Heng Yanlin at this time, listening to the other party's words, immediately some helpless, this guy, is really some hope, ask this kind of words or something.

For such things, the other party is not direct, and keeps the heart of fear. Instead, he starts to be curious and wants to ask Heng Yanlin about all kinds of things. He wants to strip away all the secrets of Heng Yanlin.

Heng Yanlin at this time, looked at the morning rain, and then opened his mouth to say a word.

"Don't worry about it. The people who know about it are actually just a few people. As for the others, you don't have to worry at all.

For us, we can kill people if we want to, but for them, such things are absolutely prohibited. Even if we do not prohibit them, there will be dangers and other things. "

Heng Yanlin looked at the morning rain and quietly said a word, knowing that the other party was actually afraid. If it was the time, people like him, if more, would point to her at that time.

Then she is dead, such a thing, although it is possible, but in fact, this possibility is relatively low.

To be able to do such a thing is actually the immortal cultivator, and the immortal cultivator, that is, the several people taught by Heng Yanlin, all of them belong to women, and basically won't be like this.

After all, if they could, they wouldn't think about killing people.

So for this, Heng Yanlin feels that he is not to worry about, in fact, is not to worry about anything.

That morning rain is listening to hengyanlin's words, and then he looks at hengyanlin suspiciously, thinking about how high the trust degree of hengyanlin's words is.

It's just that hengyanlin doesn't know what to say or explain.

That morning rain is up and down to look at Heng Yan Lin, then is some nervous inquiry asked.

"How do you do it? You do it. Then I can see if I can change myself and prevent something."

Morning rain at this time, or some not at ease, she is to believe in Heng Yan Lin, these people are basic, are not going to him.

Just like Heng Yanlin himself, usually, his temper seems to be quite good.

But what about the rest? Maybe like Heng Yanlin, he also belongs to this type of temper, but in case it is the time, these people and friends are also at such a level. At that time, he will be killed. What will Chenyu do then? After all, she can't be like this. She will kill you directly. At this time, Heng Yanlin also looks at this and starts to explain. As long as Heng Yanlin is able to say it, then she will know what the matter is, and then she will

not be afraid of anything.

Heng Yanlin at this time, is listening to the other party's words, is some speechless.

I have said that, yes, I will not face her like this, but she just doesn't want it. You just don't know. I mean, you don't know.

So at this time, Heng Yanlin said something.

"Well, this thing will not happen to you. What are you worried about? If you are really in danger at that time, you can just come to me."

Heng Yanlin at this time, but also some helpless, directly with the guy in front of him, is to open his mouth to say a word, let the other side is reassured.

If you go on like this, it's the feeling that what you are and what you can do can be explained all the time. Heng Yanlin estimates that he can't stop himself. He wants to kill each other.

Also don't look, these things, where can, for each other, is able to say.

The other side is learning science, and Heng Yanlin's this thing, in words, science can't explain, is completely belongs to, to directly fool the other party's tone once.

At this time, hengyanlin is naturally lazy and says more.

At this time, Heng Yan Lin is looking at the morning rain in front of him. After finishing this, he is preparing to ignore the morning rain. What words he has said after that is not to ask about this.

And that morning rain, is listening to Heng Yanlin's words, is slightly stunned, is looking at the front of hengyanlin, that eyes, is full of joy.

"Keep your word. You should take care of my safety in the future."

Morning rain at this moment, is incomparably happy, she is feeling that she is looking for so long, so many security guards, but compared with Heng Yanlin in front of her, she is going to save a lot.

So at the moment, looking at the hengyanlin, her mood is also changing, incomparably happy.

Heng Yanlin listened to this, is slightly stunned, and then wake up. He seems to have said something wrong. If he can, he is later, but also listen to the other party's words?At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin's face changed slightly. He was, how to see, a bit silly. If he could, he was clear, and he didn't need to be like this.

The other party's safety, but also to protect their own, when the time comes not to protect each other, that is not bad luck, their own is out of thin air, is to cause things in general.

At this time, Heng Yanlin was a little angry. What words did he say? After that, if anything happened to this guy, it was all right. He was in bad luck.

For hengyanlin angry what, that morning rain is not know, but at the moment she is very happy.

After that, it's no wonder that you can protect Hengyan Lin if you don't belong to him.

In this way, is to let her is incomparably happy, Heng Yanlin such ability, after feeling who is uncomfortable, directly is to hit a word?

At the thought of this, the morning rain is incomparably excited, it seems that he is still stop smart, actually let him start to dominate the road.

"Well, as long as it is later, if you want to tell you, you will just tell me."

Heng Yan Lin hit this time, but also helpless, he is a casual word, is to let himself, is the same feeling of pit.

If you had known that, you shouldn't be talkative.

Thinking of here, Heng Yanlin also took a look at the morning rain on the side and sighed helplessly.

That morning rain is looking at the Heng Yan Lin, everything, is the expression of Heng Yan Lin, is to see down, immediately also appears, is some happy.

Looking at that hengyanlin, at this time, is to become a bit uncomfortable, she is feeling, she is some very refreshing general feeling, do not know, this is why, but it will be like this.

"By the way, before, ANN, how did you treat them?"

That morning rain at this time, suddenly thought, before the time, those several people come, and then is looking at the front of Heng Yan Lin, began to ask.

Speaking of the words, she is also a little curious, before that time, those several, is not the same as let's hengyanlin, is almost started, directly killed them?

But after that, Heng Yanlin left directly. It seemed that he didn't act on these people. However, she was a little curious. It was impossible for Heng Yanlin to stop.

The most important thing is that Heng Yanlin said that he wanted to teach them some lessons, but after that, he didn't see what kind of lessons they had.

Now look at hengyanlin's means, perhaps has been to teach something, but these people, but they do not know it, so now, she is a little curious, what is Heng Yanlin doing.

Heng Yanlin listened to the words of the morning rain, and the corners of his mouth drew. This guy, before that, had already stopped his mouth once. How could it be at this time that he was talking like this? If he had to say his own things, he could not do it?

Hengyanlin is some speechless, but also some helpless, looking at the morning rain, is full of speechless.

"Do you have so much to know? Is it always about asking someone? " Looking at the morning rain, Heng Yanlin is speechless. He likes to ask what he wants to say. You know, these words were said before. Now it's time to ask. Heng Yanlin is speechless.

For this, the morning rain is actually clear in my heart.

In the previous time, hengyanlin did not want to say, at that time, hengyanlin is like this, she is lazy to know.

After all, at that time, she didn't know that Heng Yanlin had such means. Naturally, she was lazy to ask more questions. But at this time, after seeing Heng Yanlin's means, especially such weird means.

She began to be curious. What kind of means did Heng Yanlin do to those people? If she could know, she would be able to satisfy her curiosity.

So at the moment, she is looking at the Heng Yan Lin, that look in the eyes, is full of curiosity, the eyes, are full of general feeling.

Heng Yan Lin saw that morning rain in the eyes of the look, is also speechless, this guy, that curiosity, can not be a little lighter, if only this, is able to be satisfied? What's more, if Heng Yanlin really wants to say, he can't say it himself. It's too difficult to explain that the other party can also move.

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