Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 156 The two major realms are finally complete! The power of the mind surges, the star

Chapter 156 The two domains are finally complete! The power of the mind surged, and the starry sky waterfall domain turned from virtual to real!

Lu Changsheng took the enlightenment pill and began to comprehend the waterfall domain.

Soon, Lu Changsheng successfully fell into enlightenment.

In the enlightenment, various inspirations burst out.

The progress of the waterfall domain improved very quickly.

However, the effect of an enlightenment pill can only last for five hours.

Lu Changsheng can take two enlightenment pills a day, which is about ten hours.

Every time he has an enlightenment, Lu Changsheng can improve the waterfall domain by about 8% to 10%.

In this way, Lu Changsheng can improve the domain by 16% to 20% in one day.

One day, two days, three days, four days, five days...

In a blink of an eye, six days have passed.

Lu Changsheng's waterfall domain has been improved to 99% of the progress.

Just a little opportunity is needed to comprehend the waterfall domain perfectly.

If it were before, Lu Changsheng might have taken a few more enlightenment pills to find the opportunity.

However, Lu Changsheng had already experienced a domain perfection.

He had a lot of experience.

So, this time Lu Changsheng didn't spend much time and energy looking for an opportunity.

There was even one Enlightenment Pill left, but Lu Changsheng didn't take it.

"Boom boom".

The next moment, the waterfall domain on Lu Changsheng's body emerged.

And it was constantly rolling, as if it was about to transform.

Liu Yuan, who was guarding the law on the side, couldn't help but open his eyes wide when he saw this scene, and a trace of horror appeared on his face.

"Is this... domain perfection?"

Liu Yuan couldn't believe his eyes.

Six days!

In just six days.

Lu Changsheng was actually going to comprehend another domain to perfection.

Although he knew that Lu Changsheng had taken twelve Enlightenment Pills in these six days.

But what are twelve Enlightenment Pills?

He had taken dozens of Enlightenment Pills.

What was the result?

Was the domain perfected?


It was even far from being perfect.

"Lu Changsheng's comprehension is simply unprecedented. I have never heard of someone who took more than a dozen enlightenment pills and fell into enlightenment for a few days to be able to comprehend the domain perfectly."

"Such comprehension is incredible..."

Liu Yuan was very shocked.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that someone's comprehension could reach this level.

Now Liu Yuan knows why Lu Changsheng can comprehend the starry sky domain to perfection in the Shengang realm.

With such a terrifying comprehension, what kind of domain can't be perfected?

As time went by, Lu Changsheng's waterfall artistic conception was finally perfected.

Same as the starry sky domain.

Lu Changsheng also felt the rapid improvement of his spiritual power.

I don't know if the spiritual scale has increased by fifteen scales.

I have to go back and try it.


Suddenly, Lu Changsheng felt something strange.

His starry sky domain and waterfall domain actually wanted to merge naturally at this moment.

Lu Changsheng didn't use the starry sky domain at all.

But he was "led" out by the waterfall domain.

Lu Changsheng knew that his starry sky domain and waterfall domain could probably be integrated, after all, when in artistic conception, it was the starry sky waterfall artistic conception.

But what would the fusion of the domains look like?

Lu Changsheng didn't know either.

But he could vaguely feel that the fusion of the two domains would probably cause a lot of noise.

There was also a Liu Yuan here.

Although Lu Changsheng trusted Liu Yuan very much, it was better for Lu Changsheng to keep some secrets by himself.

Knowing too many secrets was not a good thing for Liu Yuan.

So Lu Changsheng stopped and directly put away the waterfall domain.

Liu Yuan also stood up and came to Lu Changsheng, smiling and said: "Congratulations, the waterfall domain is also perfect. You have two perfect domains at once. Who among the warriors in the Shengang realm of the entire ancient domain can compare with your domain?"

Liu Yuan had been in the ancient domain for so many years, and he had never heard of anyone who had comprehended both domains to perfection in the Shengang realm.

That was simply incredible.

But such an incredible thing happened in front of him.

"Thank you, Captain, for protecting me."

