What's wrong with the patient?

You're not a doctor, and you don't have any medical equipment, so you judge a patient like this? For what?

With your handsome appearance, have you come here to brush your favor?

Immediately, several doctors looked at Heng Yanlin's eyes, and instantly became indifferent many times.

In their opinion, there is nothing to say with Heng Yan Lin in front of them.

"If you're not a doctor, you won't be fooling around here!"

Finish saying, a few people walk toward the ambulance, the woman on one side also hastily follow in the past at this time.

Her daughter can be on the top, she naturally wants to follow up, that is to be able to rest assured.

In walking to Heng Yan Lin side of the time, the woman at this time this just remembered what, hurriedly is to pursue to ask.

"By the way, can you give me your contact information? I want to thank you for this matter."

The woman looks at Heng Yanlin's eyes, full of gratitude.

Anyway, she still wants to be grateful to hengyanlin.

If it had not been for Heng Yanlin, her daughter would have been gone today.

Under such circumstances, how can she not appreciate hengyanlin?

Before a time a little nervous, and then in addition to hengyanlin in saving people, she did not want to disturb hengyanlin.

But now it's a little different.

She is about to leave with the ambulance, if not a contact information, then it will be difficult to find Heng Yanlin.

Heng Yan Lin Wen Yan waved his hand, "no, I just feel that this little girl should not die like this, and you also believe me. You don't have to pay anything. Go to the hospital with the doctors.

Your daughter is still in danger. It's better to go to the hospital for examination and treatment. "

Heng Yanlin waved his hand, without any intention of asking for the other party's reward. After saying that, hengyanlin also left without looking back.

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