"Elder, please, sacrifice for us to survive!"

"Yes, elder, we don't want to die. Please, please don't let us die, OK?"

"Elder, help us!"

"Elder, as long as you are alone, you can make everyone alive. This is a good thing for us."

They really want to give their lives for the rest of their lives.

After hearing this, Yu's family members kept shouting and were eager to die. Naturally, they were in a bad mood for the rest of their lives.

He really didn't expect that these guys were constantly persuading themselves for the sake of you. What is this?

He Ya of this group of people is persuading oneself to die!

It's hard for me to survive. How can I easily die again?

So he was ready to leave here for the rest of his life, but he found that the Yu family had surrounded themselves, and their eyes were full of green light, full of great desire, just like meeting their prey, and they wanted to tear him to pieces.

This made the rest of my life frown slightly, and said coldly, "what do you want to do? Do you know that you are committing crimes in the following ways? "

"Ha ha ha, people are going to die. What else can I do A Yu family member said with a cold smile.

"That's right. I'm going to die soon. What else do I need to do?"

"Elder, you are used to domineering, aren't you? At this time, should you sacrifice yourself? "

"That's right. You've enjoyed countless benefits in the past. Now it's your turn to contribute!"

Looking at these normally respectful Yu family members, they suddenly turned into a group of wolves. They wanted to rush forward to share their food, which made the rest of their life have a great impulse and made him feel extremely shocked. At the same time, he was especially angry. He yelled: "you, you villains, I'm the elder, you How dare you treat me like this? Don't you want to live? "

At this point, Heng Yanlin's voice is already ringing up: "three minutes has come, now it's time to make a choice."

For the rest of his life, he heard Heng Yanlin's words, but he said without hesitation: "I choose to live!"


"Are you kidding?"

"You want to live alone?"

"You are so vicious!"

"You're just a useless person. You're trying to survive. It's impossible! We can't let you live like this

"Absolutely not. So many of us have unlimited potential. You're just a useless person. What's the use of surviving?"

The words for the rest of my life, as well as the choice, made all the Yu family members present very angry and began to approach the future.

Seeing these Yu's family members pressing towards them, his face suddenly changed for the rest of his life. Then he found that he was surrounded by many people of Yu's family, and he roared angrily: "what do you want to do? I warn you not to come here, or I will be rude to you. "

"You're welcome? How do you want to be rude to us? "

A Yu family member's face was filled with a cold smile, and a sarcastic look appeared in his eyes. Immediately, the soles of his feet were heavily trampled on the ground, and then with a "bang", there was a thunder like sound on the ground, and then the Yu family member burst out, and suddenly appeared in front of the rest of his life, with a fierce blow.

For the rest of my life, I never thought that someone would dare to deal with me in this way, and it was the Yu family who dealt with me, which made me a little caught off guard. At the same time, I was extremely angry.

For the rest of his life, these guys are just a group of servants. He is the elder of the Yu family!

When did these guys dare to challenge themselves like this?

So he was really furious for the rest of his life, which made him roar.


After all, he has been in a high position for many years, and the atmosphere of the superior is not underestimated.

Therefore, this cold drink scared the Yu family, and subconsciously wanted to retreat.

However, when he thought that he was going to die, and the reason why he was going to die was because of the guy in front of him, he was the culprit. So when he thought of this, the frightened Yu's family trembled a little, and then bit their teeth. There was a look of resentment in their eyes and a growl in their mouth "Labor and capital are dying. Am I afraid of you?"Thinking of this, the Yu family let out a roar. Immediately, the soles of his feet trampled heavily on the ground. Then, with a "bang", his body rushed out like a quick cheetah, waving his fist again for the rest of his life, firm and without any hesitation.

Seeing that the Yu family had not been deterred by their own power, a look of horror appeared on their ugly face for the rest of their lives, which made him angry to the extreme and made him roar: "bastard, since you want to die so much, I will help you!"

Immediately, the rest of his life is also raised his fist, to meet up.

Then, their fists collided with each other fiercely, and a very bright light broke out. A dull voice, like thunder, resounded in the fists between them.

Immediately, a strong force burst out between their fists, and then their bodies retreated for the rest of their lives. "Deng Deng Deng" was trampling heavily on the sand, leaving many marks.

"What!? How is that possible? "

For the rest of his life, he saw that he had been shaken back, which made his face look terrified. He thought it was very incredible. But the next second, the rest of his life understood that it was because he used all the life essence and blood.

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