One side of the nurse at this time, a little surprised will Heng Yan Lin look.

Originally she thought that Heng Yanlin in front of her would ask for remuneration.

But where can think of, Heng Yan Lin does not have this meaning at all.

What's more, when hengyanlin left, he didn't have any nostalgia. It can be seen that hengyanlin didn't mean anything in this respect.

Immediately, she looked at Heng Yan Lin in the eyes, also with a trace of color.

Although Heng Yanlin didn't think about it, he taught him his own methods, but his character is enough to explain everything.

At the moment, she is also thinking, just when it is not really misunderstanding hengyanlin.

This woman is clearly very rich, under such circumstances, Heng Yanlin, if you can, must not be stingy, hand over such means to save some people.

It is very likely that such a method is not so easy to learn at all.

It's possible. It's not possible to learn directly.

Thinking of this, the nurses also felt a little surprised.

The woman saw Heng Yanlin turn around and leave, with a trace of color on her face.

This man, still seriously, just looked at his daughter's face.

Thinking of this, the woman on the side also slightly shook her head.

The woman shook her head slightly and went straight to the ambulance.

Just Heng Yan Lin words, in the end let her some worry, afraid of what happened to his daughter.

Heng Yanlin ate something and then went back to his residence.

Looking at his used herbs, his face showed a helpless meaning.

This medicine uses too fast, and uses up the medicinal material, but this lets Heng Yanlin have no way, in the rapid promotion cultivation.

It seems that in a few days, you need to go to the mountain with qiaoyue and Xiaoai?

When Heng Yanlin thought of this, he suddenly showed his eyebrows slightly. Before that, they said that, but they didn't know whether there was anything they wanted in the mountain.

Heng Yanlin pondered for a moment, thinking that otherwise he would go back to the mountain before.

At this time, the door suddenly moved.

Heng Yan Lin eyebrow a pick, immediately saw Xiao AI two people come back together.

Push the door to come in is to see Heng Yan Lin, two women are also obviously some Leng for a while, but still very glad to say hello to Heng Yan Lin.

"Why did you come back so early? Is it early after class in the class? "

Qiao Yue looked at Heng Yan Lin curiously and asked.

Heng Yan Lin heard speech shook his head, "no, just at the time just now, met a friend, had some things, and then helped each other, did not go to class."

In this way, hengyanlin can be said to be playing truant.

But for this kind of thing, Heng Yanlin doesn't care at all.

But it's just skipping classes. It's a big deal.

Naturally, there is nothing like this for two women.

More feeling this kind of thing, that is what should be.

"Something happened? What's the matter? Isn't it the Fengshui problem again? "

Xiao AI asked a little curiously.

According to the present situation, such a situation is very possible.

After all, Heng Yanlin had been dealing with such things all the time before. Isn't it reasonable to encounter such a situation now?

Heng Yanlin shook his head, "it's not enough to say yes, it can't be."


Listening to Heng Yanlin's words, the two girls began to be confused. They didn't know what meaning Heng Yanlin meant in his words.

What does it mean to say yes or no? What is the meaning of this?

both girls looked at Heng Yanlin strangely, and they didn't understand what Heng Yanlin wanted to say at this time.

Heng Yan Lin at the moment, but it seems very calm, see two people a little puzzled, also gently explained.

"Is to do a Fengshui Bureau, then can prevent some similar bad things, and then hurt them."

Why, is there such a good thing?

Listening to this, the two women on one side suddenly came to a bit of spirit. They didn't think about it. There is still such a practice in Fengshui Bureau.

"Is such a Fengshui Bureau easy to do? Can I have one for us? "

Say, Qiao Yue is careful to look at Heng Yan Lin, eyes full of curiosity.

She really wants to know how hengyanlin does it, and whether they can use this method.

"Yes, it can be, but there is no such condition under the current situation. Such a practice requires you to have a fixed and long-term residence. If such a house is not owned by you, it will not work.Otherwise, after getting it up, it is very likely that there will be no chance to cultivate it. If you don't say so, you will also get a direct discount to others. "

"Is there another way to say that?"

Xiao AI suddenly feels a little depressed. She is also listening to Heng Yanlin talking about a lot of such layout. Her heart is very eager.

In the heart very wants to see, oneself can also come to one.

But I didn't think that there was such a way here.

At that moment, Xiao AI didn't know what to say.

"What kind of method is this?"

Xiao AI is a little curious and asks for Heng Yanlin.

Although it is not clear why such a condition is required, it does not hinder her to inquire about the layout and other matters.

"In fact, it's just raising Feng Shui fish, and it's not a hidden thing."

Seeing the other party's inquiry, Heng Yanlin didn't hesitate to say it directly.

Listen to this, the two women at this time are immediately a look at each other, and then see each other's eyes, with a trace of color.

I didn't think about it. There was such a condom in it.

Immediately, looking at Heng Yanlin's eyes also with a bit of color.

It's amazing that there are fish farmers in Fengshui.

"It's this bureau. If you have a fixed place to live in, you can raise it and play an unexpected role.

But in the present situation, we can't raise them. In such places, it's easy to get cheap for others and then become bridal clothes. "

Heng Yan Lin nodded and said clearly the disadvantages inside.

Both women also know that Heng Yanlin will not cheat himself on such matters. After hearing this, they all sighed.

I didn't expect that there would be such a road in it, but it's a pity.

If this had been the case before, they would have never let go of this opportunity, but now there is no other way.

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