Heng Yanlin listened to Mu Shishan's words, touched his nose helplessly, then looked at Mu Shishan and said.

"If I said, before I did not know this was your company, would you believe it?"

When Heng Yanlin thought about this, he also felt that he was too careless. The name of Shilan group and Mu Shishan was too close. In addition, he had known for a long time that Mu Shishan owned a company, but he didn't think much about it.

If he had thought about it a little bit, he would have thought that this was Mu Shishan's company. But since it is mu Shishan's company, that is, as the old man said, he also found that Mu Shishan's attitude towards him seems to be better.

So now in Mu Shishan's company, I think it will not be treated differently by her. Heng Yanlin thinks of it.

Mu Shishan listened to Heng Yanlin's words and carefully looked at his behavior. She suddenly sighed. She felt that what Heng Yanlin should say was true. Therefore, she ignored Heng Yanlin so much that she didn't even know her company. She didn't know what kind of feelings should arise.

Maybe Heng Yanlin didn't pay much attention to her. Otherwise, if you look at her in Jianghai City, you can know her name and her company.

And now hengyanlin, that can only be said, hengyanlin is not very concerned about all this.

Mu Shishan shook her head slightly, and then she lifted her delicate face. Then she opened her mouth to Heng Yanlin and said, "at five o'clock, you will go to the parking lot downstairs. I will go to talk about a business later. You can go with me."

Mu Shishan opened his mouth to Heng Yanlin, who was sitting on the sofa. But when he heard this, Heng Yanlin was stunned. What could he do? It seemed that he would not know anything. In the company, it seemed that he would pour tea to them, and then copy the documents and other trivial matters. The rest was nothing.

So now hearing Mu Shishan's words, Heng Yanlin looked at her curiously and asked.

"What am I going to do? I don't know that."

"If you go, there's not so much nonsense."

Mu Shishan looked at Heng Yanlin, and then said extremely domineering, "it's decided. You go back first, and then you will say that the president gives a punishment."

Mu Shishan waved. After saying this, he indicated that Heng Yanlin could leave. Seeing this, Heng Yanlin touched his nose and did not stay. He left the office and was ready to return to the Department.

Although I don't know what kind of attention Mu Shishan is playing, if you want him to go, you can go. Anyway, there's something wrong with Mu Shishan. I don't think it's his turn to negotiate.

Mu Shishan looks at Heng Yanlin's figure leaving, her eyes twinkle slightly, and then frowns slightly. Remembering today's appointment, Liu Mei is slightly clustered.

The person who took Heng Yanlin to the appointment was a businessman, who seemed to have a lot of money and energy. What he wanted to talk about was the construction site of Shilan group. Originally, she didn't want to go, but the other party used some means to make her go to the appointment.

Today, after seeing Heng Yanlin, she saw him and Ling Meiqing together. Suddenly, she remembered one thing, that is, the construction site. Two things happened before and after.

These two things, can be said to be extremely strange, almost the construction site is unable to start work, and before she has not understood why Ling Meiqing went, nothing happened, but after a few days.

After that, something happened again. Then she arrived there and saw a strange scene. What explained the matter was the jade card sent by Heng Yanlin.

At present, after seeing Heng Yanlin, she seems to have figured out everything. The reason why Ling Meiqing went there was nothing was because hengyanlin was following by.

Since hengyanlin is able to make jade cards and wants to solve the problems there, there is no problem at all. It is just that hengyanlin doesn't want to talk about things, so he doesn't bluff and let Ling Meiqing know.

But I don't know why, the strange things on the construction site broke out again, and then there was the scene where she went. In fact, as long as she seriously thought about it, she should have thought of hengyanlin.

Why didn't Ling Meiqing go to school without any problems? After she went, it happened. But Ling Meiqing went with a man who happened to ask for leave at the same time as Heng Yanlin.

In addition, her jade plate is made by Heng Yanlin. In fact, as long as you use your brain, you can think of this one.

It's just that she didn't think about it or pay attention to it.

At present, someone actually paid attention to the construction site, so that Mu Shishan had to think about the relationship between the abnormality and the people who wanted to take the land.

After all, if the matter of that piece of land was not solved at that time, it would be much easier for that person to take the land, and the cost would be much less.Sometimes things in the mall are so dark that Mu Shishan doesn't want to associate these two things together.

