Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 157 Lu Changsheng kills the top team with his sword, shocking everyone!

Chapter 157 Lu Changsheng's sword cuts the top team and everyone is shocked! He swept through the Golden Swamp and was invincible!

The Golden Swamp is famous for its golden fruit.

Originally, it was a barren land.

But when the golden fruit was discovered, the Golden Swamp became famous throughout the ancient domain.

At least in the first layer of the ancient domain, the Golden Swamp is known to everyone.

There are swamps everywhere.

There are some scattered lands in the middle that people can stand on.

However, these hard lands are too few.

And they are far apart, scattered around the golden fruit tree.

The golden fruit tree is in the Golden Swamp.

It is a very big tree, more than ten feet high!

The umbrella-shaped crown is very large, with sparse fruits hanging on it.

These fruits all emit a golden luster, and they look like gold from a distance, so they are called golden fruits.

"We are here, the Golden Swamp."

Liu Yuan stopped.

The Tianlin team finally arrived at the Golden Swamp.

Lu Changsheng looked up and saw the huge golden fruit tree and the golden fruits hanging on the tree.

But the golden luster of these golden fruits was still a little light, obviously not fully ripe yet, and it would probably take some time.

And the land within a circle of about ten miles around the golden fruit tree was almost occupied by warriors.

Moreover, anyone who has stayed in the ancient domain for a period of time can probably recognize these teams.

Each team is definitely not a weakling, and they are all famous.

"The golden swamp is very scary. This is not an ordinary swamp."

"Once a warrior falls into the swamp, even the top warriors of the Shengang realm will be swallowed up and killed by the swamp without the help of others."

"The teleportation talisman is useless."

"So, don't fall into the golden swamp."

Liu Yuan said solemnly.

He also specifically mentioned the "teleportation talisman".

Obviously, this was a special reminder to Lu Changsheng.

After all, Lu Changsheng got a teleportation talisman from Xu Haoran last time.

Although the teleportation talisman is magical and a life-saving treasure, it is not omnipotent.

If you fall into this terrifying golden swamp, you will die even with the teleportation talisman.

Lu Changsheng looked far away.

He could only vaguely see the golden fruit tree.

But he had a perception field and could clearly sense the situation around the golden tree.

"There are no warriors where the golden tree is."

Lu Changsheng suddenly spoke.

"Of course there are no warriors."

"They are all waiting for the golden fruit to mature."

"It's not mature yet, but it occupies the position of the golden tree. Isn't it a target of public criticism?"

"Lu Changsheng, you don't really think we will let you resist countless top teams for a month, right?"

Liu Yuan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Looking at Lu Changsheng, it seems that he still takes it seriously.

"After the golden fruit matures, it takes an hour to pick it."

"This one hour is actually plenty of time."

"Most of the golden fruits will mature within a day. So, these people are waiting for the golden fruit to mature before they start fighting for it."

"At that time, you only need to hold on for one or two hours, and you can basically harvest all the golden fruits."

Liu Yuan continued to explain.

Lu Changsheng understood.

He glanced at the warriors who occupied hard places in the golden swamp and were not swallowed by the swamp.

"So, the position is very important!"

"We are now ten miles away from the golden fruit tree. When the golden fruit matures, we can't go to the golden fruit tree in the first time."

"At that time, if someone picks all the golden fruits, or only picks some, it will be a huge loss."

"We need a place closest to the golden fruit tree."

Lu Changsheng roughly understood the "rules" of fighting for the golden fruit.

First occupy a favorable place, and then quietly wait for the golden fruit to mature.

"Yes, we have to occupy a favorable position, preferably the one closest to the golden fruit tree."

"But the closer the team is to the golden fruit tree, the stronger it is."

"And all the places close to the golden fruit tree have been occupied."

Liu Yuan's expression gradually became solemn.

Obviously, they were all late.

"It doesn't matter, just drive away those teams and replace them!"

Lu Changsheng "picked" a position at first sight.

