
Seeing that hengyanlin actually said that he was the eighth daughter-in-law, this made Da Xuan Wang so angry that his eyes were wide open and his face turned green.

As the king of the whole kingdom, he is said to be like a Baba who can't destroy the emperor. Can he bear it?

OK, I can't bear it, but it's useless, because he can't really kill this guy all at once, can he?

Although the current Da Xuan Wang is a projection of ideas, in fact he does not have much power to project, and he has to act according to the rules. Just like the lightning whip, he actually acts according to the rules, because there must be a reward for passing the examination, and the reward is naturally random selection, but with the projection of ideas, the reward is self-evident However, he could choose for himself.

So at the moment, because of the rules, Da Xuan Wang can't continue to fight.

Therefore, because of the rules, King Da Xuan can't make a move now, which makes him particularly unhappy. He has a trace of regret in his heart. Why did he set such a broken rule at the beginning.

However, seeing that hengyanlin wanted to ask this question, it was not necessary for Da Xuan Wang to continue to hide it. Instead, he asked, "don't you understand the whole cultivation system?"

Hengyanlin heard Da Xuan Wang's words. He rolled his eyes and said, "I'm a person who hasn't even been in the world. Do you expect me to know all about it?"


Great xuanwang was angry again, but now he thinks about it, it seems that this is the same reason. After all, Heng Yanlin has never been in the inner world, so naturally he doesn't know what the whole cultivation system is like.

At the moment, King Da Xuan thought about it and said, "in fact, in the whole universe, the cultivation systems of many races are basically the same, that is, the names are not the same. I'll talk about our races first."

"The cultivation system of our human race is the same as that of other races. It starts with quenching the body, then refining the Qi, and then building the foundation..."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute," he said. He was shocked when he heard that Da Xuan Wang really wanted to talk about his basic knowledge. He frowned and stopped. "I know the front part. Just jump over."


Da Xuan Wang is really upset. Now he regrets why he had to set up everything according to the rules. If he has a chance to come back, he must change all the rules. If someone hurts himself again, I must deal with him well and make him dare not jump again!

Although he thought so in his heart, Da Xuan king said honestly: "in any case, according to the degree from weak to strong, the realm starts from quenched body realm, and then comes the realm of refining gas, building foundation, spirit elixir, Yuan seal and cracked mountain..."

"After all, even the mountains are able to split at this time, and they are really strong. But behind the mountain, there is a broken space. To this extent, they are basically called kings. They are the real core combat power, and they can basically inherit the position of the head of the government."

Hearing what the king said, Heng Yanlin widened his eyes. Looking at the face of the king, he could not help but exclaim: "so, now you are just breaking through the void? Then you don't have a high level, so at the beginning, because you were too weak, you couldn't control the emperor's tools, so you had to sink them into the cracks of the star world. "


If you can really do it now, Da Xuan Wang really wants to kill this guy!

Yes, there's no mistake. I want to kill Heng Yanlin, and this impulse is becoming stronger and stronger.

If we don't kill them, we really can't do it!

This made the king more regretful.

But regret although regret, but Heng Yanlin really guess is not wrong, but he did not explain, but can not help rolling his eyes, not angry to say: "you are really talking nonsense, what did Wang just say? You can be the leader of a mansion by breaking the empty space! It's Yifu! Not a domain!! You can hear me clearly! "

"The head of a mansion is totally different from the head of a territory, OK? At the beginning, my king was not just breaking the empty realm, but the Taixu realm above the empty realm, which was called sage!! At that time, this king was called Da Xuan Sheng Wang!! Do you understand! "

I am not weak! I'm the great Xuansheng king!!

"Oh, so after all, you still have no way to completely control this imperial instrument of Da Xuan Fu, so you can only take Da Xuan Fu as a seal and melt it into the cracks of the star world. Is that what it looks like?" Heng Yan Lin looks at big Xuan King lightly, reply a way.


Big Xuan Wang Dun when no temper, because Heng Yan Lin said, is true!

It's like this!

There was no way. At that time, he was dealing with the Immortal Emperor. What could he do? It's hard to fight, just like Xiaoqiang, it's very strong!However, Da Xuan Wang didn't think it was necessary to tell him about all this. Anyway, he would not like to tell Heng Yanlin, so he didn't say it at all.

See big Xuan king didn't continue to explain, Heng Yanlin as he is acquiesced, immediately he is a voice asked: "so, now you, still big Xuan Saint King?"

"How can it be? I've broken through now, OK? Now I am above the Taixu sages, that is, the so-called immortal realm, that is, the so-called emperor. Therefore, you can call it the great Xuansheng emperor! "

With these words, the King became powerful and powerful.

However, when hengyanlin heard the title of the emperor, he had a strong dislike for it.

Yes, it's true.

He had never thought that he would despise the title of a great emperor.

Seeing Heng Yanlin's indifference, it made the face of Da xuanwang a little hard to hang, but he said coldly: "anyway, it's basically like this."

However, Heng Yanlin was not very satisfied when he heard this sentence. He could not help frowning and continued to ask in a voice: "so, when you get to the place where you can't destroy the emperor, it's gone?"

"Above the immortal realm, there is another realm, which is called the original realm, that is, Emperor Zun. Above the emperor Zun, there is the Dao realm, which is also the so-called emperor Dao realm. Further up I don't know. After all, I don't know much about Daojing. "

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