Thinking of this, Mu Shishan's mouth pulled slightly, sketched a faint smile, then looked at the lizard demon, and said faintly, "since you have said so, I'm afraid you won't know how strong we are if I don't show you our plot."

Hearing Mu Shishan's words, the eyes of the lizard demon appeared with dignified eyes. Although he felt that Mu Shishan was playing with him in his heart, anyway, the lizard dragon didn't dare to be careless. If it was really like what Mu Shishan said, if there was really any conspiracy, if he wasn't careful, he might be cool.

Therefore, you have to be careful.

Seeing that the eyes of the lizard dragon man were full of such vigilance, Mu Shishan's mouth couldn't help lifting up, and he thought to himself: "it seems that this guy really believes, but looking at his appearance, he doesn't believe 100%, but it's just good. This kind of situation can make him think that I have some tricks. In this way, it will only make him difficult to concentrate on fighting with me, good, good!"

Thinking of this, Mu Shishan's anger became more and more intense, and the Milky light became more and more intense.

He felt the terrible smell emanating from Mu Shishan, which made the eyes of the lizard dragon man reveal a strong dignified color, because he felt a strong sense of danger from the smell emanating from Mu Shishan.

You know, when the lizard dragon man evolved, his perception of danger was significantly enhanced than before, so he saw that the breath emitted by Mu Shishan made him uneasy, and there was an extremely uneasy feeling surging, which was not good news for the lizard dragon man.

In a word, no matter what kind of spiritual method Mu Shishan wants to exert, it must not be enough for her to continue to exert.

Once she is allowed to do this at will, maybe his lizard dragon life will really be buried here!

However, the lizard dragon man hesitated again, whether he wanted to stop Mu Shishan now.

After all, just now Mu Shishan waited until the lizard dragon man reached the peak of strength, so the so-called reciprocity should be to let Mu Shishan do all this well. In this way, it is fair.

But the lizard dragon's heart is very clear that if he did it like this, it is likely that Mu Shishan will harvest his life after Mu Shishan displays the spirit method of unknown type.

Although the lizard dragon people do have great self-confidence in their own strength, I don't know why, in front of such an indifferent and confident Mu Shishan, the lizard dragon people have a sense of inferiority, and I don't know how this sense of inferiority came about. Anyway, I feel like I'm getting a head in front of her.

"Are you kidding?! how can I feel inferior in front of him?! inferiority is a hammer! Impossible! Just a woman, how can I feel inferior?!"

The lizard dragon man quickly eliminated this idea from his mind and felt that he should not be like this.

Immediately, the eyes of the lizard dragon man burst into a fiery light, and then a low voice slowly rang out in his throat: "I should wait until the end of her spell, after all, this can be fair."

"However, in this world of the jungle, how can there be real fairness?"

"If I really do justice and wait for her spell to end, then my life may be lost."

"Although I'm not afraid of death, why should I die if I can continue to live?"

"Obviously, there is hope that I can continue to survive. I have to be a demon to die. Isn't this an idiot?"


The lizard dragon man suddenly raised his head and looked at Mu Shishan. His hoarse voice slowly rang in his throat: "I'm really sorry. I can't wait for your spell to end. After all... I also want to live!"

With the words said by the lizard dragon population, his eyes burst into a fiery fierce light, and a low roar slowly sounded in his mouth like a sultry thunder. Then his feet were severely trampled on the ground, and then with a "bang", the lizard dragon man's body was shot out, and in the twinkling of an eye it appeared in front of Mu Shishan, while swinging his tail, Then he slapped Mu Shishan's body.

At that moment, the dragon tail swept down and made a "purr purr" sound. The sharp wind detonated the void, as if to tear the whole space apart.

Looking at the dragon tail sweeping towards her like a javelin, Mu Shishan's delicate and moving face still maintained a gentle smile, without any fear, and then she uttered a sigh, Whispered, "it's really interesting. I thought you would wait for me. Maybe I have to worry about whether I should keep you alive, but now it seems that you have made a choice..."

"Now that you have made a choice, I don't need to worry. I can directly send you to the west to see the Tathagata Buddha!"

Hearing what Mu Shishan said, the eyes of the lizard dragon man widened. At the same time, there was a strong surge of uneasiness in the bottom of his heart, which made him open his mouth and say aloud, "wait a minute, I..."


However, at this moment, it is too late to say anything.

A clear collision sound rang out, and the dragon tail of the lizard dragon man hit a golden barrier in front of Mu Shishan.

Yes, suddenly, there was a golden barrier in front of Mu Shishan, and then the dragon tail of the lizard dragon man was resisted.

It turned out that Mu Shishan had already made full preparations, otherwise, she would not stand still like this.

When the dragon tail of the lizard dragon hit the golden barrier, there were suddenly flame runes condensing around Mu Shishan.

These flame runes emit a mysterious and obscure smell, as if the ancient gods were going to wake up from their deep sleep.

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