"Very strong people?"

When Qiming heard this, a look of astonishment appeared on his old face and asked him subconsciously, "how strong is it?"


Heng Yan Lin really feel that the brain of Qiming is not because of old age and began to become useless.

The behavior he showed before doesn't look like a person without intelligence quotient?

How come you look so stupid now?

After asking about this sentence, Qiming didn't hear Heng Yanlin's answer, so he couldn't help looking up at the past. In a moment, Qiming saw Heng Yanlin looking at him speechless. At the same time, his eyes under his sword eyebrows were full of disdain, which made him stupefied.

At once, Qiming thought of something, and suddenly his old face appeared with a look of embarrassment, smiling at Heng Yan Lin San.

Because of his thinking about Lin's identity, he didn't want to change his attitude to his subordinates.

However, where can Qiming know that Heng Yanlin doesn't want to be the captain just because he doesn't want to touch the so-called words.

But Qiming actually wants to force him, which is extremely disliked for hengyanlin.

Henglin's mind has changed a little bit, especially when he starts to feel the changes in his mind.

Therefore, Qiming didn't dare to have any other ideas. He quickly let his brain turn. Otherwise, Heng Yanlin would be upset. Then their su family would be finished in xuanming real mansion this time!

At that time, he really became a criminal of the Su family!

At present, Qiming frowned and began to think seriously. After a moment, he said: "if you can make Mr. Lin treat you so carefully, then this person's strength must be very strong, at least equivalent to you, and your tone just revealed some uncertainty, which means you don't know about Yu's Whether a so-called "master" really exists. If he does exist, then he must have a bigger conspiracy to hibernate. If not, it will be just a vain scene, and it can paralyze the Yu family. In any case, it is really beneficial to hibernate by oneself, and there is no harm in any way... "

Hearing Qiming's analysis becoming more and more clear and organized, Heng Yanlin nodded with satisfaction. His handsome face relaxed and said to him, "you see, your brain is still working. Why do you always ask me all the things?"

Being praised by a young person who doesn't know how young he is, he really doesn't know whether to be happy or sad. After all, the strength of others is much more than that of himself.

Is it wrong to respect the strong?

Oh, it's not easy to survive these days!

After a little sigh in his heart, a serious look appeared on Qiming's face. He nodded to Heng Yanlin and said, "Mr. Lin, I understand that it was the old man menglang before, and this will not happen again."

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, did not say anything more, just nodded, said: "you continue to command, I will cooperate with you, if there is any accident, I will make a voice to remind."


Heng Yanlin's words let Qiming nod his head gently, and then turned around and said in a deep voice to many Su's children: "take a rest in place for ten minutes, and then continue to set off!"

The dialogue between hengyanlin and Qiming just now seems to be very long. In fact, it is not just a short two or three minutes in the past.

Hearing Qiming's words, many of the Su family's children, who were nervous, were also secretly relieved and began to take a rest in situ.

As for Heng Yanlin, he glanced around, and at the same time his mind moved. His consciousness of knowing the sea was spreading like a wave. In a flash, he covered everything three or four thousand meters away. He wanted to find out if there was any other abnormal situation.

Although hengyanlin's present state is only to achieve the great completion of the foundation state, but don't forget that hengyanlin's previous life is the supreme Immortal Emperor's realm, so his soul is an immortal soul, not a common mortal soul.

Although the immortal yuan was burned out because of falling into the mortal world, and the immortal soul was gradually reduced, his power of knowing and thinking was still very strong.

He swept everything in a few kilometers with his knowledge, but he didn't find any abnormality. This made Heng Yanlin feel a little surprised, because according to the truth, there should be many creatures around!

Why didn't a creature see it?

"Is it because of the Tyrannosaurus Rex?"

At this moment, Heng Yanlin thought of a problem, that is, he just took over the trapped Tyrannosaurus Rex.Maybe there is only one reason.

After all, only this Tyrannosaurus Rex appeared around, and because of its huge power, no other overlord level creatures dare to invade here.

As soon as he thought of this, Heng Yanlin thought of the Tyrannosaurus Rex that he had taken in by himself. At the moment, he raised his hand slightly, and his mind moved. Then a faint light appeared on his palm, and the light cage trapped by T.Rex flashed on his palm.

At this moment, we can also see the T. rex in the light cage is trying to hit the light cage, and also want to escape.

At the moment, Heng Yan Lin faintly smiles and whispers, "it's true that you don't give up!"

At this time, Mu Shishan has come to his side. Seeing the small light cage on the palm of Heng Yanlin's palm, her beautiful eyes revealed an incredible look and asked, "is this the Tyrannosaurus Rex? Isn't it dead? How can you be so small and so small? "

Heng Yanlin said with a faint smile: "because I trapped it inside, and compressed it, because the Tyrannosaurus Rex seems to have a lot of secrets, so I want to see what these secrets are about it."

"So are you going to start studying it now?" Mu Shishan blinked her eyes and asked in a voice.

"I'll see if it can communicate," Heng Yanlin thought for a moment and said, "if he can communicate, then everything will be more convenient."

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