Lu Changsheng said nothing more, and the two quickly returned to the Ancient Domain Tianzong.

After returning to the Ancient Domain Tianzong, Lu Changsheng immediately went to the Transmission Hall to find the Heart Monument.

The sect system and structure of the Ancient Domain Tianzong are almost exactly the same as those of the Northern Domain Tianzong.

There is also a Heart Monument in the Transmission Hall.

Lu Changsheng came to the Heart Monument.

There are also many disciples around.

They are basically disciples of the Ancient Domain Tianzong.

As for the disciples of the Northern Domain Tianzong, there are very few.

"Is he Lu Changsheng?"

"Yes, the true seed of the Northern Domain Tianzong, with outstanding talent."

"I wonder how many scales of his heart are?"

"I'm not sure about this. But a genius like him must be at least more than 80 scales, right?"

Lu Changsheng didn't care what others thought, and directly released the power of his heart.


The Heart Monument vibrated.

However, in the Ancient Domain Tianzong, many people can release the power of their hearts, so no one was too surprised by this.

Soon, a dazzling light burst out from the Heart Monument.

Finally, the scale stopped at sixty-three.

This number made the disciples of the Ancient Domain Tianzong stunned.

It was not too much, but too little.

"Soul scale 63? Am I seeing that right?"

"Didn't they say Lu Changsheng is the true descendant of the Northern Territory Tianzong? The Northern Territory Tianzong even spent precious spirit stones to activate the teleportation array and sent him to the Ancient Territory. As a result, his soul scale is only 63?"

"Something is wrong. How can he sense the power of the soul when his soul scale is 63? Lu Changsheng just made the Mind Monument vibrate, and he clearly sensed the power of the soul."

These disciples were all very surprised.

Recently, it was rumored that Lu Changsheng killed Xu Haoran and the Five Peaks Team.

He is one of the top geniuses.

As a result, one of the top geniuses has a soul scale of less than 70?

Obviously, when Lu Changsheng first came to the Ancient Territory, the news of releasing the perfect domain was not spread.

At least, a considerable number of Ancient Territory Tianzong disciples were not aware of it.

However, Lu Changsheng naturally would not explain.

He returned to his yard.

"The mind scale of sixty-three is equivalent to an increase of fifteen scales in the power of the mind. Sure enough, it is the same as the mind scale that increases when the starry sky domain is perfected."

"So, my plan is correct. As long as all five domains are perfected, my mind scale can reach one hundred!"

A gleam of brilliance flashed in Lu Changsheng's eyes.

The mind scale is the only way for a warrior in the Shenggang realm to reach the Shenzang realm.

When the mind scale reaches one hundred, you can open the brain and advance to the Shenzang realm!

When others are still struggling to figure out how to increase the power of the mind to one hundred scales, Lu Changsheng actually has a clear direction, which is to improve all five domains to perfection.

This seems like a fairy tale.

But for Lu Changsheng, this is not a problem.

As long as he has the enlightenment pill, he can cultivate the domain to perfection.

"Twelve Enlightenment Pills can almost cultivate one domain to perfection."

"Even if there are some differences, it is about twelve to fifteen Enlightenment Pills."

"So, I should now find a way to get a lot of contribution points, so as to exchange for more Enlightenment Pills."

Lu Changsheng was thinking.

Enlightenment Pills!

This is a resource that Lu Changsheng can see and touch.

As long as there are contribution points, it can be exchanged for Enlightenment Pills.

As for Enlightenment Pills, if they are used too much, they may not have much effect.

Lu Changsheng also understood it.

Basically, the effect of Enlightenment Pills will gradually weaken after using dozens of Enlightenment Pills.

And the Enlightenment Pills that Lu Changsheng is using now are far less than that.

It should be enough to support him to cultivate the remaining three domains to perfection.

Lu Changsheng is going to find a time to ask Liu Yuan about it.

With his strength, plus the assistance of the Tianlin team, Lu Changsheng feels that any natural treasures in the first layer of the ancient domain can actually be competed for by the Tianlin team.

Try to get a lot of contribution points.

