Because his life essence and blood were consumed clean, so it led to a sharp drop in the realm of returning himself for the rest of his life, and his strength also became extremely weak.

What's more, now he has suffered a huge blow.

When he thought of this, a look of panic appeared on his ugly face for the rest of his life, because he thought that he might really die here!

The thought in his mind came up at this time, and immediately he knew that if he didn't run away again, I'm afraid he would be torn to pieces by these guys in front of him!

Thinking of this, although there was a look of surprise on his face for the rest of his life, he turned around and fled to the distance before his family could react.

At this moment, the Yu family, who fought back for the rest of his life, was caught off guard. He really didn't expect that he could fight back for the rest of his life.

You know, for them, the rest of their lives will be the great elder, who has a very strong power, and is absolutely not something they can shake.

However, at this moment, in front of him, he even beat back the rest of his life. For this little man, it was totally unbelievable, which really shocked his heart.

But soon, the Yu family finally reacted. Seeing that they had started to run away for the rest of their life, their eyes suddenly widened, and a roar came out: "he ran away! He will run for the rest of his life. We can't let him run, otherwise we won't be able to survive! "

With that, he ran after him.

As for the rest of the Yu family, they also reacted at this time. They all showed their anger and caught up with each other.

No one thought that in order to survive, the Yu family had begun to have internal strife and conflict.

For these people of the Yu family, Heng Yanlin's handsome face has no emotional fluctuation, and has always maintained a calm color.

After all, since these guys want to deal with him before, they should know that they have to be prepared to pay a price when dealing with him.

At this moment, if it was the rest of his life before, he would have killed all the Yu's family in anger.

But there's no way, he can't kill.

Because now he is not only exhausted of his life essence and blood, but also his cultivation has fallen. What's more, he is also seriously injured. Therefore, it is impossible for him to fight with the rest of his family.

However, even if he tried to escape, it was useless, because there was still a lot left in Yu's family. But in the end, he saw those one horned Tauren orcs for the rest of his life. At the moment, he yelled: "hurry up, hurry up, leave these traitors behind!"

The one horned Tauren's mechanism was originally to listen to the order for the rest of their lives, so after hearing the words of the rest of their lives, these one horned Tauren began to stop many of their families who were chasing and killing for the rest of their lives.

These Yu family members did not expect that they would be able to command these one horned Tauren orcs for the rest of their lives, which made their faces look extremely shocked.

Immediately, the rest of his life is still full of wild smile, proud to say: "chase me? Just because you want to chase me? It's like I don't know how to live or die! "

At this point, his eyes for the rest of his life were cruel. He roared: "kill all these people for me!"


After hearing the orders for the rest of his life, these one horned Tauren sent out a very terrible evil spirit, and immediately launched an offensive against these Yu family members, trying to tear them to pieces!

These Yu family members did not expect that they would be so cruel for the rest of their lives and kill their own people. At the moment, they also roared angrily: "stop them all, and then separate a few people with me to deal with that son of a bitch!"


In a short time, some of the Yu family members met the one horned Tauren orcs, and some of the Yu family members surrounded and launched a fierce offensive against the rest of life.

For the rest of his life, although his realm has fallen and he has been seriously injured, anyway, he used to be an important spiritual practitioner in building a foundation. Therefore, he has rich combat experience and knows how to use the least consumption to give full play to his greatest strength. Therefore, although there are three Yu family members against him, for a moment, he has not been defeated It's beating, it's fighting.

For the rest of his life, it's clear that it's impossible for him to defeat the three besieged Yu family members. After all, he is seriously injured, so he can only deal with them now. When his one horned Tauren solves the other Yu family members, then the one horned Tauren can come to help I will kill all my family members who besieged me!

As for the Yu family members who besieged them for the rest of their lives, they are also very clear in their hearts. Only by killing them as soon as possible can they stop. Otherwise, they will also encounter a very serious attack when they are solved.Therefore, both sides are fighting for time. If the first one completes the task they want, then the one who can win.

As a result, the people of the Yu family are fighting madly, with countless auras colliding fiercely and shining with countless gorgeous lights, making this piece of sand in a beautiful light.

Of course, that's what I said, but everyone knows very well in his heart how dangerous there is hidden in these gorgeous lights.

Naturally, such danger is not worth mentioning for hengyanlin.

However, no one at the scene thought that in the end, it was the Yu family that was fighting among themselves, which made them very surprised.

Especially Liu Jia and others, Liu Fei, their eyes looking at Heng Yanlin have obviously changed at this moment, and their eyes reveal a trace of fear.

Yes, it's fear.

Before, they also wanted to say that although hengyanlin was powerful, it was only powerful. But now, when these stratagems were presented in front of them, they felt that hengyanlin was not only powerful, but also very deep and dangerous.

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