
A clear voice sounded, directly told two people, the place has arrived.

At this time, Shan Haizhen was a little nervous. She always felt that something had gone beyond her expectation. People who could build such a place here did not look like incompetent people.

And who in the end can cultivate such a place? In her heart, she had some conjectures, but when she thought of it, her scalp was numb.

If so, she estimated that she and Heng Yanlin had already been on the top wanted list. Just thinking about the end, she would be a bit of a counsellor in her heart.

"Don't do anything first. If they don't find us, we won't do anything for the time being."

One side of shanhaizhen in the elevator opened, to the side of hengyanlin said a word.

After hearing the elevator, they all pointed to the elevator, and they thought it was Lin Heng who pointed to the elevator.

Then they asked about their identity, or in other words, they had already known their identity, and they had come up with a bunch of bullets, but they didn't think of it.

After they came down, there was no one to meet.

No, maybe it's not right to say that. They still saw it. But when the man heard the sound of the elevator, he turned his head and looked at them subconsciously. He turned his head again and looked like he didn't look strange.

When Heng Yanlin and his wife saw this, they both took a look at each other and saw the incredible look in their eyes.

These guys, if they really don't know them, are they not on guard? At the thought of this, they shook their heads repeatedly. As the headquarters of dark gold, the defense here was much more relaxed than that of the branch.

Or in their opinion, no one in that branch can break through. Even if they still break in, they dare not come to their headquarters. After all, the terror of the headquarters really comes one by one.

Seeing that no one paid attention to them, Heng Yanlin and Shan Haizhen were happy to go directly to the front. Outside the elevator, there was a rather large square, and there were all kinds of boxes under it. What was inside could not be known by them.

On one side, there is a passage, which runs through the front. The two people walk along the passage and head forward. On one side, they are paved with unknown white materials, which should be equipped with lights.

Direct is to light up around a piece, people walk inside, are able to feel, extremely bright general feeling.

They walked towards the inside. From time to time, they could see the researchers inside through the transparent glass. They were also studying a variety of things. Some were studying large robots, while others were studying things like electromagnetic guns.

After walking towards the front for a moment, they saw that in an extremely large office, there was a huge screen on which the contents of the dark list were displayed.

And some of the lists have been taken away, but they are still hanging on them. There are teams accepting the task. The current real-time news and what each team member is doing right now are recorded on them.

When shanhaizhen saw this place, she felt a chill in her heart. What kind of person is this guy here? After they accepted the task, they always paid attention to their whereabouts, and they completely mastered their words and deeds.

"What are you two doing here?"

When they were both staring at the screen and looking at it carefully, a voice sounded from behind them. They were surprised and turned to look.

Behind them, a white man in a white uniform was frowning at the two people, showing that he was extremely dissatisfied.

"Which team are you from? I don't think I've seen you before? "

Seeing the two men turn their heads, the white man looks even more strange after looking at Shan Haizhen. The equipment of this suit is actually not the same, but he, who is more careless, chooses to leave the matter aside.

However, when he saw Shan Haizhen, his heart was full of doubts. You know, among all the teams, there were only a few women, and those women, he knew, were not shanhaizhen.

So, where is the mountain and sea treasure now? Thinking of this, he is subconsciously looking to the right side of Shan Haizhen, where there is a small sign that will record her information.

But at this glance, his face suddenly changed, because there was nothing here!


At the moment when his face changed greatly, Heng Yanlin's figure flashed. He came to the white man, and then hit him heavily. In a moment, he was knocked unconscious.

"What should I do now?"This guy didn't make a warning sound, so the two people's current time, a little longer, but only a little longer. After a while, I'm afraid that more people will notice them.

"What do you want to do, kill all the people here, or what?"

Shanhaizhen looked at the security guard, and then asked hengyanlin. When hengyanlin heard the words, he thought a little and said, "of course, even here is also bombed together. If you want to blow up here, the dark list will disappear."

Listening to hengyanlin's words, shanhaizhen looked at hengyanlin strangely, "here is thousands of meters below. If there is a violent explosion here, I don't know what will happen."

"Well, it doesn't matter what our business is. Since you have said that, let's do it. I don't have much dynamite on me. We'll find the weapons depot here and use the contents to blow it up."

At last, Shan Haizhen was a little excited. She looked around and saw no one coming. She quickly dragged the white man into a small room and hid it.

After thinking about it, Shan Haizhen began to look for it on the white man.

Not to mention, Shan Haizhen really found something out of the white man. A white magnetic card was supposed to be used to open something. What they showed also proved their conjecture that it was the card for opening the weapons depot.

After that, Shan Haizhen searched again. After seeing nothing, she suddenly saw the famous brand on the security guard. She was stunned. After taking a careful look, she was sure that she was not mistaken. In a moment, her face changed slightly.

Heng Yan Lin saw that Shan Haizhen's face was a little wrong, and he immediately gave her a strange look.

"What's the matter?"

"This is an organization subordinate to the state of Mei. The secret gold belongs to the state of Mei."

At that time, Shan Haizhen's face became very ugly. No wonder, no wonder they were mercenaries. These guys knew it all.

No wonder this inexplicable organization has been able to exist in this country for such a long time, and it has not happened at all. If it had been put in other countries, you would have been found out for a long time. Where can we tolerate your existence?

It's no wonder that the other party's funds have arrived at this place, and it's no wonder that the other party can build such a thing here. In fact, the identity of the other party has already been revealed. It's only until now that she can be sure. When she thinks of this place, her breath is slightly hasty. If she destroys this place, they are the wanted criminals of Mei state.

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