Siyu slightly tooted her mouth, a little dissatisfied with her brother's explanation.

As a brother, I can't say more things. I have to treat myself as a child.

It is just that Heng Yanlin is not ready to say more at this time, so Siyu is quite helpless.

What is Huang Yao going back to.

Small at the moment also came over, with a trace of surprise in her eyes, she did not know what was the situation at the moment.

Why did Huang Yao go straight away without the appearance of staying at all.

According to the principle, two people before the time but some irreconcilable appearance, now look at the other side's appearance, is defeated to come?

No, Huang Yao seems to have some ability. Why is he like this?

Small heart strange, this moment when turning around to look, in the eyes also with a trace of surprise.

"What happened? I watched Huang Yao leave directly. Why didn't I leave more time?"

It's a little strange. I feel that something should have happened between the two people. Otherwise, it can't be like this.

Siyu smell speech, Du mouth looked at his brother, "don't know, he doesn't say."

Small smell speech, turn head to look at Heng Yan Lin.

In my heart, I'm curious. Look at this situation. Did Huang Yao leave or Heng Yan Lin?

Just how did Heng Yanlin do it? Look at each other before the time did not do anything ah, how the other party left.

Is it hard to say that Heng Yanlin has some special background, so he talked to Huang Yao just now, and Huang Yao turned around and left after knowing about it? Dare not in and hengyanlin tit for tat?

If so, there seems to be a little possibility.

Small heart curious, do not know whether it is like this.

But soon, Heng Yan Lin is to get rid of the idea in her heart, at this moment only listen to Heng Yan Lin open mouth said.

"I don't want to talk to you. It's not something. It's just something happened in his family. I've already told you before. Why do you still don't know?"

Heng Yanlin shakes his head helplessly. He doesn't know how Siyu is going on. What he has just said, the other party forgets.

But did Siyu really forget? Of course not.

She just wanted to let her brother speak more.

After all, what my brother just said is really a little incomprehensible.

Small pour is don't know so much, at the moment smell speech turn head to look, in the eyes have a bit strange.

Originally according to her own idea, it should be Heng Yan Lin Liang out of their own life experience, so just let the other side back.

But at the moment, it doesn't seem like this?

What's going on here?

I wonder in my heart that what happened to Huang Yao's family would make him so miserable that he was defeated and left.

"You said something happened to his family, but what happened that made him unable to pay? In saying that, before you did not know, just said that his family will have an accident, how do you know. "

This is what Siyu cares about.

Siyu was worried that Huang Yao had actually paid for all the shoes, but later she knew that she would not be like this at all. It was just because she was too thoughtful.

It's just how his brother knows, how he knows that the other party can't buy it. It seems that he knew it in advance.

Huang Yao didn't know, but how could his brother know?

Siyu's heart is curious, but also incomparably strange.

Small smell speech, at this moment also immediately think of the time before, Heng Yan Lin really said this thing, immediately also have a bit of curiosity.

Yes, how did Heng Yanlin know about this matter when he was in front of him? What is the matter?

Heng Yanlin looks at his sister, his face is full of helplessness, why is it necessary to ask a clear.

He has been fooling each other, his sister is to root in the end to ask clear, really let Heng Yanlin helpless very.

Heng Yanlin thought about it and then said, "it's related to some of your brother's abilities. When your brother was in the past, he made some money by relying on this ability. Do you know?"

Heng Yanlin feels that his explanation like this should be understood by the other party.

After hearing this, Lianyu was more and more interested.

"What kind of ability is it? Brother, tell me

With that, Siyu was full of curiosity and could see her brother's expectation in her eyes.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech facial expression a stiff, this calculate how to return a responsibility, oneself this younger sister so such axis?After taking a breath slightly, Heng Yan Lin shook his head, "you ah, it's not suitable to know this matter, and even if you know it, it will be thoroughly inquired about."

Heng Yan Lin helpless, can only be said with the other side.

Xiaoxiao was listening and knew that the conversation between them was not suitable for interrupting, so he did not speak at the moment.

Just in the side quietly listening, just she at this time suddenly seems to think of what, at the moment smell speech is the eyes slightly flash.

As far as she looked at the moment, she did feel a little different.

To be able to know in advance, the other party's home will have an accident, such ability can really make people a little surprised, and, Heng Yanlin seems to have done it seriously.

Such a thought, she is careful to think more, always feel so a bit of speculation.

Just in front of Heng Yan Lin obviously don't want to say, she also can't ask directly.

However, if on their own heart of speculation, it seems that there is really so little possibility.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that what Heng Yanlin said might be what he guessed.

Thinking of this, little raised his head and looked at Heng Yanlin.

If you really want to be like that, this is a little too incredible, this world, really have such ability?

I have some doubts in my heart, but I also feel that there is such a big difference.

Maybe, what the other side said is really possible.

Little thought, and finally shook his head, and did not think much.

Anyway, I don't know the specific situation. Heng Yanlin didn't say anything more. I still don't want to guess more.

Little in the heart is such an idea, but Siyu seems a little dissatisfied, it is obvious that she and small idea is not the same.

She is still very related to her brother and wants to know what is going on.

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