This is good for both Lu Changsheng and the entire Tianlin team.

Lu Changsheng was not in a hurry.

He had just returned and needed to rest for a few days.

Liu Yuan had been protecting him for a few days and had been tired for a few days, so he needed to rest.

"By the way, before in front of the Bitan Waterfall, my waterfall domain was perfect, and it seemed to be automatically merged with the starry sky domain..."

Lu Changsheng vaguely realized that the fusion of the two perfect domains seemed a little unusual.

However, Liu Yuan was there at that time, so Lu Changsheng did not merge the domains.

Now that he has returned to the Ancient Domain Tianzong and his own courtyard, Lu Changsheng does not have to worry about being discovered by others.

The next moment, Lu Changsheng used the waterfall domain and the starry sky domain.


The two domains instantly enveloped the entire courtyard.

This is when Lu Changsheng converged.

Otherwise, the two domains would cover a wider range.


Lu Changsheng's mind moved.

Suddenly, the two domains quickly began to merge automatically.

Lu Changsheng did not need to worry at all.

The two realms seemed to be in harmony with each other.

Soon, the two perfect realms were completely integrated to form a new realm, the Starry Sky Waterfall Realm!

When the Starry Sky Waterfall Realm was formed.

Lu Changsheng was shocked.


It was too real!

In the vast starry sky, countless stars were shining.

In the starry sky, there was a huge waterfall, as if it penetrated the starry sky and stretched across the starry sky. Even from a distance, one could feel the magnificence of the waterfall.

Moreover, being in the realm of the Starry Sky Waterfall was obviously more real than the previous separate realm.

It was even translucent.

"What's going on?"

"After the perfect realm was integrated, it can directly reach semi-reality?"

"It doesn't even need to be nurtured in the brain?"

Lu Changsheng was very surprised.

He had a deep understanding of the situation in the realm.

He knew that in order to transform from virtual to real, it usually had to be nurtured in the brain.

Only warriors in the Shenzang realm could do it.

As for the warriors in the Shenggang realm?

Unless they have extremely terrifying mental power.

Only warriors who have exceeded 100 levels may be able to transform their domain from virtual to real, but they can't last long.

Previously, Lu Changsheng's starry sky domain was perfected, or the waterfall domain was perfected.

The individual perfect domains did not transform into "semi-real" situations.

Only the fusion of the two realms of perfection actually had a "qualitative change" and became vaguely semi-real.

Lu Changsheng carefully observed the semi-real Starry Sky Waterfall realm.

In such a terrifying realm, the power is naturally very terrifying.

Against other warriors' realms, it would be like destroying everything. There would be no rival to the Starry Sky Falls realm.

A single field of perfection can actually overwhelm other fields.

Now the two realms of perfection have merged and transformed into a semi-real realm, which doesn't seem to have much magic.

"Wait a minute, if the semi-real realm is forcibly supported by the power of the soul and turns it from virtual reality to reality, will it reduce the consumption of a lot of psychic power?"

Lu Changsheng's heart moved.

He thought of a possibility.

Instead of relying on the brain, let the power of the soul directly support the semi-real starry sky waterfall realm and completely realize it!

This is just an idea. Whether it can succeed or not, Lu Changsheng doesn't know.

However, when this idea came into his mind, he could no longer contain the thought.

He wants to give it a try!

"Try it. It will drain your spiritual power at most and you will be able to recover after a few days of rest."

Lu Changsheng took a deep breath and already made a decision in his heart.

"Let's get started."

Lu Changsheng's starry sky waterfall realm has been merged and formed.

He had a thought in his mind.

The spiritual power of comprehension instantly penetrated the body and merged into the realm of starry sky waterfall.

The next moment, a magical scene happened.

The semi-real starry sky waterfall field was slightly shaken, and it quickly turned from virtual to real!

It’s really transformed from fiction to reality!

Moreover, it is very fast.

In almost the blink of an eye, Lu Changsheng's starry sky waterfall realm was completely realized.

"Is this... the real starry sky?"

"And the waterfall...are they all real?"

Lu Changsheng had a thought in his mind.

