Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 377: Together with the Great Axe Immortal, we return to the Kunwu Realm!

"Fellow Daoist Dengtian, you are following the path of physical immortality, but are you the descendant of the ancestor of the giant spirits?"

The Great Ax Immortal asked.

"The ancestor of the giant spirits?"

Lu Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

The ancestor of the giant spirit is different from the giant axe.

The ancestor of the giant spirits followed the immortal path of the flesh, and his strength was earth-shattering.

The giant axe immortal followed the path of loose immortality.

"I borrowed some of the physical immortal ways of the ancestors of the giant spirits."

Lu Changsheng replied.

The fact that his flesh and blood martial arts has reached this point is indeed closely related to the ancestor of the giant spirit.

Without the giant spirit bloodline, how could Lu Changsheng pry into the secrets of the immortal path in the physical body?

The Great Ax Immortal was thoughtful.

He could tell that Lu Changsheng had reservations in his words, but he didn't get to the bottom of it.

After all, everyone has secrets.

"Okay, it seems you don't want to seek refuge with those heavenly immortals."

"Then you can stay."

Lu Changsheng nodded.

That's all it can do now.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng stayed.

Living in Danqiu Realm, there is no way to obtain Avenue Fragments.

However, there are benefits.

After all, there is a fairyland power here.

Lu Changsheng can consult the Giant Ax Immortal at any time about cultivation in the fairyland.

The Giant Ax Immortal seemed to value Lu Changsheng very much and had almost no reservations.

He told Lu Changsheng everything about the fairyland.

This basically cleared the way for Lu Changsheng to go from the ancestral realm to the fairyland.

Let Lu Changsheng know how to enter the fairyland in the boundary sea.

"It turns out that the so-called stepping into the fairyland is actually using the original rules of the world to shape a fairy body."

"The immortal body can also be shaped in the boundary sea. However, the immortal body shaped in the boundary sea cannot be called a true immortal body. Only the immortal body shaped in the heaven realm can be regarded as a true immortal power."

"The Great Axe Immortal is an immortal body shaped in the sea of ​​​​the world."

"However, the immortal body created by the Giant Ax Immortal is very weak and is far from the opponent of the heavenly immortal. However, this may be due to the Giant Ax Immortal himself. The Giant Ax Immortal practices the path of loose immortality, and his physical strength is not strong. "

"If it were a physical immortal body, or if my all-spirit immortal body stepped into the immortal realm, its strength would definitely be different..."

Thoughts flashed through Lu Changsheng's mind.

He thought of the original giant spirit ancestor.

How terrifying was the strength of the giant spirit ancestor back then?

It is definitely much stronger than the Giant Ax Immortal.

The two are not on the same level at all.

During this time, Lu Changsheng was also asking the Giant Ax Immortal about the road to heaven.

The Giant Ax Immortal must be more anxious than anyone else.

After all, as long as the giant axe immortal enters the road to heaven, he can fly directly to the heaven.

But the Giant Ax Immortal can only hide now.

The road to heaven is now basically controlled by the heavenly immortals.

The Giant Ax Immortal also has no ability to break in.

Then all we can do is wait.

Time passes day by day.

Another year has passed in a blink of an eye.

Lu Changsheng still stayed in Danqiu Realm.

He called up the properties panel to check his situation.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 45080000 (unique in the ages)

Immortal Dao in the Red Dust: 72% (entering the Dao)

All Souls Immortal Body Foundation: 64% (not yet complete)

Foundation of physical immortality: 83% (not yet complete)

Eye of Annihilation: The Most Powerful Ancestral Realm Level

Way of Killing: Sixth Turn

Flesh and Blood Martial Arts: Ten Growths (Ancestral Realm)

Comprehension deduction: A large amount of comprehension can be consumed to perform deductions

On Lu Changsheng's attribute panel, his understanding also increased a bit.

There is also a 2% increase in the progress of the Immortal Path of the Red Dust.

That's because Lu Changsheng has been continuously analyzing various treasures, magic circles, etc. in Danqiu Realm during this year.

