"Immortal realm, original realm, Avenue realm..."

"Emperor, emperor, Emperor..."

Hearing what the great xuanwang said, Heng Yanlin narrowed his eyes and continued to ask, "so, the emperor of the fairy clan is the Immortal Emperor?"

Big Xuan Wang Wen Yan, just nodded, said: "it's right to call it that way."

"So, according to the way you said, when the fairies come to pokong, they are the king of fairies, the saint of fairies, the emperor of fairies, the emperor of fairies and the emperor of fairies?" So Heng Yan Lin asked again.

Hearing this, King Da Xuan nodded immediately. He was puzzled and asked, "it's like this. Is there anything wrong?"

Hearing the response from King Da Xuan, Heng Yanlin couldn't help squinting his eyes and thought in his heart: "so, at the beginning, I broke through to the realm of Gaoxian emperor. In other words, according to King Da Xuan, it was the original realm, but it didn't matter. What's more, the master who took me away from the earth Is he a fairy

"If it's really like this, master Is it good or bad? "

"He took me to the world of cultivating immortals. Is it the world of immortals? What is his purpose? "

All of a sudden, let Heng Yanlin's brain become some confusion.

At present, there is no parallel in the world, but it is impossible to say what can be done in parallel.

So what's going on?

Was the earth occupied at that time?

No, no, there was no lack of aura in the earth in the previous life, and his master took himself away from the earth to practice in the world of cultivating immortals because he saw his talent.

So what was his purpose at that time? Are you really just looking at your talent?

It seems that there is nothing suspicious about the cultivation of dangchu. Moreover, the master didn't want me to return to the earth and let me do something to the earth

Thinking of this, it made Heng Yanlin's brain more complicated. He couldn't help shaking his head. He immediately looked up at the king and asked, "then I ask you, is there any fairy people who sneak into the outside world, and then take away some talented people, and then cultivate them and help them If you become stronger, what will you do to the outside world? "

Hearing this, Wang Da Xuan felt very sad and said, "of course there are some. Even our Terrans are doing such things. After all, infiltration and espionage are necessary things in war."

"Of course, now that the rules of heaven and earth are locked, the outside world is actually very safe. There is no alien invasion, let alone sneaking in. That is almost impossible! Not to mention taking people away, those guys who are your origin don't exist? "

"But why are you so obsessed with fairies? Do you have any passion for fairies? "

The color of confusion appeared on the face of Da Xuan Wang. Looking at Heng Yanlin, he asked in a voice.

Because Da Xuan Wang just from the dialogue with Heng Yanlin, found that Heng Yanlin seems to have a lot of special attention to the fairy.

Hearing the inquiry of the great xuanwang, Heng Yanlin also said casually: "didn't you just say that? The life span of the fairies is very long. I wonder if I can catch some fairies to eat when I get to the inner world in the future, so as to make my life span longer. "


Hearing the reason from Hengyan's mouth, Da Xuan Wang really couldn't laugh or cry. Even though he shook his head, he said: "forget it. Don't think about it. The immortal family is immortal, and their life span is really long. But it's no different from ours. It's impossible for them to live forever. So you'd better give up this idea Let's go

As a matter of fact, when the Terrans fought against other races, when they saw the fairies, they naturally listened to a lot of legends, so they killed the fairies and ate them. It's just a pity that the rumors are still rumors. They can't be trusted at all. It's impossible to live a long life by eating the fairies.

Of course, although it is said that, there are still a lot of people to kill the fairies and eat them secretly.

It's not only the human race, but also other alien races. After all, it doesn't mean that all the alien races are united and hostile after all.

Of course, they also know very well that it doesn't matter whether they can live a long life by killing and eating the Xians. Anyway, it's just for fun. In the final analysis, it just becomes a bad taste.

Even King Da Xuan had done such a thing before, which was harmless.

However, the reminder is still to remind you that when hengyanlin enters the inner world, he is crazy and wants to eat the fairy people. Although up to now, hengyanlin has not entered the inner world!Hearing what the king said, Heng Yanlin naturally did not have any refutation, but nodded faintly. However, looking at the king's eyes, there was a trace of disgust.

Because it's really like what king Da Xuan said, so this guy's strength is not as high as his previous life!

But think about it or forget it. After all, I've reached this point, so now I'm still a little better than myself.

But I'll definitely write down this account. You wait. I'll clean you up after a while!

Heng Yanlin thought bitterly in his heart.

As for Da Xuan Wang, he also felt the chill behind his back, which made him frown and think in his heart: "what's the matter? Why do I feel as if someone has a lot of malice against me? "

Although he didn't know who it was, he didn't care too much. After all, all the people who wanted to deal with him were dead. Even if they didn't die, they were too disabled to be disabled any more, so he didn't care at all.

Da Xuan Wang's eyes looked at Heng Yanlin and said faintly, "anyway, the king you want to know has already told you. Now it's your turn to tell him, isn't it? What is your answer? "

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