Some of the water in the waterfall flowed into his hands in an instant.


The water in the waterfall is cold to the bone.

It seems like being in the starry sky, the temperature itself is very low.

Lu Changsheng opened his mouth and took a sip of water from the waterfall.


"This water is sweet and delicious, almost like a mountain spring."

"This is real water..."

Lu Changsheng was extremely shocked.


His starry sky realm actually exists!

Of course, it is only real within the scope of the domain.

And in the realm of virtual reality, the real power will be very terrifying.

Lu Changsheng thought of Xiao Jian, the true disciple of Beiyu Tianzong.

The opponent was a Shenzang realm warrior, and he displayed the gentle sword domain from his brain.

The realm of the sword changes from virtual reality to reality.

If you are in the realm of swords, you will have to endure thousands or even endless cuts with sharp swords.

Lu Changsheng still has a deep memory of that kind of power.

"So, how powerful is my starry sky waterfall realm from virtual reality?"

Lu Changsheng is blessed to the soul.

From the realm of virtual reality, he naturally understood the terrifying power within it.

Then, Lu Changsheng had a thought in his mind.


The starry sky field was shaking violently.

In the starry sky, waterfalls appeared one after another.

Waterfalls fall from the sky and penetrate the starry sky, washing away everything.

It seems that anything that stands in the way will be washed away by the waterfall.

That kind of power...

Lu Changsheng compared Xiao Jian's sword realm.

It seems... that his starry sky waterfall rushing down can also penetrate Xiao Jian's sword realm?

Of course, this is just Lu Changsheng's feeling.

Specifically, Lu Changsheng didn't know whether it was true or not, he hadn't tried it yet.

But if we look at the power of the domain, the Sword Domain is at most equivalent to Lu Changsheng's Starry Sky Domain or Waterfall Domain.

The Starry Sky Waterfall realm is a fusion of two realms, and its natural power has skyrocketed.


"The spiritual power can no longer support it."

"How long has it been?"

Lu Changsheng felt a sharp stabbing pain in his mind.

At the same time, Lu Changsheng's starry sky waterfall realm continued to flicker, quickly turning into a semi-real state.

Lu Changsheng felt empty in his heart.

He knew that his spiritual power was exhausted.

And since he used the power of his mind to turn the Starry Sky Falls realm from virtual reality, to consuming all the power of his mind, he was unable to maintain the reality of the Starry Sky Falls realm.

This time is only half a breath!

Not even a moment to breathe.

You know, Lu Changsheng's current spiritual power scale has reached sixty-three.

It was only a little short of the seventy-point mark.

As a result, it can only support the transformation of the Starry Sky Waterfall Realm from virtual reality to reality for half a breath?

"Half a breath...if you use it well, you can actually do a lot of things."

"It can even determine the outcome of a battle."

"Once my starry sky domain changes from virtual to real, it means that I will temporarily have the strength of a Shenzang Realm warrior. And it is not an ordinary Shenzang Realm warrior, but a top Shenzang Realm warrior!"

"After all, my starry sky waterfall domain has changed from virtual reality to reality, and its power is too terrifying."

"In a sense, I have a trump card that can compete with the powerful ones in the Shenzang Realm!"

Lu Changsheng has extremely rich combat experience.

Although half a breath is too short.

But if you make good use of it, you can have the final say and decide the outcome!

Of course, Lu Changsheng didn't want to use this ability unless it was absolutely necessary.

Once he changes the starry sky realm from virtual reality to reality.

Then his spiritual power will be exhausted.

If he couldn't kill his opponent, Lu Changsheng would definitely die.

In fact, depleting his spiritual power will leave Lu Changsheng in a weak state.

If you don't take action, once you decide to "realize" the starry sky realm, you must kill your opponent with one final word!

Lu Changsheng knew very well that this ability was too terrifying.

At critical moments, you can leapfrog and fight!

Of course, Shenzang warriors have many methods.

If he resisted, Lu Changsheng would be in danger.

"However, I mainly move around the first level of the ancient domain, so I probably won't encounter Shenzang realm warriors."