Almost everything that needs to be analyzed has been analyzed.

But it only increases the progress by about 2%.

Moreover, there is no way to analyze it now.

Other than that, almost nothing else about Lu Changsheng had changed.

There is no improvement in the immortal body of the physical body, the immortal body of all spirits, etc.

"Theoretically, one can ascend to heaven in the ancestral realm, but his body must be able to withstand the strangulation of the passage between the two realms."

"I have the Immortal Body of All Spirits, and even the Immortal Way of the Physical Body, and the progress of both Immortal Ways is not small, and my body is also very powerful."

"Perhaps, I also have a good chance of resisting the stranglehold of the two realms passage and soaring into the heaven."

Lu Changsheng knew very well.

It is too difficult for him to cultivate the three immortal ways to perfection.

Especially in this situation.

Lu Changsheng didn't even dare to "take the lead".

Once he "emerges", he may be discovered by those heavenly beings.

When the time comes, they will either be caught or hunted down.

It may be difficult to safely search for the resources of the world sea to practice and cultivate the three immortal ways to 100% perfection.

Well, there is only one way now, and that is to ascend to heaven!

Once you enter the heavenly realm, the sky is high and birds can fly.

When the time comes, no one can stop Lu Changsheng from entering the fairyland.

But, where can I find the way to heaven?

In order to reach heaven, the Giant Ax Immortal also tried his best.

On this day, Giant Ax Immortal received a piece of news.

The opportunity has come!

The Giant Ax Immortal found Lu Changsheng.

And brought a piece of news to Lu Changsheng.

"Friend Lu Dao, the opportunity has come!"

"Those heavenly immortals are already fighting with each other in order to compete for clues about the ancient immortals."

"It is said that the clue appeared in an ancient battlefield. That ancient battlefield of the sea boundary existed in the ancient times. Now a large number of heavenly immortals have personally gone to that ancient battlefield, and the road to heaven is naturally empty."

"This is our opportunity!"

The words of the Giant Axe Immortal made Lu Changsheng's eyes light up.

Indeed, if those heavenly immortals really went to the ancient battlefield.

The road to heaven is no longer guarded.

That is indeed an opportunity.

But, is it really that easy?

Lu Changsheng thinks it is not that simple.

Sure enough, the Giant Axe Immortal continued, "However, those heavenly immortals have also set up immortal formations in the road to heaven. Even for me, it is almost impossible to break the immortal formations in a short time."

"No one knows how long those heavenly immortals will stay in that ancient battlefield. Therefore, if the immortal formation can be broken, the faster the better."

"So, this requires the help of Fellow Daoist Lu. Fellow Daoist Lu has practiced the Red Dust Immortal Way. With the ability to analyze the Red Dust Immortal Way, it is estimated that there is a chance to break the immortal formation. Otherwise, even those ancestral realm array masters may not be able to break the immortal formation in such a large sea of ​​boundaries..."

The Giant Axe Immortal was telling the truth.

He needed Lu Changsheng.

Originally, the Giant Axe Immortal only knew that Lu Changsheng had two immortal ways: immortal body and flesh body immortal way.

However, in this year, Lu Changsheng and the Giant Axe Immortal have known each other.

Lu Changsheng naturally has nothing to hide.

Moreover, some of the treasures analyzed by Lu Changsheng were provided by the Giant Axe Immortal.

Therefore, the Great Axe Immortal knew that Lu Changsheng also practiced the Red Dust Immortal Way.

Practicing the three immortal ways together shocked the Great Axe Immortal.

In fact, the attainments of the three immortal ways are not shallow, and there is a chance to break through to the immortal realm.

This matter really shocked the Great Axe Immortal at the time.

However, it is estimated that the Great Axe Immortal can hardly imagine it.

He will also use Lu Changsheng.

It is really this immortal formation that the Great Axe Immortal has no way to deal with.

If it is an ordinary large formation, no matter how strong it is, the Great Axe Immortal will directly break it by force.

But if it is an immortal formation, the Great Axe Immortal is really helpless.

