This is really shocking for the lizard dragon people.

Because lizard dragon people feel a strong threat from these flame runes!


A threat to life!

I don't know why, the lizard dragon man has a strong feeling. If Mu Shishan really exerts her spiritual power, it is likely that his life will be threatened, and it is still a fatal threat!

At the thought of this, all the fairness that the lizard dragon man just thought about was forgotten at this moment, and then a low roar rolled out between his throat, followed by the extreme aura wave that broke out on him, even if it was injected into his dragon tail.

Immediately, on the surface of the dragon tail, there was an extremely powerful energy fluctuation, and the cyan light became more intense. The power it emitted could continue to act on the golden barrier, trying to tear the golden barrier to pieces.

After a while, under the bombardment of the dragon's tail, the golden barrier also began to make a "click click click" sound on the surface, and gradually cracked inch by inch.

Seeing that cracks had begun to appear on the surface of the golden barrier, a look of excitement appeared on the face of the lizard dragon man, and the pupils of his eyes widened slightly. At the same time, he thought to himself, "OK, it's going to break soon, and I can survive!"

The lizard dragon man was so excited that Mu Shishan naturally had a panoramic view, which made the corners of her mouth bend slightly and outlined a faint smile. In her heart, she also secretly thought, "this guy, if he knew that all he did was useless, would he die on the spot?"

Then, the flame symbols around Mu Shishan began to interweave, and the smell became more vast and sacred.

Seeing that the flame runes around Mu Shishan had begun to interweave and fuse, the lizard dragon man became more nervous, which made him couldn't help staring at his eyes, and there was a very loud roar in his mouth, which rang out:

"Damn it!"


Immediately, the terrible energy wave exploded, and the strong force emitted by the dragon tail finally shattered the golden barrier at this moment.


The golden barrier is fragmented and dissipated in the void.

The next second, there was a very excited smile on the lizard dragon man's face, and then he looked at Mu Shishan's eyes became extremely fierce, roaring: "die for me!"

The dragon tail that followed the lizard dragon man was like a steel gun, sweeping away at Mu Shishan, trying to pat Mu Shishan's body in two.

Seeing the lizard dragon man's so fierce and ferocious appearance, Mu Shishan's delicate and beautiful face still maintained a very calm look, but quietly looked at the lizard dragon man and whispered, "do you think this way can stop me?"

The lizard dragon heard this sound in Mu Shishan's mouth, which made his face appear stunned, and then there was an ominous premonition surging out of his heart.

With the ominous premonition of the lizard dragon man surging, then I saw Mu Shishan's jade hand slowly raised forward, and then with a slight grip of five fingers, a soft murmur was in her pink Slowly between tender lips:

"Sword of Jingyan."


Suddenly, the flame runes converged quickly into Mu Shishan's jade hand. Immediately, in a burst of burning sound, a milky flame holy sword appeared in front of her.

Mu Shishan clasped his five fingers slightly and held the flame sword tightly. Immediately, with a "boom", an extremely hot momentum burst out on the flame sword, and then Mu Shishan's beautiful eyes were full of bright light, and a low roar came out of her mouth.

At the same time, Mu Shishan also waved the flame sword held in her jade hand and touched the dragon tail swept by the lizard dragon man.

The lizard dragon man looked at Mu Shishan's flame sword waving at him, which made his eyes extremely shocked.

But at this time, it was impossible for him to take back his dragon tail and dodge Mu Shishan's attack, so he had to be brave enough to continue.


At present, the flame holy sword is severely pounded with the lizard dragon tail, and then the powerful force emitted by the flame holy sword directly "Shua", that is, the lizard dragon tail is directly cut off by the flame holy sword, and at the same time, it makes a "zizizi" sound, and then the blazing flame begins to burn towards the lizard dragon people.

This made the lizard dragon man's face show a look of horror. At the moment, he was frantically urging the aura in his body to inject into his severed dragon tail. At the same time, the soles of his feet were also severely trampled on the ground and quickly backwards.

Of course, although he said so, the lizard dragon man could feel that his aura was also burned by the glass fire, which made his face full of fear, as if there was no way to stop it.

The burning pain was like burning his whole soul, which was extremely frightening.

This made the lizard dragon man's heart have uncontrollable fear. He looked at the flame sword in Mu Shishan's hand and shouted in horror, "what's in your hand?"

Hearing the scream and cry of the lizard dragon man, Mu Shishan glanced at the flame sword in her hand, and her delicate and moving face was full of a gentle smile. Then she said faintly to the lizard dragon man, "this thing is something that can kill you."

"So, go on your way."

As the words fell, Mu Shishan's beautiful eyes were full of bright light, and immediately a strong killing mechanism was diffused, and the power of terror burst out of the flame sword in her palm.

Immediately after that, Mu Shishan's feet were severely trampled on the ground, followed by a sudden grasp of his five fingers, and the flame sword in his hand was hurled at the lizard dragon people.


At present, the flame holy sword is shooting at the lizard dragon people. Everywhere it goes, the void makes a "bang bang" sound. When the flame burns, the void is distorted.

In that instant, the eyes of the lizard dragon man widened, and his face was full of horror.

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