A few people on one side were scared at this time. They also saw the things in front of them at the moment.

At this time, it seems that the heart of a trace of cold.

What's going on? How can you see this thing?

At this time, all the women were scared and had no strength.

"Ah! Open the room quickly, I'm going out! "

"How can there be such a thing? Have you all seen it? Am I hallucinating? "

A few women at this time, suddenly is to open mouth to shout, the facial expression already is scared pale matchless.

They never thought how things would turn out like this.

They just came to the bathroom. How could they be like this?

Such a thought in the heart, their faces are ugly and incomparable at this time.

After all, in terms of the situation before this, no one knows what is going on now.

But what they have just seen reminds them that they are not wrong at all.

Outside the door, Leng Gu Rong also heard the cry inside at this time. There was also a trace of curiosity in this, which was a very puzzled appearance.

What's going on here?

Cold so strange, looking at or very calm Heng Yan Lin, some can not laugh or cry.

"Are you going to make them scared inside and open the door?"

Heng Yan Lin heard the speech, shrugged his shoulders and then said, "this door is not closed by me. What's the matter with the people inside, it has nothing to do with me."

Heng Yanlin feels that this matter, of course, has nothing to do with himself.

Cold so let nature also know, this matter and Heng Yan Lin in fact not much relationship, after all, the other side is to help.

However, it's better to let the people inside be scared. Otherwise, he always says that Heng Yanlin is a liar, which is really irritating.

In the heart such a thought, cold so allow to look at this situation in front of, is slightly deep take a breath.

Then he took a look at Heng Yan Lin, "they shouldn't have anything to do with it?"

Cold so allow how much some worry, but not the people inside, what happened to be good.

Heng Yan Lin Wen Yan waved his hand and said, "don't worry, there won't be anything."

But it's just a shock from that thing. What can happen? This is basically impossible.

Heng Yanlin felt that there was no problem, so he relaxed and nodded at the moment.

If there is nothing, it will be the best.

Otherwise, if something really happened, it would be a little bad.

Lenggurong relaxed, and then listened to the friends inside, constantly screaming at this time, and then there were all kinds of sounds that wanted to smash the door open.

Such a voice, so that cold so allow to listen to all know, inside the people in the end is how miserable.

"Open the door quickly. Why can't it open?"

"Aren't there two people out there? Where are the two men? Why haven't you come out yet? "

A group of people at this time, extremely angry, full of pale color.

When they just started, they felt that thing again and ran past them. They were scared and almost cried.

They really don't want to stay here if they can. It's too scary.

At this time, Heng Yanlin looked at the situation in front of him, and felt that he had almost done it.

Think of here, Heng Yan Lin is a step forward, directly opened the door.

A glimmer of light, at this moment, directly shines into the bathroom, and then a group of people are full of tears.

Finally the door is opened!

A group of women did not care so much, they ran directly to the door.

It's just that so many people are crowded to one place, and all of them are squeezed into one, and they just can't get out.

Under such circumstances, Heng Yanlin is somewhat speechless.

Then a hand, directly began to pull people one by one toward the outside.

Several efforts, several people are Heng Yanlin to pull out.

Then we saw that all the people were sitting on the ground, no image began to gasp.

Seeing such a scene, Heng Yan Lin shook his head. It's just that there is no courage in this situation.

I was so scared.

However, hengyanlin did not say anything, just turned into the bathroom.

After a circle, Heng Yanlin frowns slightly.

How can this thing be so powerful that it can run so fast that there is no shadow. There are really some means.Seeing that there was no such thing, Heng Yan Lin came out.

A group of women at the moment are closely looking at Heng Yanlin. After a careful look, they are relieved to see that there is nothing special in his hands. Then they frown again.

"Don't you grasp this thing? Why didn't you catch it? "

Hengyanlin at the moment smell speech, looked at this guy, some speechless rolled a white eye.

"When you come out, one by one you are stuck in it. When you come out, the thing inside has already run away. How can I catch it?"

Listening to this, several girls suddenly blushed.

But one of the women, at this time, is still a little angry.

"Aren't you very good? How can you miss it? So go in and see it run? "

She is some do not believe in Heng Yan Lin, otherwise, why would Heng Yan Lin go in and return empty handed?

Heng Yan Lin was speechless, "you are so powerful, or you will catch it? You go in and have a look at it. Maybe it's still inside. You go in and grab it? "

Heng Yanlin said, is to stretch out his hand to let the other party in.

Such an attitude, let a few people on the side of the brow is a frown, a little puzzled each other in the end is a general.

After all, in terms of the situation before, they all saw that thing, where dare they go in?

I'm afraid that for a long time, they will be scared to death when they want to go in.

Especially at this time, under such circumstances, it is even more so.

Heng Yan Lin let the woman in, and the woman changed her face in an instant at this time. How dare she?

After looking at Heng Yanlin in front of him, he quickly hid behind him.

"I, I believe you, not yet?"

In contrast, the appearance of the other party daring to go in like this directly and then prepare to grasp this thing seems not to be faking in general.

Under such circumstances, the woman also has some doubts in her heart. Is this guy actually not a liar?

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