The road to heaven guarded by the immortal formation is really as solid as a rock.

Don't think about breaking the immortal formation by force.

It is impossible.

You can only ask Lu Changsheng for help.

The Great Axe Immortal knows the analytical ability of the Red Dust Immortal very well.

Even in the heavenly realm, the Red Dust Immortal Way is the well-deserved first immortal way!

Its analytical means are simply magical.

However, Lu Changsheng did not agree immediately.

This matter is risky, even very risky.

The immortal formation is not so easy to analyze.

Of course, if there is no time limit, Lu Changsheng will definitely be able to analyze the immortal formation.

But there is a time limit.

The sooner the better.

Besides, if the immortal formation is analyzed.

At best, it will only improve Lu Changsheng's progress in the mortal world.

What other benefits can there be?

"Great Axe Immortal, if the immortal formation is broken, Lu would also like to try to enter the portal of the heavenly road."

Lu Changsheng said in a deep voice.


"You want to ascend to the heaven?"

"But, although theoretically the ancestral realm can also ascend to the heaven, that is only in theory. If an ancestral realm wants to ascend to the heaven, how much pressure must it bear on the passage between the two realms?"

"Once it can't bear it, it may be in danger of falling..."

The Great Axe Immortal stared at Lu Changsheng and explained.

This needs to be carefully weighed.

Once it fails, it will be doomed.


Lu Changsheng shook his head.

He will not die.

He has clones in various places in the boundary sea, so he will definitely not die.

However, this is Lu Changsheng's greatest reliance and secret.

He will naturally not tell anyone.

The Great Axe Immortal naturally does not know.

If this body cannot withstand the stranglehold of the two-world channel, then the body will collapse.

At worst, Lu Changsheng will only practice the Red Dust Immortal Path.

Even if he loses the physical immortal path and the immortal body of all spirits, Lu Changsheng has a great chance to enter the fairyland with the Red Dust Immortal Path alone.

But what if he succeeds?

Then he can successfully ascend to the heaven.

He doesn't have to worry about the troubles in the boundary sea.

At that time, he can achieve the fairyland in the heaven, or even above the fairyland.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng weighed it for a long time.

He had made up his mind long ago.

This time, it is worth his risk!

After a moment of silence, the Giant Axe Immortal nodded and said, "Okay, then you and I will go together to try our best to ascend to heaven."

"Even if the immortals from heaven really return, I can protect you."

The Giant Axe Immortal was confident.

If he could escape once, he could escape a second time.

He really couldn't beat the immortals from heaven.

But can't he escape if he can't beat them?

But this time is different after all.

If they are discovered by the immortals from heaven, the trouble will definitely be even bigger.

After all, this time, there is an immortal formation.

Once trapped in the immortal formation, even the Giant Axe Immortal would find it difficult to escape.

"I'll give you one month to prepare more."

"Moreover, if you want to ascend to heaven, you can't carry any life other than yourself. You can't carry it in the immortal treasures, do you understand?"

The words of the Giant Axe Immortal made Lu Changsheng look stunned.

Of course he understood what the Giant Axe Immortal meant.

This was to make arrangements for some of his relatives around him first.

It is simply impossible for one person to attain enlightenment, a chicken or a dog ascend to heaven.

Only one person can ascend to heaven.

It's impossible to take others with you.

Lu Changsheng was silent for a long time and finally nodded.

"I'll arrange everything."

So, the Giant Ax Immortal gave a few more instructions and then left.

In the Danqiu Realm, Lu Changsheng had everyone in the Xianwu Palace settled properly.

He thought about it and told everyone the truth.

"I'm afraid I'm going to try the road to heaven..."

Lu Changsheng told him and the Giant Ax Immortal's plan in detail.

Everyone was silent.

If possible, everyone in the Xianwu Palace would definitely not want Lu Changsheng to take risks.

After all, if Lu Changsheng is here, everyone in Xianwu Palace will be protected.

Except for the great master of the Immortal Realm, there is no one in the Xianwu Palace who is afraid of Lu Changsheng.