The closest place to the golden fruit tree is about ten feet away.

One jump can reach the golden fruit tree.

That's the perfect position!

Following Lu Changsheng's gaze, Liu Yuan also saw that position.

"Is that... Lingshu team?"

Liu Yuan's face suddenly changed.

"Lu Changsheng, why don't you consider changing positions?"

"The Lingshu team is not simple. Their strength is not the best in the first layer of the ancient domain, but they have a brilliant record."

"They once encountered a Shenzang realm warrior, and they escaped unscathed in a head-on battle! Although they may have used some treasures of the immortal system, they were able to withstand the attack of the Shenzang realm strongman, which shows how terrible the strength of the Lingshu team is."

"They occupied the best position in the Golden Swamp, and the other top teams obviously acquiesced."

Liu Yuan said in a deep voice.

It is not clear whether the Lingshu team is the strongest team in the first layer of the ancient domain.

But the other top teams obviously recognize the strength of the Lingshu team.

I felt that it was not worthwhile to go head-to-head with the Lingshu team, so I acquiesced that the Lingshu team would occupy the best position.

"One step slowly, one step at a time."

"Who knows what treasures those top teams have, what if all the golden fruits are swept away?"

"I don't want to take any chances! Gotta get the best position."

"Once the golden fruit matures, I must ensure that I can get to the golden fruit tree as soon as possible."

"Besides, our goal is to pick all the golden fruits, so sooner or later we will have to fight the Lingshu team."

Lu Changsheng's tone was firm.

Liu Yuan was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

"Okay, since you have decided to seize the position of the Lingshu team, then our Tianlin team will naturally advance and retreat together!"

Liu Yuan's words also represent the meaning of Tianlin Team.

At this moment, more and more teams rushed to the Golden Swamp.

They all stopped.

Looking at the positions of some teams in the Golden Swamp, his eyes flashed, and he was obviously thinking about occupying a favorable position.

The golden fruit hasn't matured yet, but the fighting and fighting have already begun.

There are also many teams who know the Tianlin team.

After all, the Tianlin team has been active for a long time.

Although it is not the top team, it is still considered a senior team.

However, the Tianlin team destroyed the Wufeng team last time, so that was different.

Almost instantly became one of the top teams.

But some people are still not convinced.

After all, this is really incredible.

Previously, the Tianlin team was suppressed and beaten by the Wufeng team.

The whole army was almost wiped out.

Are you going to fight back now?

Without seeing it with their own eyes, they still had a hint of doubt.

"Is that the Tianlin team?"

"I know Liu Yuan, that team is the Tianlin team."

"Liu Yuan was also a man of the hour and a leader in the Ancient Domain Tianzong, but he is still far behind Xu Haoran. How can the Tianlin team headed by him destroy the Wufeng team?"

"Your news is lagging behind. The Tianlin team did not rely on Liu Yuan to destroy the Wufeng team, but on Lu Changsheng. It is said that this Lu Changsheng is the true seed of the Northern Territory Tianzong, and his strength is amazing. Wufeng team, not even Xu Haoran escaped."

"The true seeds of the Northern Heavenly Sect? That's really rare. There are very few true seeds in the five regions recently, right? It takes almost ten years for true seeds to be born."

"Can Lu Changsheng kill Xu Haoran? I still don't believe it..."

Many warriors were talking about it.

Lu Changsheng is very famous.

However, there are very few people who have actually met Lu Changsheng.

Most people here have actually never met Lu Changsheng.

Therefore, they all set their sights on Lu Changsheng, a member of the Tianlin team.

No matter how many rumors there are, they are still rumors.

Even now, they still can't believe that Lu Changsheng could kill Xu Haoran.

After all, Xu Haoran is definitely the top Shengang Realm warrior in the first level area of ​​the Ancient Domain.

The impact is too great!

Now that Lu Changsheng has killed Xu Haoran, everyone is curious about Lu Changsheng.

They all wanted to see with their own eyes to know Lu Changsheng's strength.

