"Well, let's go shopping. Don't stay here when you've bought everything."

Heng Yan Lin waved his hand, looked at one side of the shop assistant, suddenly thought of what.

"By the way, you should be able to help deliver these things to your door?"

When I saw him, I could ask him.

At the moment, I would like to ask one more question. There are too many things. It's really troublesome to carry them with you.

One side of the shop assistant smell speech, hastily a nod, open mouth says.

"Yes, sir. You can send it to us directly."

Heng Yan Lin hears speech a wave, Si Yu on one side hastens to write down his address and telephone number.

By the way, all the things I bought before were sent by the other party.

I bought a lot of money for these things just now. Naturally, the shop assistant would not care about anything about it.

In how to say, such a customer is not he can afford to offend, if because of such a thing refused, absolutely will let the manager scold himself.

But to her disappointment, Heng Yanlin in front of her wrote down her address and phone number.

Look at the address left by the woman, the other party is still in school.

This can be called to let her a little disappointed, if two people live together, that is good to say.

They're all brothers and sisters, and she doesn't feel much when they live together.

But at the moment, she was disappointed.

Heng Yanlin's mobile phone number has not been left. The woman who just appeared is too threatening.

Looking at the other party's dress and make-up, she is extremely smart, did not ask for the phone number face-to-face.

She knew that if she went to ask for it, it would be better to give up.

Such a thought, although a bit disappointed in the heart, but also can only look like this.

"All right, we're going shopping."

Heng Yanlin waved his hand and said a word. His tone was quite calm. There was nothing to say about it. Just talk about it with his sister at will. There is no need to say so much.

Siyu was a little discontented. She wanted to know more about something, but her brother didn't seem to be ready to say it, which left him helpless.

"Still shopping?"

Siyu felt that she had already bought so many things today. Now she is going on. How many things should she continue to buy?

At this thought, Siyu was a little anxious.

"Brother, I've bought so many things. Don't buy any more."

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, immediately waved his hand, "have bought so many things, but also care about buying more?"

Heng Yanlin doesn't care at all. He is spending more money. It's not a big deal anyway.

Siyu seems to be very distressed. At the moment, listening to her brother's words, she feels a little bit distressed.

It's all money. How can you spend it like this?

"Brother, where can you spend money like this?"

Siyu's face was full of discontent, and she began to say something out of breath. She only felt that her elder brother's words were just too disorderly.

This in the previous time, have spent a lot of money, but look at his brother's appearance, clearly seems to be not spending enough.

What kind of an idea is this?

Brother Siyu is helpless to see himself.

If she could, she wanted her brother to know that she didn't have to spend so much money.

But Siyu doesn't know at all. How much money Heng Yanlin has in his hand is not at all known. This money is nothing to Lu Chensheng.

Therefore, Lu Chensheng's hengyanlin can be said to be very calm, but also extremely indifferent, this is how much money to spend.

"Well, I just went shopping and didn't say that it would cost money. I said, it's nothing to buy something. You don't have to be tired. Anyway, someone gave it away."

Heng Yanlin replied.

I don't need to mention anything. Anyway, I can just go and buy it. What does it matter? What do you mind?

Just looking at his sister's appearance, it seems that he is quite resistant, about because of the reason after the hour.

Heng Yanlin thought of this and sighed helplessly. His sister didn't know that since he had more money, he could spend more. There was no problem at all.

After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin didn't say anything to his sister.

Anyway, things have been like this, there is no need to talk about those useless.

When Siyu heard this, she stood still for a moment. Seeing her brother's indifferent appearance, she realized that her brother didn't listen to what she said.In this way, she said that there was no effect in many.

Think carefully, think Jade also helpless.

Also, she doesn't know how much money her brother has. If she has a lot of money, maybe her brother will not care, and spend more money.

So think, think jade can feel helpless very.

How is this thing, that's what it looks like?

But hengyanlin didn't think so much, but he waved to his sister and walked forward.

Little sight hurriedly followed up, and also said hello to think jade.

"OK, I said you, I don't know how the rich people spend money. Your brother is definitely very rich. So you don't care about these small money. If you have money you can't spend in your life, will you care about these small money like this?"

Small in the side of the guide to think of jade, she also want to let Siyu happy.

Anyway, it is all the result, and it is unnecessary to pay attention to spending more money.

Is it necessary?

He shook his head secretly in his mind if he wanted to think about it.

Thinking about the words carefully, I feel that this is also very reasonable.

To say, if there is so much money, will you care about such a little money? Do you need to care?

Think about it, it seems that there is no need to care.

After such a thought, Siyu then frowned slightly, thinking about whether he was too much to think about.

If her brother had so much money, she would have been a little stingy.

This time, Siyu is directly thinking.

Anyway, my brother is not stupid. If there is not so much money, it will not be so reckless to spend it. It seems that his brother should have a lot of money.

So thinking, Siyu immediately is relieved, since it is so, then it is not necessary to think so much.

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