"Hum ~ ~"

under the numerous means, the gray fog directly shrank back and became a little thinner. The Dean on the other side, seeing this situation, was immediately delighted.

Just seeing these people calling, he felt a little frightened. He thought that his own people could not fight this thing, but now it seems that the people on his side are more skilled.

Seeing this situation, Heng Yanlin on one side immediately raised his eyebrows slightly, but there was no joy on his face. The power of that thing was beyond these people. It was just delusion that he wanted to fight against this thing with the help of these people.

"Come on, come on, break this thing up for me!"

At this time, the Taoist priest's face was full of joy and exclaimed. This thing had just put pressure on them, but it was very big. Now he was able to break it up. Naturally, he was extremely happy.

When the rest of the people heard this, they would shake their spirits and throw out the things in their hands. Although these belong to the family, they can't leave them at this time.

However, before they had any extra action, the gray fog, at this time, suddenly had some changes, as if it was a huge and incomparable fog, gushing out again, the fog instantly became thick as water! When people saw this situation, even if they took a deep breath, the original Golden Buddha and other things were emitting all kinds of light, and the fog was very angry and restrained. But now, the light gradually became dim at this time. Then, the fog was hugged up and wrapped all these things, and then there was a clanging sound Up.

When they heard this voice, their faces suddenly changed. This is their magic weapon. All of them were shot down!

What is this thing? How can they shoot down so many of their magic weapons together? If it is ordinary Yin Qi, it is absolutely impossible to do it!


Before they thought about it, a huge force came, and these people were thrown out and then fell back to the ground again.

"Huhoo ~ ~"

one after another seems to be the general sound of the wind, which is directly ringing up. At this time, the fog is directly making waves and constantly gushing out, trying to submerge all the people here.

"Hurry up and evacuate all the people in the hospital out of here!"

The group of Yin Qi finally came out. At this time, and finally, after seeing the Yin Qi, what was the situation? When he saw this situation, Heng Yanlin immediately changed his face, and then he directly roared at the Dean on the side.

"What, what?"

At the moment, the president is already a little flustered. All the people invited by him have been defeated. At this time, the fog is full of malice. It is completely like swallowing them. How can he not be nervous?

"Let all the patients in the hospital, as well as the nurses, be evacuated!"

Seeing the dean at the moment, they are all in a state of unconsciousness. Heng Yanlin immediately uses his spiritual power to roar in the dean's ear, and then makes a mark in his hand.


With Heng Yanlin's soft drink, a golden ancient text is directly separated from the front of all the fog. The fog is like a creature. When he sees the golden wall, he is suddenly in a rage, and then he starts to constantly impact on the golden wall.

"Bang bang!"

A series of dull sound, constantly came, but the golden wall, seems to be extremely weak, but it is also very strong in front of all people.

When you look at the young man, this is the way to do it?

They have used so many means, under the joint efforts, are unable to take a breath, but now it is firmly blocked? What kind of person is this boy? What kind of monster is he!

They were able to use such means, but how much time it took them to achieve it. But now, after seeing Heng Yanlin, they all feel that their previous hard work is white cultivation, and they have lived on dogs for a long time!

Before I thought that this boy was a charlatan. He just cheated money. How can we know that Heng Yanlin's strength is so strong that even they should worship him. Compared with them, the Dean was more shocked and speechless at this time. He had never thought that Heng Yanlin, who had been recognized as a liar, had become their Savior at this time. If it had not been for Heng Yanlin, one of them would have died here.

When he thought of this, he was in a cold sweat. Fortunately, Heng Yanlin's strength was very high, and his rules of doing things were very similar to those of an expert. He didn't leave like this because of his abruptness.

Fortunately, he would have to wait for death."You go up quickly. I'll block it first. Remember, take all the people away. I can't stop it for long. You must finish this before 12 o'clock. This hospital should be completely closed down!"

Heng Yan Lin at this time, is the face dignified matchless open mouth to say.

As he said, this hospital needs to be completely closed down. There can not be a living person to keep. However, if there is a living person left, it will be dead.

Listening to Heng Yanlin's words, the presidents on the other side looked at each other at this time, and then nodded their heads in a hurry. Hengyanlin's current strength has completely conquered them, and they are absolutely obedient to Heng Yanlin's instructions!

"It's only a dozen minutes away from 12 o'clock. I'm afraid it's too late."

The dean at this time, subconsciously looked at the time, and then was in the heart of a tight, hurriedly open his mouth to say.

"If you don't know if it's too late, you'll have to remove all the people for me, no matter whether it's too late or not."

When Heng Yanlin listened to the other party's words, he immediately frowned and then roared. At that time, once someone stayed, even Heng Yanlin could not be saved. Therefore, this matter must be done.

"Let's go, get up and evacuate!"

The Taoist priest on one side listened to this situation, directly pulled the crowd, and then ran to the elevator. He had seen some major events. At present, this situation is far more than what he has seen.

But even so, he is still very clear that it is not a time to dally, go up, according to Heng Yanlin's words, to do this thing well is the business!

Seeing this situation, other people also rushed to the elevator before they prepared to go upstairs and then ready to leave. Fortunately, this elevator, by this time, is no longer used, so it has been stopped below. As soon as people press the elevator, the elevator is opened.

Bright and matchless light, from the elevator scattered, let the people are a spiritual shock, and then quickly walked in.

"Hello, I'm the dean. I want you to immediately and immediately ask all medical staff to evacuate the patients from the hospital!"

At this time, the president did not dare to delay at all. When he picked up his mobile phone, he opened his mouth and said, waiting for the other party to open his mouth.

"Don't ask why, do it for me immediately. Don't talk to me. The critically ill patients take the stairs. The rest of them take the stairs. If you dare to dally with me, I can't spare him! The evacuation must be completed before 12 o'clock! "

After that, the Dean hung up the phone directly. The head nurse on duty on the other end of the phone listened to the blind voice of the phone, but after being stunned for a moment, he left to gather all the medical staff and began to withdraw patients.

The president has never done this in his usual time, nor has he done anything to make fun of others. At present, even Laozi's words are called out, which can only show that the matter is very serious. In this case, she can only quickly order the order, let everyone start to follow.

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