"As long as I get a large number of contribution points as soon as possible, increase the scale of my spiritual power, and open my brain when the time comes, then I will be a true Shenzang realm warrior. Naturally, I don't have to worry about my spiritual power being exhausted."

Lu Changsheng could still tell what was most important now.

Afterwards, Lu Changsheng closed his eyes.

His spiritual power had just been exhausted, and he had to rest for a few days to recover.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

Lu Changsheng's spiritual power finally recovered.

"After five days, Liu Yuan should have almost rested."

Lu Changsheng stood up and found Liu Yuan.

At this moment, Liu Yuan was in the martial arts field.

Not only Liu Yuan was there, but also other members of the Tianlin team.

Everyone's eyes lit up after seeing Lu Changsheng.

"Senior Brother Lu, you are amazing now, and your reputation is spread throughout the Ancient Territory Tianzong."

"Yes, the outside world has rumored that you are a peerless murderer who can destroy the entire Wufeng team. Everyone is afraid of you like a tiger."

"There are even more exaggerated rumors..."

Xia Bao and others were very excited.

After all, Lu Changsheng is a member of the Tianlin team and their teammate.

Along with this, the Tianlin team also became popular!

Now when evaluating the teams in the first level area of ​​the Ancient Realm, Tianlin Team can also be ranked on the list and be promoted to the top teams.

Xia Bao and others are also proud of you!

"Lu Changsheng, are you here for something?"

Liu Yuan asked.

"Captain, I want to ask, is it time to go out?"

"We got some ice grass last time, and everyone gained a lot. In the entire first-level area of ​​the ancient domain, are there any places like ice grass where we can get a lot of contribution points?"

"I am now enlightening the field and need a lot of contribution points to exchange for enlightenment pills."

Lu Changsheng stated his purpose directly.

He wants to get a lot of contribution points.

Liu Yuan knew that Lu Changsheng had just fully comprehended the waterfall realm.

He must have tasted the benefits and wants to obtain more Enlightenment Pills and cultivate other areas to perfection.

This is just a crazy idea.

If it were anyone else, Liu Yuan would definitely think that the other person was talking nonsense.

However, he witnessed with his own eyes that Lu Changsheng only used twelve Enlightenment Pills to cultivate a certain field to perfection.

If Lu Changsheng redeems a large amount of Enlightenment Pills, he might be able to practice other fields to perfection.

Perhaps at that time, Lu Changsheng would be able to increase his spiritual power to one hundred by relying on the perfection of his domain, thereby opening up his brain and being promoted to the Divine Treasure!

Thinking of this, Liu Yuan looked solemn.

This was related to Lu Changsheng's martial arts practice, so he naturally had to take it seriously.

"There is indeed a place where, if successful, a lot of contribution points will be gained."

"It's just that it would be dangerous."

"We may also need to compete with the top teams in the first level of the ancient domain."

Liu Yuan said hesitantly.

At this time, Xia Bao seemed to have thought of something and blurted out: "Competing for the golden fruit?"

Liu Yuan nodded and said, "Yes, we are competing for the golden fruit."

"The golden fruit has a ten-year maturity period, which is probably less than a month from now."

"In the past, every time the golden fruit matured, the top teams from the first level of the ancient domain would compete for it."

"The top team is even slightly inferior to the Wufeng team. Not to mention our Tianlin team, they are not even qualified to participate in the competition for the golden fruit."

"However, now that we have Lu Changsheng, our overall strength has ranked among the top teams in the first level of the ancient domain, and we are qualified to compete for the golden fruit."

"It's just that every fight for the golden fruit is very dangerous. Many people will die, even top experts."

When the "golden fruit" was mentioned, many members of the Tianlin team looked solemn.

Obviously, this "golden fruit" is no small matter.

"I only care about how many contribution points I can get?"

Lu Changsheng asked in a calm tone.

"One golden fruit can be exchanged for 10,000 contribution points."

"And every time the golden fruits mature, there will probably be more than twenty."

"If we can really capture the golden fruit, more than 20 golden fruits are equivalent to more than 200,000 contribution points."

