"All right, go back quickly. Stop this matter."

Heng Yan Lin impatiently waved his hand, and then said a word, that is to go to the front.

That morning rain is to see the appearance of hengyanlin, is Du mouth, is a little discontented, "that is to say, is it difficult to say that you are afraid, after being known, what will be prevented, and then learn to do something like that, so you dare not say?"

Chen Yu didn't want to talk about Heng Yanlin when she saw her. She immediately pestered him and began to ask questions about the matter. She was curious. At this time, she was confused.

At this time, Heng Yanlin also looked at the other party, and then shook his head, "this thing is really hard to say. You don't know it. Otherwise, I'll give you the same punishment. What do you think of your own experience? " Heng Yanlin was a little impatient by this guy, and directly said, "this thing, you don't have to be afraid of. Others know it and can't defend it. It's even more impossible to learn it. It's just that after going out, the treatment is not good. Do you want to try it yourself?"

If the treatment is not good, it is a lie. In fact, it is impossible. It will not be cured well. After all, in the current situation, it is Heng Yanlin's own hand that he can take back his own magic in minutes.

However, this guy is a little annoying. When the time comes, he has to test it. Then, he wants Heng Yanlin to cure his own words. Is not Heng Yanlin trying to make himself suffer?

So, after thinking about it, hengyanlin still felt that it would be better to let it go, to let it go, or to retreat in the face of difficulties.

That morning rain is listening to hengyanlin's words, originally also thought, is to let hengyanlin, is to give himself a bit, but after listening to hengyanlin's words, she is startled.

Joking, she doesn't know what Heng Yanlin has done, but she also knows that it will never be a good thing.

In such a case, if it is the same as the other party, the treatment will not be good at that time. It is estimated that it will be very miserable. After all, I don't know what Heng Yanlin is doing, but I can also guess that it is a very tragic end.

So think about it, she looked at the hengyanlin in front of her. In her eyes, it was full of resentment, looking at the Hengyan forest.

"Why do you do this, that's not good, if you do this to me?"

He is also a star, well, some fans and so on, but now, Heng Yanlin is directly starting to scare her.

For a star, even if it is not said this identity, he is also very beautiful?

For such a beautiful woman, Heng Yanlin is still a man. How can he treat her like this is just too much. When I think of it, the morning rain is full of unhappiness.

However, looking at Heng Yanlin in front of her, she did not dare to say anything. She wanted to test her words. Those people died directly. As for the people in the hotel, she didn't know what was going on.

But to think of it, it is extremely miserable, so I still feel that at this time, it is better not to experiment.

Because of this matter, Chenyu is a little unhappy, but Heng Yanlin on the other side, after taking a look at the morning rain, saw that the other side was not happy, and did not say much. After smiling, he was walking towards the front.

The other side is not talking, hengyanlin but feel, this is just good, anyway is able to clean some.

They took a taxi together, and then they went back downstairs to the hotel. When they were about to go upstairs, several people came out directly from the side and surrounded the morning rain.

"What's the matter with you? It's really a mess to run out on your own? What people do not say, their own a person ran out, do not know is very dangerous? In this case, what if you are secretly photographed by a reporter? " "I still live in a hotel like this. At that time, someone will steal from me, and they will get some articles out. What will you do then? You are a big star. You should know your identity and reputation. If you mess around like this, you will be in danger.


Those people in the morning rain is surrounded in the middle, is the beginning, constantly shouting.

These people, is to see that morning rain, is incomparably excited, that facial expression, one by one is red.

Heng Yanlin on one side also heard these people's words. He was slightly stunned for a moment. But then, he also reacted. These guys probably knew the morning rain or the people around him. Otherwise, they would not talk like this.

That morning rain at this time, in fact, is also a shock, but then, see these people in front of, is a sigh of relief."What's the matter with you? What's the matter?"

That morning rain was looking at these people in front of her, and then she said something. Before that, she was really scared by these people. She thought that it was some kind of paparazzi, and she had followed her secretly.

But now I can see that these people are all from their own studio. They are all their own people, so they don't have to worry about too much.

The rest of the people on that side, at this time, are watching the morning rain, incomparably excited, but the morning rain, is not much excited expression.

This time, I ran out secretly, but I was caught by these people. That is to say, I don't have much free time this time. When I think of this place, the morning rain also sighed a little, some helpless.

"What's the matter with you, I'm not doing well?"

Morning rain looked at the people in front of them, listening to their words, immediately also helpless up, then opened his mouth to say a word.

One side of the crowd, listening to this, the face is a little unhappy.

"What is nothing? When something happens, what will we do then? Have you ever thought about it? Do you want to know what kind of identity you are at this time? You are a star. How can you be like this

"It's actually sneaking out. In case something happens, some fans are very crazy. You are on the road, and you will be recognized. Don't think about it. You can go back."

"That is, as a star, you have told you many times before. Why do you just don't listen? At this time, you are so indifferent? You have to know, you are able to go to this position, we are to pay how much effort

Those people, at this time, are looking at the morning rain, is a face of cold, and then speak up, while saying, is full of dissatisfaction.

If the morning rain is good, they will be able to make a lot of money in the future. But if the morning rain falls down, they will be the same. At that time, they will have no work.

Under such circumstances, they saw the morning rain. At this time and in such a way, their dissatisfaction naturally became extremely serious.

At the moment, see that morning rain, before the time, still follow a man, this is to let them is more dissatisfied.

This guy, when he came out, was it for such a man? So everything, it's all about dating or something? If so, it would be more serious.

If something happens between two people and there are photos, then the other party can use these photos to threaten them.

You know, if you have these photos, once they are circulated, it will be a big trouble at that time, because, for stars, fame or something, it is really too important.

Especially for female stars, the most important thing is not to have a boyfriend. If there is one, even if it is later, it will be disliked by people.

For some fans, they just don't want their idols, especially these female stars.

At present, the morning rain, however, is to take such a man together, get off the bus together, and then live in this hotel together. This is simply a most dangerous move.

At the thought of this, these people are one by one, are extremely dissatisfied, that facial expression, one by one is how ugly, is how ugly. "What are you doing? Do you know it yourself? Some of you are not three no four people, you can know? You know, these people, are garbage one by one, can not be with you, is not worthy of, you want to know these things, you have to distinguish, understand?

at the thought of this, one of the men, at this time, took a hard look at the hengyanlin, then turned back and looked at the morning rain. He said in a sharp voice.

Although there is no indication of who she is talking about, in fact, everyone can hear her. The person she said is Heng Yanlin's, so at the moment, all the people on that side also turned their heads and took a look at Heng Yanlin.

In the eyes, one is full of disdain, there is contempt, there are sneers, are all kinds of, looking at the hengyanlin, is completely disliked, in front of the hengyanlin, full of disgust color, in the eyes. At that time, however, when she heard the morning rain, she would not frown.

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