"Oh, I'll take my wife out to have a look and a walk." Heng Yan Lin responded lightly.

Heng Yanlin's words, so that everyone's face is changed, become particularly strange.

Have a look?

Take a stroll?

Are you serious?

Even Qiming's face also had the color of astonishment, but soon he restrained himself and said to Heng Yanlin, "Mr. Lin, it's not very safe outside."

"No problem. With those soft legged shrimps, there is no threat to me at all." Heng Yanlin said without any care.

"This Well, I don't know, Mr. Lin, do you need to send two people to follow you, so what kind of information do you need Qiming asked.

"No, we'll be back before sunset." Heng Yan Lin waved his hand and said no politely, "let's go!"

"All right, Mr. Lin, take your time."

When seeing Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan leave the pavilion hand in hand, there is a whisper behind Qiming, and the tone is full of dissatisfaction.

"Don't you mean to take a rest? Why don't both of them rest? "

"What do they think of xuanming palace? Have a look? Have a look? "

"Is this a tour?"

Hearing these people's voices, Qiming frowned, turned around, glanced at them coldly, and said, "shut up! If you have the strength of Mr. Lin, you can do anything you want. Don't chew your tongue behind other people's backs. If you are found out, you will feel good! "

Seeing that Qiming has already said so, although the Su family's children are full of discontent, they dare not say anything more.

Because as Qiming said, if they have the strength of hengyanlin, they will not be able to stop what they want to do!

Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan did not know about the dissatisfaction of these Su's children.

However, even if they knew, they would not care.

For Heng Yan Lin, these guys are just some passers-by, but also so weak, there is no need to care.

After they walked out of the pavilion, they immediately felt a scorching heat wave, which made them feel a kind of terrible high temperature and made them feel incomparably hot.

However, soon, Heng Yanlin's heart moved slightly, and a aura surged out of his body, forming a layer of light energy gauze, covering himself and Mu Shishan.

The next second, Mu Shishan felt that her whole body became incomparably cool, especially comfortable, without the slightest sense of dryness and heat.

Suddenly, Mu Shishan's delicate pretty face appeared a color of surprise. Blinking her smart and smart eyes, she looked at Heng Yanlin and asked in a voice, "Yan Lin, how do you do this?"

Heng Yan Lin said with a faint smile, "it's just a simple technique. It's not worth mentioning."

"But you can actually become so cool and comfortable in such a hot weather. This kind of magic is really good to use. You don't have to worry about heatstroke. Teach me quickly so that I don't have to worry about being exposed to the sun in the future." Mu Shishan said.

Hearing Mu Shishan's words, Heng Yan Linton was stunned. Some of them couldn't laugh or cry. He thought to himself, "isn't it? Do you want to learn this dharma because you are worried that the hot weather will melt your makeup? It's really Women are really women. They are really different. Their brain circuits are totally different from those of ordinary people. "

Seeing that hengyanlin didn't speak, Mu Shishan immediately became coquettish: "en ~ ~ Yanlin, why don't you talk? Hurry up, teach me quickly. Are you not willing to teach me?"

Hearing Mu Shishan's words, Heng Yanlin couldn't help but smile and said, "how can it be? Don't think about it. Of course, I'd like to. It's just that you can't practice with your current practice. "

"Well, you can't cheat me. It's clear that you don't want to!" Mu Shishan snorted, and her pretty face showed displeasure. "You said it was a small skill, and it was not worth mentioning."

Hearing Mu Shishan's words, Hengyan Linton felt like lifting a stone to hit his own foot.

For Heng Yan Lin, it is really not worth mentioning, because his realm is there, so it is easy to put it into practice.

But for mu Shishan, these techniques need aura as support, but there is still some reluctance in terms of Mu Shishan's current strength level.

At present, Heng Yanlin looked at Mu Shishan helplessly and said, "wife, if I can really teach you, I will certainly teach you. If I don't teach you, it must be that your strength has not reached. Do you think I am the kind of person who doesn't teach you?"

"So, you dislike me, you dislike my strength, don't you?" When Mu Shishan heard this, she suddenly appeared the expression of Wei Qu Ba Ba on her pretty face, which was particularly pitiful.This makes Hengyan Linton feel a head two big, how to turn into a dislike of her meaning? That's not what he meant!

Wait a minute!

It's weird!

Hengyan Linton squinted at Mu Shishan, looked up and down at Mu Shishan, and asked in a voice, "I said wife, why do you suddenly become this way?"

"What does it mean that I suddenly become like this? What do you mean? Do you mean I'm not in a good shape now? You have already begun to dislike me... " Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan suddenly became a little pathetic again, as if she had been wronged by the heaven.

"No, I didn't say that..."

However, when Heng Yanlin had just finished this sentence, his eyebrows suddenly raised slightly, because he noticed that there was a strange mist hanging over Mu Shishan. His eyes suddenly turned cold, and a strange light bloomed in his eyes. Then he drank a stuffy voice, and his two fingers closed together and shot away in the distance.


All of a sudden, a finger awn just like a bow and arrow that left the string darted out, pounding fiercely on a boulder.


The boulder broke into pieces, and suddenly a sharp scream came up, and then a strange pink insect flew out of the broken boulder.

At the same time, Mu Shishan's delicate body also slightly shakes for a moment, and then a trace of confusion appears in her eyes. She raises her head and looks at Heng Yanlin. She looks puzzled on her pretty face and asks, "Yan Lin, what's the matter? What happened? "

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