"With your strength, Lu Changsheng, we basically have to rely on you to win the golden fruit. We can only assist you. You get 80% of the credit, and you should have 200,000 contribution points!"

Lu Changsheng quickly made a calculation.

If you can get 200,000 contribution points at once, that would be really... prosperous!

At the very least, the Enlightenment Pills redeemed are enough to cultivate the remaining three areas to perfection!

Of course, there are dangers.

Even more dangerous.

According to Liu Yuan, the top teams in the entire first-level area of ​​the ancient domain will compete for the golden fruit.

That is to say, if you want to successfully obtain the golden fruit, you must defeat all the top teams!

Moreover, the ripening time of the golden fruit is only an approximate time.

No one can guarantee when it will ripen.

Once it ripens, the golden fruit must be picked and preserved within an hour.

Otherwise, the golden fruit will fall to the ground and rot quickly.

Then you have to guard near the golden fruit tree in advance.

No team is allowed to approach.

That's not as simple as fighting.

You have to withstand the pressure of all teams.

This is simply too dangerous.

Even the top team may be directly beaten.

If the Tianlin team goes to fight for the golden fruit, they can only rely on Lu Changsheng alone.

But the strength of others is much weaker.

Once Lu Changsheng can't protect it, or the guard is not strong enough, they may die!

This is not an exaggeration.

Many top teams have some incredible abilities.

There may even be various methods of the immortal master.

Teammates are too weak and may die.

If Lu Changsheng were alone, he would not be afraid of any team, but when he took action against the strong, he also needed someone to pick the golden fruit.

This requires a team.

So, Lu Changsheng was silent.

The others were silent too.

Everyone was weighing the pros and cons.

"Golden fruit, I want to fight for it!"

"If successful, I only want 18 golden fruits. The remaining golden fruits, no matter how many there are, can be given to you."

After a long time, Lu Changsheng slowly spoke.

This matter is risky.

After all, the members of the Tianlin team do not have the strength like him, and the risk of death will be greatly increased if they fight for the golden fruit.

Lu Changsheng can only make concessions!

He calculated that 18 golden fruits are 180,000 contribution points, which can be exchanged for almost 36 enlightenment pills.

And he still has an enlightenment pill and 10,000 contribution points.

A total of 39 enlightenment pills can be obtained.

Lu Changsheng still has perception field, wave field, and storm field that have not been completed. One field requires about 12 enlightenment pills, which is almost complete.

Three domains only need thirty-six enlightenment pills.

Moreover, his perception domain progress has exceeded 40%, so he doesn't need twelve enlightenment pills to complete it.

Therefore, in summary, he only needs eighteen golden fruits to ensure enough enlightenment pills for cultivation.

The rest will be given to the members of the Tianlin team.

This is also an opportunity for the members of the Tianlin team!

If you are lucky, everyone can even have 20,000 contribution points.

"Let's do it! The battle for the golden fruit is the battlefield of the top Shenggang Realm warriors. I didn't expect that I, Chen Gang, would be able to participate one day."

"I also agree to fight for the golden fruit. With the strength of Senior Brother Lu, who else in the Shenggang Realm can be an opponent? We are just assisting and picking golden fruits. If we don't dare to do this, what martial arts can we practice?"

"Yes, this is a rare opportunity. Maybe this battle can make our Tianlin team completely famous in the entire ancient domain..."

For a while, all the members of the Tianlin team agreed.


How can there be no danger in the ancient domain?

But danger often means huge gains.

Besides, Lu Changsheng also gave them confidence!

In the end, everyone's eyes fell on Liu Yuan.

In the end, he, the captain, had to make the decision.

Liu Yuan looked at the eager eyes of the crowd, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Since everyone agrees, then this time, my Tianlin team will fight for the golden fruit!"

Liu Yuan also agreed.

He knew Lu Changsheng better than Chen Gang, Xia Bao and others.

Lu Changsheng has perfected both domains.

Looking at the entire ancient domain, which domain of the Shengang realm can be so powerful?

With Lu Changsheng, the golden fruit can indeed be fought for!

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