"Yanlin is here! Don't say, Yanlin, you really feel like a president when you put on this kind of clothes. If you put your photos on it, I don't know how many girls will be attracted by you. " Jiang Miaoshu, who is sitting beside Mu Shishan, is also busy. However, she just brought some documents to deal with it. After finishing processing, she just threw it into the hands of a secretary. At the moment, she saw Heng Yanlin in a formal suit, and saw this handsome image,

said with a smile.

Even though she had passed the age of looking at people's looks, she could not help but show a smile of great appreciation when looking at Heng Yanlin's dress like this.

"Sister Su flattered me."

Heng Yanlin listened to Jiang Miaoshu's words, and immediately slightly bowed his head, some embarrassed to say, for Jiang Miaoshu's praise, Heng Yanlin's heart is not how fluctuation, but at present he is just a young man, so still need a little modest.

Mu Shishan on the other side, hearing Jiang Miaoshu's words, immediately turned around and saw Heng Yanlin on the other side. After wearing the clothes, a smile appeared on her face.

Hengyanlin this dress, or she bought for hengyanlin, at present, it is really very decent.

"Come here and sit down. The press conference will start soon."

Mu Shishan waved to Heng Yanlin and motioned for Heng Yanlin to sit down. Seeing this, Heng Yanlin went directly to Mu Shishan's side and sat down in the vacant seat.

The reporters in front of me, seeing the new face of Heng Yanlin, were directly sitting next to Mu Shishan. Some of them were more clever, and they were directly shooting at Heng Yanlin. They wanted to shoot Heng Yanlin directly.

Heng Yanlin looked at them without saying anything. He let them shoot.

"Everyone, please be quiet. Our press conference is about to start. Please sit down."

Seeing that Heng Yanlin was also present, Mu Shishan looked around and saw that all the people who should have come were already almost there. Even though he tapped the table gently, she said.

In front of Mu Shishan, a microphone has been placed, so mu Shishan's voice is transmitted directly. The people who can come here still have this quality, so they immediately become silent and all of them sit down on the table.

At this time, the cameramen behind him had already adjusted the machine and aimed the lens directly at namushan.

"All of you can come here to attend the press conference of Shilan group. Here, I want to thank you all."

After seeing the reporters on the scene, Mu Shishan said in a very formulaic way. People also gave a great deal of face and directly gave Mu Shishan warm applause.

"That's good. I don't want to talk much. You can't wait to know the products of this conference."

Mu Shishan red lips a hook, and then waved, one side of the Secretary saw this, hurriedly handed over a plate covered with red cloth, the people present at this, immediately jump in their hearts, eyes are dead staring at the plate.

It is not necessary to guess that what is contained in this plate is supposed to be the main character of this press conference. Looking at the coverage of red cloth, it is similar to that of Zhuqing liquid before that. Seeing this situation, people's spirit was suddenly shocked.

For the rest, Shilan group's research on the liquid medicine has already thrown some countries out of the market. Now that the other party has released such similar products, it naturally makes them extremely concerned.

Among the reporters present, even a lot of foreign journalists came here, which can explain a problem, that is, even some people from abroad are concerned about Shilan group.

Mu Shishan didn't mean to distract them. After the plate was put in front of her, she just opened the red cloth. Under the red cloth, there was a bottle similar to Zhuqing liquid, which was directly put in it.

However, it is not exactly the same. It can only be said that only the bottle is the same, but on the bottle, there is a very detailed and lifelike pupil carved on it.

Do not know why, people look at this pupil, but do not feel a trace of wrong, but feel that when they see that pupil, it is incomparably comfortable.

The eyes? People frown slightly when they see the carved pattern on the bottle. They seem to think of something. This pattern is very clear. Is it possible that the product released by the other party this time has something to do with the eyes?

"As you can guess, the product released this time is really related to eyes. You can think that this product is eye drops."

What Mu Shishan said was very vulgar, but when people heard this, they immediately frowned. Was it really eye drops? Most of the eye drops are not very good.

You know, although the eye drops are used, they will feel very comfortable, but many doctors in large hospitals have said that the eye drops are too much, but there is no benefit at all.So now, after seeing this product, they are disappointed. This eye potion is not a necessity for them.

Even if the eye drops are good and have no side effects, but the people who can use the product are still very few. It is estimated that the heat of speculation in these days will drop rapidly after the release of this product.

Jiang Miaoxin, who was on the side, saw the situation, and frowned at it. She looked at hengyanlin in some doubts. Before that, she also didn't know what the product was released.

She could know ahead of time, but she didn't ask. Just wait until this conference to see what this product is, but wan wan didn't expect it to be eye drops.

This time the heat did not stir up, after the group released other products, users will not be as enthusiastic as this time! This time, the opportunity is very rare.

There are countless people paying attention to it without spending any more advertising fees. But this time, it is the same as Mu Shishan's bad chess.

It seems to be to notice Jiang Miaoxin's eyes. Hengyanlin nodded to her, indicating that she should be quiet and not impatient. If it was only an eye potion, Mu Shishan would not take it out and make it so grand.

Moreover, hengyanlin will not be so boring, just to get such an eye potion out.

Seeing the eyes of hengyanlin, Jiang Miaoshu was a little bit in his heart, then looked at Mu Shishan, and saw her face. At this time, it was still calm and incomparable. Among the looks, he had a very confident look in it.

"Excuse me, this time, your product is just such an eye potion?"

A reporter at this time, directly can not help, directly stood out, and then asked the Mu Shishan, when heard Mu Shishan said so, he felt like he was playing the same.

An eye medicine is just, it is necessary to make such a mystery, such a grand? You know, he pushed out an interview with big stars, especially came here to interview the group.

But now it is to see such a thing, where will not be disappointed.

This group, like a meteor, was directly researching a landmark product at the beginning, and then it fell down quickly.

Such things, in the industry, is not not not not, even can be said, very common, if so, then he really lost, in addition, the heart is also for this group of poetry and LAN incomparable regret. If the other party can study some deeply, even use the solution, other products are studied separately. Even if there is the shadow of the solution in it, it is believed that many people will pay for it, but it is absolutely not. Looking at the eye drops, they are hopeless in that [br >


Not only he, but others on the side, at this time, also looking at the potions, were a little agitated, obviously, they were not very satisfied with the product. Compared with such a large rehearsal, there was a thing like this in the end. It really means a little flattering in it.

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