Now, maybe there is a chance to see Lu Changsheng's strength.

"I wonder which team Tianlin team will choose?"

Everyone also knows that the Tianlin team is choosing a location.

With the current strength of the Tianlin team, they can definitely move to a higher and better position.

Ten miles away?

That's simply impossible!

With everyone watching, the Tianlin team finally made a move.


Lu Changsheng jumped up and reached the nearest position in an instant.


The team in this position immediately became nervous.

Of course, they are not afraid either.

After all, any team that can occupy a position within ten miles of the Golden Swamp is no ordinary team.

At least the strength is not inferior to that of the Wufeng team.

Even if there is a gap, it won't be too much.

"Team Tianlin wants our position?"

The team leader asked in a deep voice.

Lu Changsheng glanced at the opponent's captain.

This is a ferocious-looking, dark-skinned Shengang realm warrior.

"Borrow the way."

Lu Changsheng said calmly.

The other person's eyes immediately calmed down.

It's just a way, not directed at them.


The opposing team behaved quite kindly. After all, if the Tianlin team really wanted to steal their position, they knew very well that they would probably not be able to keep their position.

Lu Changsheng jumped again and jumped to the second position.

There are locations everywhere in the Golden Swamp.

The location of the Lingshu team is still ten miles away.

Shengang realm warriors also have no magical weapons and cannot fly.

We can only move forward step by step in the golden swamp with the help of those hard lands.

When they reached the second position, the warriors in the team did not speak, but looked at Lu Changsheng and others warily.

But Lu Changsheng still didn't stop and continued to move forward.

Once, twice, three times...

Lu Changsheng led the Tianlin team and passed one location after another.

Moreover, every time it is a "borrowing".

The location of the golden fruit tree is getting closer and closer.

Nine miles, eight miles, seven miles, six miles, five miles...

Many people are paying attention to the Tianlin team and Lu Changsheng.

They were also more surprised when they saw Tianlin team getting closer and closer to the golden fruit tree.

"It's already five miles away, and the Tianlin team still doesn't look down on those positions?"

"The team that can be five miles away from the golden fruit tree is definitely the top team. And the position is actually quite good, but they still look down on it. Where are they going?"

"Could it be that the Tianlin team is eyeing the position three miles ahead?"

"Within three miles, the teams in those positions are not easy to mess with."

Many warriors who are paying attention to the Tianlin team are getting more and more surprised.


When Lu Changsheng came to a position within three miles.

Suddenly, a strange figure came into his ears.

"This road is blocked, retreat quickly!"

This voice seemed to contain a secret method to shock the spirit.

Roaring in the mind.


Lu Changsheng stopped, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the person who was speaking in front of him.

This is about three miles away from the golden fruit tree.

A tall warrior stood in front of Lu Changsheng, obviously blocking Lu Changsheng.

Lu Changsheng did not know this warrior.

He could not have imagined that with the current "reputation" of the Tianlin team, even though he did not take the initiative to provoke other teams, someone actually dared to take the initiative to provoke him and the Tianlin team.

Is this man crazy?

"Lu Changsheng, he is the disciple of the Ancient Domain Huangtian Sect, Dong Mao!"

Liu Yuan stood beside Lu Changsheng and said coldly: "Dong Mao, you want to stand up for the Wufeng team? Aren't you afraid of ruining your team?"

Dong Mao responded coldly: "Liu Yuan, you guessed wrong, it's not that I want to stand up for the Wufeng team. Xu Haoran died, so he died. The Wufeng team was inferior to others, and it deserved to be destroyed."

"But, I am a disciple of the Huangtian Sect. I don't like your Tianlin team to become famous by stepping on the corpses of my Huangtian Sect disciples."

"So this road is blocked, take other roads, I will forgive the past."

Liu Yuan understood Dong Mao's words.

The other party did not want to avenge the Wufeng team.

But he simply did not like their Tianlin team and did not want to "borrow the road".

After all, Dong Mao is a disciple of Huangtian Sect.

