"It was originally from the state of Mei. No wonder it was possible to build such a place here. It should have been guessed."

Heng Yanlin listened to this, and immediately nodded slightly, and then he opened his mouth to answer. In his eyes, there was not much unexpected color.

One side of Shan Haizhen saw Heng Yan Lin, but he was so calm. Suddenly he was stunned. Then he looked at Heng Yan Lin and asked, "are you not afraid? This is a base of meiguo. If we destroy this place, we will be wanted by people then

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, looked at the mountain sea Zhen, the corner of the mouth hook up a smile.

"Is meiguo great? How dare you want to arrest Shilan group's resident Qingye? Now it seems that they released it by meiguo themselves? Even if it's the organs of the United States, they're still bombed! "

Said, hengyanlin is to open the door, is to go out directly, one side of shanhaizhen see this, slightly shake his head, and then quickly follow hengyanlin.

Shan Haizhen has just observed and made a comparison of her own impression. Generally speaking, in places like this, the weapon depots should be nearby, so they immediately walked to one side.

"Step on..."

just at this moment, a series of sounds sounded. Then, a small group of security guards came towards the two people from the front. After knowing the nature of the place, they looked at the security guards. In fact, they were soldiers.

Two people are directly with each other's soldiers shoulder to shoulder, just when two people are about to disappear in front of the public, that is the soldiers who have gone by, at this time, they directly stop.

"You two stop, hold your head and squat down at once!"

A soldier in front of him frowned slightly, then turned his head and looked at the two men. He yelled at him with great vigilance.

"What's the matter? Has it been discovered?"

Hengyanlin smell speech, eyebrows slightly frown, to that Shan Haizhen to deliver an obvious inquiry, that Shan Haizhen at this time, is also a face of doubt, completely do not know, what happened.

"What happened? Sir

At this time, Shan Haizhen was still calm and asked the soldier.

"The name plate on your body belongs to captain Roland. How can it be on you?"

The soldier snapped, directly pulled the gun, pointed at two people, yelled at them, Heng Yanlin heard the speech, suddenly was slightly stunned, and then took a look at Shan Haizhen.

In the previous time, because there was no such thing, it was almost discovered. So Shan Haizhen took that piece with her at that time.

But I didn't expect that it was only a short time before I went out. Unexpectedly, it was because this was discovered that shanhaizhen was helpless.

At this time, Heng Yanlin turned his head directly, and then looked at those people apologetically. However, he had not yet opened his mouth. The people there had already begun to yell at him.

"I want you to hold your head in your head, don't turn around!"

At this time, the soldier appeared to be extremely angry. The other soldiers on the side, at this time, were also holding guns. They all aimed at Heng Yanlin.

Seeing this, hengyanlin stopped talking. Anyway, when he turned his head, he was already OK. At that moment, a cold light flashed by. These people did not have time to react, so they fell in front of Heng Yanlin.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of a series of corpses falling to the ground, that Shan Haizhen hears this sound, head also does not return, is pulling Heng Yan Lin to walk toward the front directly.

"Come on, we've already killed these people. I'm afraid it won't be long before someone will find us."

For this matter, Heng Yanlin also understood, so he ran to the front immediately after Shan Haizhen, but after a moment, a harsh voice sounded.

"Please pay attention to the fact that there are enemy invasions, enemy invasions, now in area a, now in area a!"

Heng Yanlin and his wife looked at each other at the sound. They both shook their heads helplessly. Knowing that they were exposed here, they simply swaggered towards the front.

"Is this the armory you're talking about?"

Hengyanlin asked shanhaizhen on one side, and then got a very positive reply from shanhaizhen.

"Where it was just now, there was a map. I looked at it, and the armory was just ahead."

As shanhaizhen's words fell, a series of footfalls were heard in front of him. Seeing this, Heng Yanlin flashed a cold light on the blade of his sword. Then his figure flashed slightly, and then he disappeared in the same place.

But in a moment, a series of voices of corpses falling to the ground sounded. Shan Haizhen came over and saw the corpse on the ground. Some helplessly looked at Heng Yanlin. This guy didn't even leave a person for her.

In this way, it seems that she is not needed here.At this time, a series of sounds were heard at both ends of them. It was obvious that there were two channels where enemies approached.

This time, hengyanlin is not so easy to deal with. Before, because there was a turn, hengyanlin took advantage of them and killed them on the spot.

But at present, there is no turning point. There are straight passages in both places. As soon as the enemy on both sides appears, they shoot quickly.

Hengyanlin see this, quickly is to pull Shan Haizhen, hide in one side of the room, one side of shanhaizhen see this, a little pale, just that, if at night some, she is shot.

After the two people came in, there were several screams outside in a moment. I think it was the bullet that fired at each other. I accidentally hurt myself.

"What now? Hide here, but a turtle in a jar

Shan Haizhen looked to one side. It was a sealed space. At this time, soldiers from outside kept approaching here. They were afraid that they would throw in some grenades. She was going to hang them here.

Heng Yanlin frowned slightly. He was not afraid of these bullets. However, Shan Haizhen on the side seemed to be a little difficult to protect her safety. His divine sense was slightly scattered, and then he swept it carefully, and the corners of his mouth were suddenly slightly hooked.

Heng Yanlin walked to one side, directly on the wall, holding a sharp sword, slightly split, just a few simple strokes, a crude opening appeared on the wall, and then Heng Yanlin slapped on the wall.


A roar sounded, which was originally a solid incomparable wall, directly appeared a gap, and through the gap, you can go to the opposite office with the same.

Shanhaizhen see this, suddenly is slightly Leng for a moment, some strange looked at the side of the Heng Yan Lin.

"How did you find out that there was an office behind this?"

"The places here are connected. We have just come all the way. There are offices beside these offices, so I'll try it."

Heng Yanlin shrugged his shoulders and said a word to shanhaizhen. Hearing the speech, shanhaizhen looked at Heng Yanlin strangely. Then he took out some grenades from his body, made them a little and put them at the door.

At the door, there is a thin lead, as long as they come, they will detonate the grenade.

After finishing these, that Shan Haizhen to Heng Yanlin is a playful smile, "can't what thing, let you do, I can also play."

After that, he went through the hole and entered another office. Seeing this, Heng Yanlin also followed him directly. The people who built this place may not have dreamed of building this place by themselves. At this time, it turned out that Heng Yanlin was able to escape the siege with shanhaizhen. If he knew it, he would spit blood three liters.

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