This time I went to see this person, I was still a little worried, but after seeing hengyanlin, she was a little relieved. In her heart, unconsciously, she was full of trust and dependence on hengyanlin.

When Heng Yanlin returned to the Department, several women saw him coming back, and immediately ran up and down. After looking up and down, he seemed to be looking for something.

"Well, you haven't been treated like that, have you?"

Xiao Yun looks at Heng Yan Lin, and seems to be looking forward to asking him. With a twinkling look in his eyes, he says that Heng Yanlin can't understand.

"What can I have? How can I feel that you want me to have something?"

Heng Yanlin looked at Xiao Yun and said that he was still quite concerned about himself. How could he change in an instant?

"She just said that the president actually called you in person, probably because he thought you were very handsome and looked like a little white face. So the president wanted to take care of you, so he called you alone. Otherwise, he just wanted to reprimand you, so it would not take so much effort."

Ling Meiqing looks at Xiaoyun's appearance and tone, and stares at her directly. Then she explains to Heng Yanlin. After hearing Xiaoyun's words, she is also a little strange.

If Mu Shishan wants to teach Heng Yanlin a lesson, there is no need to spend so much time. Call Heng Yanlin in the past and get on her exclusive elevator. It is obvious that she will go to Mu Shishan's office.

Therefore, Ling Mei is also a little strange in her heart. She can't think of Mu Shishan's idea. However, she doesn't believe Xiaoyun's words at all. She is the only one who knows how proud her sister is.

So she absolutely didn't believe Xiao Yun's words.

"What do you think and what? If I had been fostered, I would not be here now."

Hengyanlin listened to Ling Meiqing's words, but said a word, these guys, and he as a small white face, Heng Yanlin is thinking, is not his skin very white some.

After the cultivation of immortals, his body has been washed by tendons and marrow, which is inevitable, so it is normal and incomparable to be white. But now he has been listening to them calling for small white faces. Heng Yanlin is also a bit helpless. He is thinking, will he be better after he blackens himself a little?

"You have acquired hundreds of millions of assets. It's not the same here. So, this reason can't deny the suspicion that you are being fostered."

At this moment, Xiao Yun seems to be interested. He is directly looking up and down at Heng Yanlin. He seems to be looking at whether Heng Yanlin has been violated. The corners of his mouth twitch.

"Well, don't make a fuss. President Mu called you and said something to you. It can't be that he didn't do anything."

Ling Meiqing waved to stop Xiaoyun's mischief, and then asked Heng Yanlin some worries. She really cared about Heng Yanlin, so naturally she was more concerned. What did he say with Mu Shishan.

"No, just a reprimand, and then tell me to do some chores when I'm about to leave work."

After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin explained that he didn't know he was going to leave at five o'clock. He didn't know what excuse to make. Now that it was an opportunity, he just said it.

In order to avoid that, when she left at five o'clock later, some girls thought that something had happened, and they guessed that he had nothing to say about the relationship between him and Mu Shishan.

If you don't believe it or not, it's not good for Heng Yanlin at all. It's estimated that there are a lot of disadvantages. Therefore, for the relationship between him and Mu Shishan, Heng Yanlin is determined not to mention it.

"Chores? It's not that you refused to take care of the president, so the president became angry and asked you to do chores? "

Xiao Yun's brain opened wide, staring at the topic of hengyanlin's being fostered, and talked to Heng Yanlin.

Heng Yanlin has a helpless look at Xiaoyun. What he really wants to say is that when Heng Yanlin was seriously injured at home, he was penniless, and then he has been living in Mu Shishan's villa.

It's just that mu shanheng won't pay attention to this topic. It's just that mu shanheng won't care about his marriage.

"Oh, it's a pity. If you're really taken care of by the president, it's good to blow a breeze and then help us raise our wages."

Xiao Yun sighed a little disheartened, and then went back to her own work. She really thought so. As long as hengyanlin was really fostered, she would have a chance to raise her salary.

"If you really want to raise your salary, you can go to attract more clients and make a good list of them, and your salary will be lower?"

Ling Meiqing for this brain hole so big colleagues, also feel some helpless, directly is a scold, and then turned to Heng Yanlin mouth said.After Ling Meiqing told hengyanlin, he turned to be busy with his own affairs. Seeing this, hengyanlin felt a little warm in his heart. He thought that when the time came, he would give her jewelry and carve more array on it.

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