"Are you all right?" Heng Yan Lin asked.

When Mu Shishan heard this, she suddenly appeared confused on her pretty face and asked in a voice, "what? What's all right? What are you talking about? "

"What just happened Did you forget? " Heng Yanlin asked again.

"Like..." Mu Shishan wrinkled her eyebrows, and immediately her pretty face changed her look. It seemed that she recalled something bad. Now she looked at Heng Yanlin, and a blush appeared. She said, "what's the matter?"

"You should have been poisoned by something that changed your character. I'll check it."

Heng Yanlin said, running his own mental power, shrouded in Mu Shishan's delicate body, carefully sensed a time, found that there was no unusual situation, except for a little loss of some mental strength, he was relieved.

At the moment, the pink insect that flew out of the boulder was about three meters high. With a sharp howling sound in its mouth, it emitted a pink mist toward Hengyan forest, emitting a strange smell.

Because hengyanlin saw such a strange insect for the first time, he could change his character greatly, so he had to be careful.

Therefore, when he saw the pink mist spraying towards him, Heng Yanlin felt a little moved. It was that there was a spirit flowing out of his body and quickly converged to his palm. Then Heng Yanlin shot it out of the void. Suddenly, a aura quickly emerged in the void, forming a golden light shield, It blocked the pink mist.

Then, Heng Yanlin's hand was suddenly grasped again. Suddenly, a group of aura shot out, forming a golden cord. It quickly swept out of the air and wrapped around the body of this big bug. The big bug could not get rid of it. He could only scream in the air.

Heng Yanlin saw this, and his eyes showed senleng's eyes. He immediately raised his hand slightly, grasped it with five fingers, and suddenly pulled it downward. All of a sudden, many spiritual ropes tied to the pink bug's body became extremely heavy in an instant. The big pink bug was severely dropped on the ground, which made it send out a shrill scream, and there was no way to move.

Seeing this scene, Heng Yanlin looked at Mu Shishan and said, "wait here now. I'll go and see what it is."

With these words, Heng Yanlin's foot is gently trampled on the ground, and then his body is like a bow and arrow from the string, and in a flash he comes to the big pink bug.

Heng Yanlin looked at it carefully and found that it was a big mutated insect. As for the pink fog, it seemed that there was a kind of spiritual corrosion, which could change the character of the poisoned person, so that he began to devour the spirit of the poisoned person soundlessly.

This shocked Heng Yanlin. He didn't expect such creatures to exist. No wonder Qiming said that it was not very safe outside. It was really not a general danger!

"But it's really interesting that this monster can actually influence personality and devour mental power. Maybe we can catch up and study it."

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin grabs the hand of his hand, and puts the monster into the third layer of his heaven and earth ring.

Hengyanlin's Qiankun precepts contain several layers. Not only dead objects, but also living creatures can carry them, but they need more energy.

But for now, hengyanlin can still bear it.

After putting away this pink monster, Heng Yanlin returned to Mu Shishan's side, looked at her and asked, "do you feel very tired now?"

Hearing this, Mu Shishan shook her head and said, "I don't have any feeling."

"It seems that there is not much spiritual power that should be swallowed up by it. Fortunately." Heng Yan Lin heard the speech, then nodded and said.

Hearing what Heng Yanlin said, Mu Shishan's pretty face appeared a touch of surprise: "that strange insect, can actually devour spiritual power? Are you talking about the power of consciousness? "

Heng Yanlin nodded and said, "yes, but there is no big problem. I have solved it. Do you want to continue now? It looks like it's not very safe out here

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan chuckled and said, "nature is going to continue. Danger always exists, isn't it? What's more, isn't there you? I'm not worried about you

"You have confidence in me." Heng Yan Lin laughed and said.

"You are my husband. I don't have confidence in you. Who else can I have confidence in?" Mu Shi smiles.

"In that case, let's go and have a look." Heng said.

Soon, Heng Yanlin took Mu Shishan to the sword Pavilion.

Before long, they came to the sword Pavilion, and immediately saw a faint halo surging on the surface of the sword Pavilion.

Obviously, that's the sword house prohibition in operation.The sword Pavilion is silvery white. It looks like a sharp sword out of its sheath, as if to cut off the sky. It is extremely sharp.

Even if it was Heng Yanlin, he was surprised to see it. After all, such a sword Pavilion is not what ordinary people can build.

So, was it a luxurious place in the great Xuanfu?

Heng Yanlin thought secretly in his heart that there was something incredible.

However, according to these surging energy halos on the surface of the sword Pavilion, Heng Yanlin thinks that the defense prohibition is quite strong. If he wants to break through it by force, he may have to pay a lot of price.

"Do you feel anything?"

At this moment, Mu Shishan's voice suddenly rang in Heng Yanlin's ear.

Hearing Mu Shishan's inquiry, Heng Yanlin's face appeared puzzled. Looking at Mu Shishan, he asked, "what do you feel? What do you mean

"Yes, it's like something is calling me..."

Mu Shishan looks at Heng Yanlin and murmurs.

She frowned slightly and looked directly at the sword Pavilion in front of her. The mood that escaped from her whole body seemed to be a little strange.

This let Heng Yanlin's face become a little nervous, and asked in a voice, "wife, are you ok?"

"I, I'm fine, just, just..."

Mu Shishan walked two steps toward the prohibition of the sword Pavilion, and whispered in his mouth, "it seems that there is something inside calling me. This feeling is so strong..."

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