When it was five o'clock in the afternoon, Heng Yanlin looked at the time and said to Ling Meiqing. Then he walked to the parking lot downstairs. There were no people in the parking lot at the moment. When Heng Xiulin came down, Mu Shishan sent a short message telling Heng Yanlin the location of her car.

Heng Yanlin directly found Mu Shishan's car according to the instructions. Without any nonsense, he went to the co driver's side, then opened the door and sat in. After seeing Heng Yan Lin, Mu Shishan did not say anything. He just started the car and drove outside.

Mu Shishan frowns tightly and looks at Heng Yanlin on one side. He doesn't know if he should tell what he knows.

Heng Yanlin noticed that there was something wrong with Mu Shishan's expression. He could not help being a little strange. He asked, "what's wrong? Don't hesitate. Just say it directly. You don't look like you used to be."

"What's my style

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan immediately glanced at Heng Yanlin and asked him.

"Vigorous and vigorous? Or decisive? " After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin asked Mu Shishan tentatively that he only wanted to say the word Lengyan president, but after thinking about it, Heng Yanlin still didn't say it.

"So that's what I am in your eyes?"

Mu Shishan cast a glance at Heng Yan Lin, and her expression seems to have no change. Obviously, there is no angry mood in it.

Heng Yanlin nodded, in response to Mu Shishan's words. Mu Shishan did not have any redundant expression. After looking at Heng Yanlin, he suddenly asked.

"Hengyanlin, who are you? I know that you are not so simple as ordinary people."

The red light just lights up in front of her. Mu Shishan stops the car, and then Meimu stares at Heng Yanlin tightly, and then asks.

Heng Yan Lin was so asked by Mu Shishan. He was stunned for a moment. After looking at her, he was silent and said, "do you really want to know?"

"I've asked you, do you want to tell me?"

Mu Shishan is walking across hengyanlin, his eyes are full of arrogance.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin sighed and said, "in fact, I'm not from this world. My hometown is on the earth in another time and space. In those years, because of chance, I set foot on the road of cultivating immortals, so I was far away from my hometown."

"Tens of thousands of years later, I have already stepped on the peak, so I turned around the time and space and wanted to return to my hometown. But I was attacked by the God of time and space and accidentally fell to this place. Then your grandfather met me and was saved by him. So I told you, my parents are not in this world."

Heng Yanlin simply and incomparably told Mu Shishan about his experience. Mu Shishan had some consternation on her face, but after a while, after listening to Heng Yanlin finish, he immediately sneered and shook his head.

"You can tell such a lie, but I don't blame you for not wanting to cheat me."

Heng Yanlin listen to this, only feel some can not understand Mu Shishan's words, he said is the truth, OK! She said that she didn't want to cheat her, and then she said that what she said was a lie?

Heng Yanlin didn't understand Mu Shishan's words. Mu Shishan thought that Heng Yanlin made up such a normal person's words that he knew were flustered. To listen to Mu Shishan, it showed that hengyanlin didn't want to tell her his identity, but he didn't want to cheat her, so he said so.

Just let Mu Shishan know that his words are just made up of nonsense.

"I know your identity is not simple, since you don't want to say, I don't want to ask more, but there is one thing I want to tell you."

Mu Shishan hesitated for a moment, or opened his mouth to Heng Yanlin, saying that the construction site is really a bit strange, and hengyanlin is the person to solve this matter. If you don't make it clear with hengyanlin, it will be dangerous at that time.

"What's the matter?"

Heng Yanlin looks at Mu Shishan strangely, only feels that she seems to be a little strange today, seems to want to say something, but has been hesitant.

"A while ago, you and Ling Meiqing went to the construction site together, right? You should be the one to solve the strange things that appear. Don't rush to deny that I cheated you before, because you gave me a jade card and let me go to work there later, so that I can be safe and sound. "

Mu Shishan looks at Heng Yanlin, and directly talks about the things on the construction site, as well as the things that she went to the construction site before.

Hengyanlin heard the speech and frowned slightly. He said that when he saw Mu Shishan's jade pendant, there was evil spirit. What happened? It turned out to be something happened on the construction site.

"What happened on the construction site, which I went to that time, was really solved. Why did it happen after that? And did it have anything to do with the people I met today?"

Heng Yanlin asked in a strange way. At present, he feels a little strange about this matter. Even though his strength has dropped too much, he still has confidence in his own vision. It is clear that the evil spirit has been solved. Why is there a evil spirit after that?If you really want to say that, there is only one possibility, that is, the evil spirit will recur again. In preparation, it should be artificially activated, because once the evil spirit is eliminated, it will be condensed into evil spirit, even if it is impossible, unless there is artificial interference.