During this period, he was also ridiculed by the top teams of other sects.

This made Dong Mao very unhappy.

He also hated the Tianlin team and Lu Changsheng.

However, he was not stupid enough to compete with the Tianlin team here.

Because it was meaningless.

But he didn't want to "borrow the road", just as simple as that.

"Lu Changsheng, how about we..."

Liu Yuan asked hesitantly.

It's actually okay to go in other directions.

But this will create an "illusion".

The Tianlin team is very soft.

Or, they dare not take action.

This is the place to compete for the golden fruit.

They have to face the attacks of countless teams.

It's obviously not okay to be too soft.

Besides, Dong Mao doesn't borrow the road here, does it mean that other places must borrow the road to the Tianlin team?

Lu Changsheng didn't answer Liu Yuan.

Instead, he looked at Dong Mao with a sharp gaze and said coldly: "I'll give you two choices, either you can borrow my way or I'll send you to accompany Xu Haoran."

As soon as this sentence came out, there was an uproar.

Dong Mao's face was even uglier.

"How domineering! This Lu Changsheng is domineering. He is indeed a rare seed of the Northern Region Tianzong. He must be so domineering."

"Didn't Dong Mao just want to block the road? Hahaha, I want to see how much stronger he is than Xu Haoran?"

"Dong Mao and Xu Haoran are about the same. I even think that Xu Haoran is probably stronger in a one-on-one fight."

"Dong Mao is strong because his team is stronger than the members of the Wufeng team, so in terms of comprehensive strength, Dong Mao's team is stronger than the Wufeng team."

"Now let's see if Dong Mao dares to block the road? Does he think that he is a disciple of the Huangtian Sect and a top Shengang Realm warrior, and everyone should give in to him? Doesn't he know that he is a fierce man in front of him?"

For a while, many people ridiculed Dong Mao.

Dong Mao's team didn't have a good reputation in the first layer of the ancient domain.

Or rather, the top teams didn't have a good reputation.

After all, to compete for resources, you have to fight with others.

How could you have a good reputation?


Dong Mao stared at Lu Changsheng, his face flushed red.

A breath of time passed.

Lu Changsheng saw that Dong Mao still didn't move.

"Then I'll send you to accompany Xu Haoran..."

As soon as Lu Changsheng finished speaking, Dong Mao's pupils shrank sharply.


Dong Mao released the domain almost immediately.

And he had four layers of divine power superimposed on his body.

"Do it!"

At the same time, Dong Mao shouted to his companions.

His teammates also took action immediately.

The sky was full of domains.

There were all kinds of things, and they almost instantly enveloped the Tianlin team and Lu Changsheng.

Moreover, the flashes of swords and knives poured down like an overwhelming force.

This is to strike first and gain the upper hand!

It seems that Dong Mao's team has been prepared for a long time.

Many of the warriors in the Golden Swamp were silent.

The strength of Dong Mao's team is indeed very terrifying.

Such reaction speed, such strength, and such a degree of attack.

They all hit Lu Changsheng.

I am afraid that any warrior in the Shengang realm will fall into a huge crisis.


However, the next moment, a huge starry sky seemed to cover all the fields at once.

Those various fields were instantly shattered in this dark starry sky.

As if it was crushed by some terrible force.


While Dong Mao and others were still shocked, Lu Changsheng had already drawn his sword.

A blood-red sword light shot up into the sky.

It slashed directly towards Dong Mao.

"How could your domain be so terrifying?"

"Block his sword light..."

Dong Mao suddenly felt terrified.

He found that almost all the attacks of his team members were eclipsed by this sword.

This sword directly cut through the attacks of Dong Mao and others, and fell directly on Dong Mao's body.


The four layers of divine power on Dong Mao's body can only increase the physical body by seventy times.

It is much less than Xu Haoran.

How can this little divine power block the burst of Lu Changsheng's sword with 100,000 tripods?

The four layers of divine power were instantly shattered under the sword light.

