It's true!!

This is the first thought that came to Bai Long's mind!!

Mu Shishan's glass fire is the real glass fire!

It's not fake! It's not an imitation!

But the real glass fire!! The clear and pure fireworks are displayed incisively and vividly in front of everyone at the moment.

After perceiving the energy breath emitted by the two glazed pure fires in front of him, Bai Long was 100% sure that this was indeed the real glazed pure fire.

The legendary source of fire!!

But how is this possible?!

How did Mu Shishan get it?

Bai Long's heart was full of incomparable confusion, but at this time, he also had no time to think more, because now he had to deal with the two groups of glass fire in front of him.

At that moment, the white dragon's body shook, and then left a trail of shadows in the void. It was completely unclear which was the real noumenon.


It has to be said that although the spiritual method of separation is simple and belongs to the basic level, it is the best thing to confuse the line of sight in this case.

At this moment, Mu Shishan also stirred up her eyebrows slightly. There was also a touch of surprise on her exquisite and beautiful face. She really didn't expect that Bai long would use such a basic spiritual separation to confuse her vision and try to consume her glass fire purification.

Mu Shishan was very clear in her heart that the way Bai Long now took was to hide her strength as much as possible, and then stab out many cards and means on her at the lowest price.

I have to say, this white dragon... Is really smart to the extreme!

If 33 or Ruiwen were standing here now, I'm afraid they would have fallen into the traps laid by Bai Long and then been played by Bai long.

Of course, if it was 33 or Ruiwen, it wouldn't bother Bai Long to waste his mind.

After all, no matter 33 or Ruiwen, the DPCA has their intelligence, so there is no need to worry at all.

Naturally, even if there is information about 33 and Ruiwen, Bai Long will not waste that time targeting these two guys.

Just because... No matter who Ruiwen or 33 is, it's really too weak in Bai Long's eyes!

Therefore, Mu Shishan is the only one who can make Bai Long pay so much attention and spend so much attention in the process of the competition.

After all, Mu Shishan is really strange to the white dragon and the whole DPCA team, and has no intelligence at all.

Therefore, Bai Long is brainstorming frantically, trying to find all the information that can be found from Mu Shishan.

This is of great benefit not only to the white dragon itself, but also to the entire DPCA team.

As for mu Shishan, although she is also an extremely intelligent person, she will eventually become famous in the face of people like Bai Long who are extremely deep and have high strategic skills, even if she is careful.

This is also a matter of no way.

But it doesn't matter. Although Bai Long also got some information from her, Mu Shishan didn't care.

Because she already knew everything about Bai Long, including his weaknesses and flaws.

Don't forget, Mu Shishan is

God, the landlord on the first floor, now!

What is tianyilou best at? Intelligence!

So, if you want to engage in intelligence, hehe, Bai Long, no matter how strong, can he be stronger than the whole intelligence organization?!

At the moment, Mu Shishan's eyes showed a bright light, and immediately turned his head suddenly, and then his palm suddenly waved. At the moment, the glaze fire, which was originally suspended in the air, did not know which white dragon figure to attack, directly shot to the right, and then hit the sixth severely.

Looking at the glaze fire shooting towards him, the white dragon's face appeared with a color of surprise. At present, he quickly raised his hands and patted forward.

Suddenly, the unusually powerful aura surged out of his hands and quickly intertwined into a spiritual shield.

Lingdun glittered with white light and met the clear fire of coloured glaze.

At the moment when Liuli jinghuo touched the lingdun, the lingdun made a "yiyiyiyi" sound, and then the whole lingdun was completely melted, and then Liuli jinghuo severely bombarded the body of the white dragon.


At present, the white dragon's chest was hit by the glass fire, but at this time, on the surface of the white dragon's chest, there was suddenly a white light blooming, and then a white armor appeared, shining, and then resisted the glass fire.

Mu Shishan, who originally felt secure, saw the armor that suddenly appeared on Bai Long's body, which made her extremely beautiful and exquisite face appear a look of amazement at this moment. Even in her mouth, she couldn't help shouting: "what?! how is this possible?!"

Just when she thought like this, she also looked at the armor on the white dragon carefully.

Then, Mu Shishan found that this pair of armor seemed to be... Armor made of dragon scales.

This is dragon scale?!

This made Mu Shishan's delicate and beautiful face emerge with a very strange expression.

She really didn't think that there was a dragon scale on the white dragon.

However, Mu Shishan didn't have a big accident. After all, it's normal for the members of the DPCA team to have dragon scales.

It's just the strange expression on Mu Shishan's pretty face. In fact, it's because she thought of the black dragon she and hengyanlin killed on the first floor of the sky before

But I have to say that this dragon scale is really a good thing.

Even if it was stronger than the source of all fires that can purify everything, when Liuli jinghuo met the dragon scale, it was resisted by all, and did not cause any damage to the white dragon.

Of course, although the Liuli jinghuo didn't cause any damage to the white dragon, the terrorist force that erupted also knocked the white dragon's body out in an instant, just like a baseball that was hit by a baseball bat. It crossed a beautiful arc in the air, and then hit the ground heavily.

But fortunately, Bai Long's control over his body is still very strong. A direct back somersault is to stand steadily on the ground.

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