"This time, the person I have an appointment with wants to buy the construction site. You know, if things happen on the construction site, the employees can't start work and don't say anything. If those things happen, even if the building is built, no one will buy it."

As soon as Heng Yanlin heard this, he directly understood the meaning of Mu Shishan's words. Some people deliberately played tricks on the construction site, and then bought the construction site at a low price. When Heng Yanlin heard this, he immediately felt that he had some eyebrows in his heart.

Just as Mu Shishan said, if no one plays tricks, the evil spirit on the construction site is impossible to recur, or so fast.

Therefore, what Mu Shishan said is very possible.

"Don't worry. He can't play any tricks with me. I'll see who did it."

Heng Yanlin nodded his head, and then comforted Mu Shishan. If that person can induce evil spirit, he is definitely different from ordinary people. Heng Yanlin is naturally sure that he can recognize the man at a glance.

No matter whether this man's target is mu Shishan or just wants the construction site, Heng Yanlin will not let him off easily, because he has already threatened Mu Shishan's safety.

Hengyanlin, however, promised to protect Mu Shishan well. Now that there is a threat, hengyanlin naturally needs to eliminate him in the bud.

Mu Shishan listened to Heng Yanlin's words and saw his confident look on his face. Suddenly, she felt a little relaxed in her heart. I don't know when, she actually has quite a trust in Heng Yanlin.

The car drove all the way forward, and then stopped in front of a restaurant. Heng Yanlin and Heng Yanlin got out of the car directly. The doorman saw this and asked him directly. After several people's positions, they sat in the car and helped stop the car.

"Let's go up."

After Mu Shishan and the waiter agreed on their reservation, they walked upstairs under the guidance of the waiter.

When they got to the reserved box, there were already four people waiting inside. One of them was dressed in a suit and a man dressed as a successful person stood up directly. Then he walked over with a smile on his face. After holding out his hand, he opened his mouth to Mu Shishan and said, "president Mu, thank you for coming to meet me. My name is Ruan Yi Dust. "

Hearing the speech, Mu Shishan reached out his hand and touched it slightly. Then he nodded, which was a recognition.

"Come on, please sit down, please sit down. President Mu wants to come here and have a meal. Everyone can sit down and talk while eating. This little brother is also sitting. I have already ordered the waiter. If you want to have a meal, you can come up soon."

Ruan Yichen's face was full of smile, and he directly asked them to sit down. Seeing this, Mu Shishan did not show any politeness. He went directly to a vacant seat and sat down, while Heng Yanlin sat down with her.

Seeing the two people so intimate, a glimmer of color flashed in Ruan Yichen's eyes. According to the news he got, Mu Shishan should have no male partner. How could he be so intimate with this man?

Ruan Yichen flashed this idea in his mind, but after a little thought, he threw it into his mind. It doesn't matter whether the man is mu Shishan's mate or not. With Mu Shishan's character, even if hengyanlin is a male partner, it is estimated that there is nothing to say. After all, Mu Shishan has always been a strong man.

After Mu Shishan sat down, she looked at the other party's personnel at will. At that time, Mu Shishan's brow was slightly wrinkled. A man with Mediterranean hair was sitting in the middle of the other party, licking a belly and looking at her with bright eyes, which made her feel disgusted.

However, Mu Shishan did not show this expression, because the other party was the director of the Administration for Industry and commerce. The reason why she came to attend the invitation this time was because of his persuasion.

The position of the other party is just to be able to pinch the lifeblood of the company. If you offend the other party, I'm afraid the other party will hold a grudge at that time. For the company, it will be a bit of trouble.

So in order to put an end to this trouble, even if Mu Shishan is reluctant, she still has to come.

As for the director, there are still two people sitting next to the director. One is the man sitting next to the director. He is wearing casual clothes with two moustaches. There is a kind of nondescript feeling. However, Mu Shishan Bing does not show a smile, just a flash of light in her eyes.

This person was astonished that at that time, when the construction site had problems for the first time, the man who said he wanted to help her solve the problem, and the other was the man who was with him at that time. Now the other party and Ruan Yichen are sitting together. How can Mu Shishan not know that the other party is a gang?

The man looked at Mu Shishan's eyes and swept him. When he saw Mu Shishan's eyes, he knew that the other party recognized him. However, in his eyes, he didn't see any sense of tension. There were only expressions of victory and satisfaction.At the beginning, she refused him, and how can it be? To now, she is not obedient. Today, she just doesn't want to promise. In the end, she can only be obedient! Wang Jiayi thought of it with pride.

Hengyanlin's mouth slightly cocked, he has directly set the target on his body, if there is no wrong guess, I think this person is the guy who secretly plays tricks, hengyanlin is directly locked in his body.

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