At the same time, the sword light directly cut Dong Mao into two pieces from top to bottom.


Dong Mao didn't make any sound, and the two pieces of his body fell to the ground.


The entire Golden Swamp was quiet.

As if it had fallen into a deathly silence.


It was really too shocking!

For the warriors in the five domains, they had never seen Lu Changsheng.

They had never seen Lu Changsheng take action.

But now they saw it.

Lu Changsheng took action and killed Dong Mao with one sword.

How fierce was that?

"Dong Mao's four layers of divine power are like paper. How powerful must Lu Changsheng's sword be?"

"Lu Changsheng has four layers of divine power! In fact, each layer of divine power is superior. Oh my god, he has probably comprehended four domains!"

"This sword must have exceeded the power of 100,000 tripods. Coupled with the four domains, especially the starry sky domain, it instantly crushed the domains of everyone in Dong Mao's team. What domain is so powerful?"

"This is the perfect domain! I have experienced the perfect domain of a powerful Shenzang. The domain that has not yet been realized is like this, enough to crush any domain."

"Horrible, too terrifying. Dong Mao's death is not unjust, and Xu Haoran's death is not unjust. The power of 100,000 tripods, four domains, and a perfect domain, how can a warrior in the divine realm fight against such a person?"

It is said that seeing is believing.

Now the disciples of the Golden Swamp are deeply touched.

No matter how the outside world spread before, they only believed their own eyes.

They thought that no matter how strong Lu Changsheng was, he couldn't be strong enough to kill Xu Haoran with one sword.

But now that they saw it with their own eyes, they believed it.

There really was such a warrior in the Shengang realm who could kill Xu Haoran with one sword.

Not only Xu Haoran, but Dong Mao was also dead.

When Dong Mao died, his companions were immediately terrified.

"Spare my life..."

But before they could even say anything, Lu Changsheng's sword light had already split into four and fell on them.


Four top Shengang realm warriors also fell to the ground.

Their heads fell to the ground and rolled.


Lu Changsheng put his sword back into the sheath, and the whole person seemed very calm.

As if this was a common thing.

"Another Huang Tianzong team."

"This time Huang Tianzong probably hates us to death..."

Liu Yuan said with a wry smile.

He knew that this would be the case once Lu Changsheng made a move.

Once he made a move, he would definitely kill his opponent.

In Lu Changsheng's opinion, since they have already started fighting, they are enemies.

Show mercy?

There is no way to show mercy!

Should we leave them behind and wait for revenge later?

Lu Changsheng waited quietly.

The Tianlin team was very skilled in searching corpses.

So, Lu Changsheng only waited for a few breaths, and Liu Yuan nodded. Basically, they had searched the corpses.

"Lu Changsheng, this position is actually quite good..."

Liu Yuan hesitated.

"No, proceed as planned."

Lu Changsheng shook his head.

It is about three miles away from the golden fruit tree.

Three miles, too far!

"Wait, according to Lu Changsheng's meaning, do we have to keep going forward?"

"The position occupied by Dong Mao is actually quite good."

"If we really want to keep going, the goal of the Tianlin team is probably within one mile."

"Lu Changsheng looks down on Dong Mao's position, but that is a pretty good position..."

For a while, some people were ready to move.

Just because Lu Changsheng looks down on it doesn't mean that others look down on it.

Now that Dong Mao is dead, the position occupied by Dong Mao's team is also vacant.

Such an excellent position will naturally attract many people.

However, this has nothing to do with Lu Changsheng.

"Let's go!"

Lu Changsheng continued to take a step forward and jumped to the front position.

Seeing Dong Mao's fate, how dare the teams in these positions stop him?

As long as they were borrowing the road, they said nothing and allowed Lu Tianlin's team to pass.

Three miles, two miles, one mile...

Finally, within one mile.

Lu Changsheng could already see the golden fruit tree clearly with his eyes.

And he continued to approach, his purpose was very obvious.

Lingshu team!

Lu Changsheng's target was the famous Lingshu team!

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