When Mu Shishan heard this, she nodded her head.

If this Tyrannosaurus Rex can communicate, then many things can be easily solved.

If there is no way, then for Heng Yanlin, in fact, there is not much so-called, the big deal is to use some more cruel means to deal with this Tyrannosaurus Rex.

However, in that case, it will certainly cause a lot of memory loss and so on.

Therefore, in the not very final critical moment, Heng felt that there was still no need to do these things.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin looked at Mu Shishan and said, "I'll close my eyes first, wife, you can look around for me."

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan nodded. A faint smile appeared on her delicate and beautiful face. She said, "you can rest assured. I will look at it."

However, after finishing this sentence, Mu Shishan stopped for a second and continued to ask in a voice, "however, is it dangerous for you to do such a thing? How long will it take? After all, there are many dangers around here. "

After all, it's outside, in the rainforest, who knows if there will be something that they can't cope with all of a sudden.

Hearing Mu Shishan's inquiry and the worried color on her Dai eyebrow, Heng Yanlin's handsome face appeared a faint smile. He said, "don't worry. I have already investigated everything around for several kilometers. There is no danger. As for the communication with T.Rex, it doesn't take too much time."

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan was relieved. But soon, a look of doubt appeared on her pretty face. She asked in a voice, "how do you know that there is no danger in everything within a radius of several kilometers? Do you use any spirit

Heng Yanlin shook his head, and a faint smile appeared on his face. He said in a low voice: "no, it's not the use of spirituality, but the use of something called awareness."

"Consciousness? What is that? "

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan's pretty face appeared a puzzled color and asked.

"Knowledge is It's like a kind of mental power. " After hearing Mu Shishan's words, Heng Yanlin thought for a moment, and then he explained in a voice, "it's an energy different from aura, but it belongs to energy, but this energy is invisible and immaterial. After going out, I'll explain it to you again, because the power of consciousness can only be exerted when it reaches at least above the foundation level."

Mu Shishan saw that Heng Yanlin had already said so. Naturally, she didn't say anything more. She just nodded and said, "OK, you should go and solve the Tyrannosaurus Rex first."

Hearing what Mu Shishan said, Heng Yanlin nodded, and no longer said anything more. Then he said in a voice, "OK, I'll solve it first."

At the moment, Heng Yanlin slightly closed his eyes, and his real soul entered the light cage on his palm.

At the same time, in the light cage, Tyrannosaurus Rex is frantically hitting the whole light cage, and then a burst of impact sound is echoing out, but unfortunately, although the surface of the whole light cage rippled with a faint halo, it is still motionless.

As for the Tyrannosaurus Rex is also very tired of impact, can not help lying on the ground, a big breath of breathing.

"What's the matter? Have you run out of strength? No more resistance now? "

A faint laugh was heard in the light cage, which caused the Tyrannosaurus Rex's eyes to open up suddenly. At the same time, he raised his head and looked around to find out where the sound source came from?

But it looked for a long time, the voice of the owner seems to have a little helpless, can not help voice said: "well, you don't look around, I am in front of you."

T. rex seemed to understand, and suddenly looked forward, but it was all air.

"Your head, look down!"

Tyrannosaurus Rex slightly lowered its head, and then saw a slender figure appeared in its pupil line of sight.


Heng Yan Lin waved to the Tyrannosaurus Rex and said with a smile.

When Tyrannosaurus Rex saw that it was Heng Yanlin, a thick blood color appeared in his eyes. A roar full of extreme anger was heard in its mouth basin:

"roar -"

at this time, the exhausted T.Rex did not know where the strength came from, so he suddenly stood up from the ground and faced Heng Yan Lin rushes away.

Looking at the Tyrannosaurus Rex as if he had seen an enemy coming towards him, a helpless smile appeared on Heng Yanlin's handsome face. He shook his head gently and sighed.

The next second, the Tyrannosaurus Rex hit Heng Yanlin's body, but hengyanlin was like a stake, standing still, as if he could not see the impact of T-Rex.Then, Tyrannosaurus rex was directly through Heng Yanlin's body, and hit the light cage hard.


Then the head of T. rex bumped into the light cage, and the whole consciousness became a little confused, and the huge body whirled around like drunk.

After a short time, T. rex reacted to it and turned to look at Heng Yan Lin.

Heng Yanlin also turned around and looked at Tyrannosaurus Rex in front of him. He laughed softly and said, "why? As for the rage? "


The Tyrannosaurus Rex roared in the direction of Heng Yanlin, but it did not continue to rush forward. Instead, its eyes were spinning, as if thinking about something, full of humanity.

Seeing that Tyrannosaurus Rex didn't rush towards him again, Heng Yanlin's face, which was transformed by the power of consciousness, appeared a touch of surprise on his face. His sword eyebrow also shook. He thought in secret: "this Tyrannosaurus Rex, with its high IQ, seems to have the ability to learn. It seems that the Tyrannosaurus Rex is even more powerful than I imagined Smart

This makes Heng Yanlin more curious about T. rex.

At the moment, Heng Yanlin was smiling at the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Then he raised his hand and said, "what's the matter? Don't you get angry when you see me? Why don't you rush over and swallow me up? I am in front of you now

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