Heng Yan Lin is facing this head in front of him, and then gently points to it. The other side is afraid, but that is how it can be.

It can't be at this time, because the other party is afraid, he just let this person go, joking. The head was pointed by Heng Yanlin, which was immediately startled in the heart. Then, there was a fierce pumping in the body. In the eyes, a touch of incomparable horror appeared. Then, he looked at Heng Yanlin in front of him, and then he stood upright and fell on the ground.

Hengyanlin at this time, but also just a light look at each other.

However, it is just a trivial little person, such a person is not enough, Heng Yan Lin is remembering each other.


It's the big guy on his side. They all fall down together. At this time, if you don't run, isn't it a fool?

The rest of the people on the other side, at this time, gave a fierce shout, and then they turned their heads and ran.

At this time, people on their side are almost dead. If they stay, they will die here one by one.

So at the moment, they are accurate. They are going to leave here directly. If they don't, they are waiting for death here!

A group of people are scattered, one by one did not merge to escape. If they are together, they will expand their goals. If they are directly dispersed, they will still have a chance to live.

So at the moment, they are all separated, and Heng Yanlin at this time, is looking at the scene in front of him, and then shaking his head.

These people, are also some too naive, are aware of their own strange means, under such circumstances, these people are still able to, in such a situation, thinking is able to run away, this is how naive, is it to think like this?

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin can't help shaking his head, and then gently, the people in front of him, at this time, are all moving, and then slowly fell to the ground.

Heng Yanlin at this time, but also for the morning rain is a gentle call.

"Come on, there's nothing left to stay. These people are all dead.

Heng Yanlin said, is to go to the front, these people, that is, these people at this time, is able to stand.

Those people before that, when they saw these people, they took out guns one by one and ran away directly. They didn't dare to stay here at all. The boss also ran away.

So at the moment, there is only one left here. Heng Yanlin and his wife are able to stand, but there are no others.

That morning rain is listening to hengyanlin's words, turned his head and looked at the hengyanlin. After that, ziah looked at the hengyanlin, and then nodded gently, that is, together, and went directly to the front.

She is not very interested in the rest of the things, but now, she is very interested in Heng Yan Lin in front of her.

If the rest of the people have seen Heng Yanlin's means, it is estimated that there will be a period of time, it is a feeling, and they are extremely frightened of him. But this morning rain, for Heng Yanlin in front of him, has no such feeling.

In contrast, she felt that she was very interested in Heng Yan Lin in front of her.

If Heng Yanlin knew this mood, he probably didn't know what he should say. Facing the morning rain on that side, he would think about it and avoid talking directly.

At this time, Heng Yanlin is walking in front of him. The morning rain is following Heng Yanlin's back, and then he is also following on the side.

"If only those people lie down like this, someone will find out. Isn't there going to be trouble? Don't you worry, you just leave like this? "

That morning rain is at this time, looked at the side of the hengyanlin, and then shook his head lips, to the hengyanlin asked.

So many people seem to be dead. Under such circumstances, Heng Yanlin didn't want to deal with the bodies in front of him. This is a little strange.

Thinking of the morning rain here, it is natural to open my mouth and ask if the Heng Yan Lin in front of me needs to be dealt with, so as not to be in trouble at that time.

That Heng Yan Lin smell speech, turned a head to see that morning rain, then shook his head, "nothing, these people, will not become trouble."

After that, Heng Yanlin no longer said anything more. He walked directly to the front. The morning rain heard the speech and turned his head to look at the corpses. He looked at the Heng Yan Lin strangely.

Not a problem?

There are so many corpses here. If someone comes here, how can it not become a trouble after seeing this place? Moreover, with so many people, this is not a remote place.In fact, even in remote places, it is estimated that you can see it, right?

In this case, these people are absolutely, that is, will be found, so at the moment, that Heng Yan Lin is saying, will not become trouble, morning rain is estimated, some not reliable.

If there are so many corpses, if a person comes by at will, it will be a photo, and then it will be uploaded to the network. At that time, it will cause a sensation. Is it really troublesome?

How can we say that it is not troublesome?

Chenyu doesn't know what Heng Yanlin thinks, so after taking a look at hengyanlin, she can only improve. If she doesn't keep up, there is no other way.

What can be done?

You know, these things are no longer what she can handle. Heng Yanlin's power seems to be very big, that is to say, the people behind hengyanlin can handle this matter well.

If not, it is estimated that it will be time for trouble.

Morning rain is to think of here, is obediently followed in the hengyanlin behind, and at the moment, behind them, resting on the body, is starting to burn.

This flame, which is quite different from that seen by ordinary people at ordinary times.

This flame at this time, is some green general feeling, moreover, in the night, is extremely illegible that kind of green.

So even if it's far away, some people can't see it. Here, there is a strong green light, and it starts to rise. Then the bodies are burned one by one, and a little bit of them are not left.

At this time, Heng Yanlin took a look at the road in front of him and felt that the bodies behind him were beginning to turn into nothingness, and he nodded with great satisfaction.

There are many people behind him.

However, if these people are allowed to deal with it, Heng Yanlin is still a little afraid of what will happen. Therefore, if Heng Yanlin thinks about it or feels that he will melt these corpses directly, then the trouble will not come.

Before that, I have also checked it. There is no other person around here. In this case, the two of them know about this matter.

As long as it is time, there will be other people to help and deal with the matters after that. I think there will be no other things.

This is Jiang Yang's own idea.

As long as these people are let disappear, they will be chased after him, and there will be nothing else.

That Heng Yan Lin is to think of here, is the corner of his mouth slightly hook, slowly toward the front, that morning rain, at this time, is looking at the Heng Yan Lin in front of him, then think about it, is to start questioning. "In other words, what kind of method did you use when you just started? Where did all those people who were able to let die? You know, this can be done, is absolutely not so simple? Just gently, that is, let the other person die. How can we do this

That morning rain, at this time, is really a little strange, but also some curious.

She really wants to know how Heng Yanlin did it. Such a practice is absolutely not ordinary people. It can be done. Gently, it can kill people.

Such a strange and simple method, if possible, is estimated to be in the future, is not sure how many people will die in such means.

After all, even if someone saw it, no one would feel it. Heng Yanlin did it himself.

So, in this case, if Heng Yanlin wants, he can kill people. But he doesn't, so she feels that Heng Yanlin is still a good man.

After all, in fact, who can know that after having strength, some people will not be able to control themselves and feel that they are invincible in the world. After that, they will be wanton and will directly start killing.

In any case, it is jealousy of themselves, is to anger themselves, are one by one to erase.

In any case, if no one knows who he is, then he will kill him or not. Some people will be angry, and they will continue to rise, and then they will not move, that is, they will kill people.

But do not know why, in front of Heng Yan Lin seems not to be like this.

If this is the case, in the past, those guys should have died, or died early.

Heng Yanlin in the previous time, for these people, it is also considered to have been avoiding, is not a word against each other, is the kind of killer, so she is feeling, Heng Yanlin's temper, in fact, is quite good. It is not a direct attack, but a life threatening one

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