"If you really want to talk about it, you can't say it's eye drops, but you can't find a suitable word for a while, so use this word to make it easier for you to understand it."

Mu Shishan listened to the reporter's words, and then responded with a faint smile. It seemed that she did not see the look of the people below at all.

The reporter listened to this, slightly stunned. After looking at the bottle, was there any reversal in it, or did the eye drops have other functions?

"I don't know. What is the effect of this eyedrop?"

Without waiting for him to speak, another domestic reporter could not help asking.

"We all know that eye drops are used to relieve eye fatigue, but this eye drops of Shilan group are used to treat eyes. The main effect is to treat myopia."

"Hua ~ ~"

hearing Mu Shishan's words, all the people around were startled. In an instant, they were in an uproar. A bottle of liquid medicine was directly used to treat myopia? Are you kidding?

At present, in terms of medical means, only the laser surgery can treat myopia. This operation directly cuts off the lens, but the problem is, such surgery also has a very big risk.

In particular, after finishing such an operation, when people get old, there will be a certain probability that they will become blind directly. At present, there is a direct emergence of a potion that can treat myopia without using laser surgery.

Really to say, this kind of thing, should be compared with the sequelae of laser surgery is still less?

"Excuse me, this bottle of liquid medicine, is a bottle can treat myopia of any degree of myopia? What's more, does this potion have sequelae? "

"Excuse me, this liquid medicine, whether you have been experimented to determine whether it can cure myopia?"

"How do you make sure that there will be no sequelae? What if there are sequelae

At this time, reporters can't help it. Even when they stand up and speak, any person who is short-sighted is suffering from myopia. Especially after myopia, the degree of myopia in the eyes is constantly rising.

If there is a liquid medicine without any side effects, which can treat the eyes well, I think many people will buy it.

Immediately, countless reporters wanted to get a very accurate answer here in Mu Shishan.

"Please rest assured that this product has been tested and carefully checked in the hospital without any side effects. In addition, if there is any problem with this product, we will be responsible for it. Please rest assured."

Knowing what people were worried about, Mu Shishan directly assured that she had tested this product before. After the hospital examination, there was no side effect at all, and the eyes of the patients became very healthy.

In fact, Mu Shishan used this thing herself once, or Heng Yanlin gave it to her. She used it herself, so she could feel that her eyes were very healthy, so when she said this, she was very confident.

"In addition, we have done a very careful study of this product to ensure that it will not have any adverse effects on the human body. Please feel free to buy this product. As for trust, please refer to Zhuqing liquid."

Mu Shishan has an open mouth to answer people's questions one by one. These things are all questions asked by reporters. Mu Shishan had been prepared before, so there was no difficulty in answering them one by one.

The reporters listened to these words, and then quickly continued to inquire after recording them. "May I ask your company how to develop such products? As far as I know, such products have never appeared in the past. Moreover, your company has developed a liquid medicine that can keep the skin young forever. Is it possible to explain that

, your company is already working on a drug that can live forever?"

The question asked by this reporter is also extremely sharp, especially the last sentence, which has always been a topic of discussion on the Internet.

In theory, as long as the liquid is applied to the human body, it can also achieve the effect of long life. However, some people think this is feasible, while others think it is totally impossible.

After all, this kind of thing is too science fiction.

Other reporters who were originally preparing to ask questions were stunned when they heard such sharp questions. Then they looked at each other and stopped to see how mu Shishan responded to the topic. "In fact, I'm not sure how to develop a product. Although I have a very high degree and I have obtained any double doctorate positions, I actually belong to metaphysics for me. I don't know how to achieve this.”

when Mu Shishan heard this, she immediately gave a smile and then spread out her hand.

People listen to this, the corner of the mouth, this word said, is not in perfunctory attitude, no matter how to say, how can you a president such things not pay attention to?

However, what Mu Shishan said at the end was really interesting, which made many people laugh.

Everyone thought that Mu Shishan was perfunctory and didn't want to talk about this topic. After all, it was a secret of other people's company. But they never thought that Mu Shishan was referring to Heng Yanlin on one side at this time.

"As for the problems after that, I'm not very clear, but you can ask the vice president Heng beside me. He is in charge of product research. I think no one knows better than him about everything."

When they heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and then they looked at Heng Yanlin, who was the general person in charge of the study of medicine. How could they feel that they were too young?

However, president Mu should not deceive them. There is no need to deceive them. If people don't want to talk about it, they just want to make a fool of it. Why should they introduce a person to come out and let this person cheat?

No matter whether this person or not is the person in charge of this, the reporters at this time, as if a hungry wolf saw the meat, rushed to Heng Yanlin in front of him, and then asked questions one after another.

"Excuse me, how did you come up with this Zhuqing liquid? Are you ready to work out a drug for prolonging human life?"

"Excuse me, deputy general manager Heng, what major are you studying and how to develop such drugs? As far as I know, there is no industry at home and abroad that can reach such a high level."

In a flash, the reporters directly aimed at Heng Yanlin. Mu Shishan, on the other side, saw this situation, and her mouth was slightly tilted. Jiang Miaoshu looked at her helplessly. She couldn't help laughing and crying when she thought of what she had said before.

These reporters may not know, but it is estimated that only her heart is the most clear, that Mu Shishan is not wrong at all, this thing is really some flavor of metaphysics.

At least she thinks that her educational background is not low, but for Heng Yanlin, she does not understand at all, what is the matter, that strange thing, are able to explain, hengyanlin is very not simple.

Heng Yanlin listened to these people's questions, eyebrows slightly picked, and then said. "In fact, I didn't go to any school. As for the research of these medicinal solutions, it was completely studied in an ancient book. Some of you who are well-informed know that the Shilan group purchased some Chinese herbal medicines, and those liquid medicines were extracted from these herbs."

"As for the medicine of prolonging life, Shilan group is really studying, but the results are not so good. It is too difficult to prolong life."

Hengyanlin faced these people's questions, and did not cover up anything. He said directly. However, his last sentence was to deceive them. Where did hengyanlin study any life prolonging drugs. However, if they deny that they have not said that they have not, they will not believe them. It is better to directly say that they have something good and cover up. The other party thinks that they have made some research on this side, so they do not want to publish it.

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