"Hurry up, the seriously ill take the stairs, and the rest, unless they can't, will take the stairs, no matter how high they are here!"

"All patients, please leave the hospital on your own. Something happened in the hospital, please leave quickly!"

In the hospital, because of the director's order, the lights are bright at the moment. The nurses are very nervous at this time to arrange the patients to leave. In order to let everyone hear, the nurses even take out the loudspeaker to give orders.

"Please pay attention to the personnel downstairs. There are no critically ill patients. People downstairs should not press the elevator, which will delay time!"

At this time, the head nurse was calm enough to give orders, and then arranged for everyone to evacuate. At this time, the safe passage was opened directly.

The patients, at this time, are all looking at the scene in front of them. At this moment, they are almost asleep. They are suddenly called to wake up and ask for immediate response. Some bad premonitions are immediately raised in their hearts.

Was there a fire in this hospital, or did some gangsters break in? People are very flustered in the heart, after the brain to make up for all kinds of situations, it is immediately incomparable to run downstairs.

Some people think of the elevator directly. Fortunately, some nurses have already thought of this. There are special staff guarding the elevator. Otherwise, if you look at the noisy scene, the elevator will have to be stuck in the upper floor.

See the elevator is not critical personnel can not use, in the heart of patients under anxiety, at the moment is not in the mind of this nonsense, hurriedly is running down the side of the stairs.

Running and swearing all the time.

"What's going on in this damned hospital is that we should all leave. After we go out, I have to complain. When is it?"

"Don't tell me. I ran out and said, I don't know what's going on here. I want everyone to leave here."

At this time, all the patients were depressed. They were originally ill, but now they have to run downstairs. Fortunately, they are not climbing the stairs. Otherwise, they will be tired before they fall ill.

"What's going on here? How can it be so well done that all the people have to get out of here?"

At this time, the nurses were also puzzled, maintaining order on one side and talking quietly. They were also the people of the hospital. If it was not for maintaining order or something, they would like to leave here to speak.

"I don't know. According to this situation, generally speaking, it's a fire or something, otherwise it's an earthquake or something. It's just that I haven't seen these things. The hospital is in good condition and there's no fire."

The nurse on the side, listening to this, also responded with a puzzled look. Just like she said, it's all these reasons to leave the building. As for acting, it's impossible.

At most, acting is a performance by their internal staff. If these patients do such a big fight, they will be killed.

"Could it be that we were allowed to leave because of what happened a few days ago and now it's out of control? It's said that today, there are still a lot of those people. Before that, the Dean told us to take good care of the patients and let everyone not go out. "

When another nurse heard this and thought about it, she said quietly that the people in the hospital knew the strange things happened in the hospital.

When you think about it, you have no idea. If you don't think about it, you can't help it. It's just a coincidence who let it happen.

It happened that we were going to do that thing. As a result, after a while, all the people left. It was impossible for them not to think about this.

When the other heard this, he immediately stood up and then looked at his companion in horror.

"Don't frighten me. This evening, if it's that thing, it's more serious than the fire!"

Fire and other things, as long as water or something, it is still possible to put out the fire. In addition, if you bypass the fire spot and run down directly, you can also survive.

However, if they encounter the affairs of gods and ghosts, they have no experience at all and have no means to deal with them. It is estimated that they will have to wait for death at that time!

So when she thought of this, she was very upset in her heart. When she looked at her companions, they were all staring at her, indicating that she was not allowed to say anything more.

"Well, how's the evacuation going?"

Just when both of them were in a state of panic, the Dean went to the two and looked at them, and asked.

"Ah, ah, Dean."

All of a sudden, someone said a word behind his back, adding the things just said. Naturally, they were shocked. But when they looked back, they were relieved to see that it was their president.Just because of this, I was very scared.

"The staff are evacuating, because there are not many patients with severe illness, most of them are going down the stairs, and three fifths of the staff have been evacuated. When the critically ill personnel are delivered, they can use the elevator to evacuate other patients from high places, and the speed will be much faster."

The nurse regained consciousness a little, and then answered.

At this time, both of them saw the Dean, the Taoist priest and others. When they saw the Taoist priest and others, they were all very strange. Even if they understood, these were the people invited by their Dean.

However, these people's looks are very bad, one by one pale, the corners of the mouth, although has been wiped, but careful of them, or can see that the other side is bleeding.

As soon as this was discovered, the two women were in a cold air. These were the people who were invited to deal with the affairs of gods and ghosts. But at present, these people were actually injured, and the Dean directly ordered the evacuation!

In this case, does it not mean that those things really exist, and no one on their side can deal with it, so they choose to leave?

In just a few seconds, the two women have been speculating about things for a long time. But the more so, the more cold air they feel in their hearts. Whoever is willing to deal with that kind of thing will go there. They don't even want to see it!

"Well, it's very good. Make it harder. Before 12 o'clock, everyone should be taken away, including you. Be more careful, and don't miss any people."

Listening to the report, the Dean immediately nodded with great satisfaction. Fortunately, because of the things to be done today, in order to prevent the patients from running around, he asked all the nurses to work overtime.

At present, the hospital is still relatively full of staff, so it is not a lack of staff, do a rush, patients one by one can not come over, there is no time to arrange staff to leave.

"Yes, Dean."

Although the two women are guessing what things to come, but at this time, it is not dare to say, also dare not ask, this kind of thing, or their own know, one said, ghost knows what will happen.

If the other party thinks that they know too much, what means will be used at that time, they will have no place to cry. The president did not know at the moment that the two nurses had already guessed something. Listening to their words, they immediately nodded and then went to inspect other places. Heng Yanlin said that before 12 o'clock, all the nurses must be evacuated. No one can stay here.

Some of his heart is not at ease, can only be to see more, avoid when someone is careless, lead to put what irreparable fault. Upstairs here, is busy with all kinds of retreat, very chaotic, and in hengyanlin this below, now also appears to be full of crisis.

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