
White dragon's feet fell steadily on the ground, and then heard a low roar, and then a terrible force erupted on the soles of his feet, directly shaking the whole ground slightly, and at the same time, there were several cracks spreading out, but it spread out for as much as half a meter, and then stopped.

After all, the current competition arena is made of many special materials, and many arrays have been laid to stabilize the whole competition arena.

Therefore, it is difficult to cause great damage to the competition arena.

Unless the strength of Mu Shishan and Bai Long directly breaks through the level of S-class fighters, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to cause much damage to the competition arena.

After all, all the materials and arrays used in the current competition arena are constructed according to the strength level of the S-level fighters.

This is not, the cracks that burst out just when the white dragon's feet fell down on the ground gradually healed at this moment, and finally became smooth and bright again, as if the just cracks had not appeared at all.

Although that's what he said, the white dragon was also panting in a big breath. Although the dragon scale protected him from the attack of Liuli jinghuo, the terrifying force generated by it also oppressed the white dragon's body and felt a huge heaviness.

However, although the white dragon was panting in a big breath, a very proud smile appeared on his handsome face. Looking at Mu Shishan, he said with a smile: "the glazed fire is really powerful, but it's a pity that I have dragon scales! So I'm really sorry, your glazed fire is useless to me now!"

Hearing what Bai Long said, Mu Shishan's beautiful and exquisite face showed a bright smile, and then opened his mouth to Bai Long and said, "it's really interesting. I didn't expect that you actually have dragon scales!"

"It's just..."

As soon as the conversation turned, Mu Shishan pulled slightly at the corners of her mouth, outlined a faint smile, and said in a cold voice, "do you really think you can be invincible if you have dragon scales?"

Hearing what Mu Shishan said, Bai Long just smiled faintly, and his eyes revealed an indifferent look, and then said softly, "it's really interesting, Miss Mu Shishan. Don't talk nonsense just because I wear such a dragon scale armor!"

Mu Shishan heard the speech, Dai Mei slightly picked up, and then smiled and said aloud, "it's really interesting, don't you believe it?"

Bai Long saw such a confident look on Mu Shishan's delicate and beautiful face, which made his heart beat a little, and made him secretly think, "is this guy... Is there really any way to suppress the dragon scale on me?"

Although such an idea appeared in his heart, Bai Long soon snuffed it out because he thought it was absolutely impossible!

What are the structural components of dragon scales?

It's dragon scale!

Who does dragon scale come from? It's from DPCA!

The scales on the dragon's body are extremely strong!

In this world, there are few people who want to break the defense of dragon scales!

Don't you see that even the source of fire, which can purify everything in the world, cannot cause any damage on the dragon scale?

Therefore, Bai long felt that Mu Shishan was just mystifying and scaring herself!

However, although Bai long thought so in his heart, he did not know why. There was a sense of uneasiness surging in Bai Long's heart, and this feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

This makes Bai Long really don't know how to describe it. What's the matter with all this?

"Is this mu Shishan... Really something that can break his dragon scale?"

White dragon came up with such an idea in his mind, but he soon suppressed it forcibly. What he thought was impossible, how could there be anything in the world that could break dragon scales? impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Unless Mu Shishan now has the strength of S-class power directly, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible!

What's more, if Mu Shishan really has the strength of S-class power, why do you still fight with him here, and directly use the strongest strength to beat him down, isn't it over?

Then the rest of the DPCA team don't have to fight anymore. They just surrender and admit defeat.

So, obviously, this is impossible.

Of course, this idea is also very unrealistic.

However, looking at Mu Shishan's exquisite and beautiful face, such a confident look appeared, coupled with the increasingly strong sense of uneasiness surging out of his heart, I don't know why, Bai Long always felt that there should be something wrong in it.

"Impossible, I absolutely don't believe that she has such restraint!"

Bai Long reminded himself again in his heart.

But although he said this to himself in his heart, he felt that in case, he would not waste any more time.

Yes, such strong uneasiness made Bai Long decide not to continue to test Mu Shishan, but to directly use his strongest cards!

He is going to have a real life and death duel with Mu Shishan!


With this thought in Bai Long's heart, there was a fiery white light blooming in his eyes, and then an extremely terrible momentum erupted on him. At the same time, behind him, the void was also twisted, and a white dragon shadow, which was 100 meters tall, appeared.

Feeling the huge breath emanating from Bai Long's body shocked many people watching the battle, especially those watching the live broadcast. They originally thought that Bai Long had reached the end of the mountain, but what they never thought was that Bai Long had not gone all out!

Just now, he still retains his spare strength!

This is too terrible!

Although there is no way to transmit the sound in the live broadcast, the energy breath can be projected and simulated, so that many viewers watching the live broadcast can feel the immersive atmosphere.

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