But once Lu Changsheng is gone, what will be left in the Xianwu Palace?

Even, they have to struggle to survive in the boundary sea.

But this is something they can't stop.

Lu Changsheng has reached the strongest ancestral realm.

He wants to ascend to heaven, which is the path of cultivation.

Who can stop it?

Therefore, everyone looked at each other in silence for a while, and no one spoke.

Lu Changsheng also knew what everyone was thinking.

So, a thought came to my mind.

His clone in Xianwu Palace appeared.

"Everyone, even though Lu left the boundary sea, he still left behind a flesh and blood clone."

"This flesh and blood clone is not very strong, but it has the ability to analyze the mortal world."

"Even if Lu really ascends to heaven in the future and cuts off contact with the clone, the clone will still have the ability to analyze the mortal world."

"Although the analytical ability cannot be turned into actual combat power, if you encounter some magic circles, magic weapons, etc. that you cannot control, or some other troubles, you can let Lu's clone analyze them."

Lu Changsheng said slowly.

This can be regarded as the last guarantee he left for everyone in Xianwu Palace.

Flesh and blood clone!

Fortunately, Lu Changsheng practiced the immortal way of mortals.

As for the Immortal Dao of the Red Dust, its strength is its analytical ability.

The analytical ability is actually the same regardless of the body or the clone.

Everyone in Xianwu Palace also breathed a sigh of relief.

There is still a clone left behind, with the same analytical ability, which finally provides a guarantee.

They knew that no matter what, Lu Changsheng would not be able to protect them for the rest of their lives.

They also have to rely on themselves when it comes to spiritual practice.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, you have been very attentive to the arrangements for Xianwu Palace."

"With this flesh and blood clone, Xianwu Palace will definitely grow and develop."

"Please rest assured, Fellow Daoist Lu, we will naturally do our best to develop the Xianwu Palace!"

Ancestor Powang said in a deep voice.

He was the first to express his opinion.

Moreover, Patriarch Poliang is also very important.

After all, in the current Xianwu Palace, apart from Lu Changsheng, the strongest person is Patriarch Poliang.

After Lu Changsheng leaves, Xianwu Palace will still have to point to Patriarch Powang.

With Patriarch Poliang expressing his stance, it basically represents the Xianwu Palace’s stance.

"Okay, now Lu is relieved."

Lu Changsheng nodded and then left.

After finishing the matter in Xianwu Palace, Lu Changsheng also began to sort out himself.

He has three immortal ways.

The world of immortality, the mortal body of immortality, and the immortal body of all spirits.

The three immortal ways are actually separate.

But the three immortal bodies can also complement each other.

For example, the Immortal Body of All Spirits and the Immortal Way of the Physical Body can complement each other.

The combination of the two made Lu Changsheng's physical defense extremely powerful.

This is also an important reason why Lu Changsheng has a slight degree of confidence to withstand the strangulation of the two realms passage.

There is also the ability to analyze the immortal world of mortals.

If you really step into the passage between the two realms.

He can also gradually understand the strangulating power of the passage between the two realms through analysis.

At that time, you may be able to reduce the stress.

But no matter what, Lu Changsheng must try his best to reach heaven.

"It's just that there are too few avenue fragments."

"If you can obtain a large number of avenue fragments to replenish your understanding, then if your analytical power is not enough, you can also consume your understanding points to deduce and enhance your analytical ability."

Lu Changsheng thought for a while, and it was not easy to analyze the immortal formation.

Comprehension is key.

Lu Changsheng's comprehension points now only exceed 40 million.

Even if Lu Changsheng consumes his comprehension points to deduce, he won't be able to consume many comprehension points.

So, you can make preparations now.

Of course, Lu Changsheng himself did not have any fragments of the avenue.

Now it was too late for him to collect it himself.

However, there is also a giant axe.

Could it be that the Giant Ax Immortal has not collected the fragments of the avenue for so many years?

This avenue fragment is a good thing.

Even if the power of the fairyland is not needed, it is still a treasure.

It is impossible not to collect the wonderland power.

Thinking of this, