When they were in the past, they had said so much to each other.

However, Xiao Ling didn't believe it at all. Under such circumstances, they had no other way.

The other side only believes in Heng Yan Lin. what can they do?

Xiao Ling took a look at her good sisters, but she was helpless.

How can I not believe it? Can any of you solve this problem? You don't believe it at all. You don't know what's going on. What can I do? "

Xiaoling really doesn't believe Heng Yanlin so much.

But the problem is, she can't help it herself. What she saw was what she had seen.


Look at this situation. If you are not careful, you will die.

She was distressed at the thought of it.

Listening to this, the rest of the people on the side looked at each other at this time, and then shook their heads.

At the moment, there is also some helplessness in the heart, they are not very hope to see such things happen.

But now, it seems, there is no other way.

After all, what can they do now?

Heng Yanlin at the moment, look at these people in front of him, at the moment, quite helpless in the heart.

When Heng Yanlin was just now, he had already followed him. The purpose was naturally to prevent these people from going wrong.

But I heard these words.

Think of here, Heng Yan Lin is to hide, forget, let these people taste their fear, then naturally know.

According to Heng Yanlin's own feelings, these people are afraid that there will be trouble next.

In his heart, Heng Yanlin could not help shaking his head.

Anyway, the situation is like this at the moment. As for the rest, Heng thinks there is nothing else to say.

Anyway, it's just like this.

At this time, Heng Yanlin looked at the situation in front of him and wondered how to deal with it better.

But at this time, the bathroom door is unconsciously closed.

In the women, to this time still did not notice, there is a sentence without a word said.

The content of the chat is naturally directed at Heng Yan Lin.

However, this is also very normal, after all, in the current situation, things do look like this.

In the past, it was not like this.

But if you can, Xiaoling doesn't really want to believe that hengyanlin.

Just now, who can help her?

As for what Heng Yanlin said, she did feel a sense of security.

After thinking about it, I opened my mouth and said this sentence.

With such an idea in mind, at this moment, I feel that the other party is really not doing well.


When Xiaoling several people started to talk about this matter, suddenly a woman in the room screamed.

Xiao Ling several people listen to the voice, think what's wrong with the people inside, so they quickly walk in.

"What's the matter?"

Said, is to look at the friend inside, at the moment a pale looking at the front.

It's just that Xiaoling and others look at it, but they don't see anything.

Such a scene made them feel a bit strange, "why, why such a scream?"

"I just saw a baby..."

Lin Fengya heard the words, looked around and confirmed that there was no such thing, so he said a word trembling.

One side of the long hair woman smell speech, facial expression appears a little strange.

"Really? Are you wrong? "

Baby, isn't that what Xiaoling saw? They all think that what they see is an illusion.

What? Now the hallucinations are changing?

In this way, at this time, they looked at the situation in front of them more and more strange, and felt that things were not quite right.

Anyway, there seems to be something wrong with this situation.

Xiao Ling hears the speech and is going to cry at this moment.

She felt that someone would always see the same thing as herself and prove that she did not have hallucinations, and that thing was real.

In this way, some people believe what they said, right?

Just a few people on the side are still suspicious at this moment.

"Can't it be that you have been talking about this thing all the time before, so you have hallucinations?"

People look at Lin Fengya, listen to such an explanation, think about it and feel that there is a little bit of truth.Hearing this, Lin Fengya is also a little confused. She doesn't know whether what the other side said is true.

If it is true, do you really think too much?

Think of here, she is a bit confused.

And just then, the light bulb began to flash.

Several women are raising their heads, looking at the light bulb in doubt.

It was Xiao Ling who realized that the situation was not right at this time, and her face suddenly became ugly and incomparable.

"Come on, get out of here, let's go into the hall."

With that, he ran to the door on one side.

But the door had already been closed. After Xiao Ling passed by, she suddenly changed her face because she couldn't open it.

"What's the matter? The door wasn't closed just now."

One side of the long hair woman, at this moment directly opened her mouth and said, she simply did not understand, just when the door was not closed.

Xiao Ling was so anxious that she was about to cry. Looking at the scene in front of her, her face was even more ugly.

"What's the matter? There's something wrong with this situation. Please come and help open it!"

The rest of the women heard the words and hurriedly came over, and then joined hands, but this door is not moving at all.


A crisp and incomparable sound sounded, and then I saw the bathroom inside, the moment dark down.

"Who, who is touching my hand!"

"No, someone rubbed my leg. It's cold. It's not one of you."

At this time, suddenly, several people began to speak one by one.

Then they all felt chilly, because they all thought of what Xiao Ling said.

In this case, his face became very ugly.

"Quick, quick, look with your mobile phone."

A person at this time, the mouth is to say a word.

Then, a woman quickly took out her mobile phone and then turned on her flashlight.

But a moment later, his face stiffened.

Because she saw, in the dark corner of the place, a very strange looking child, lying on one side.

It seems to feel the eyes, it also raised its head, directly is to look at it.

Such eyes, extremely indifferent, look at her are scared to lose her cell phone.

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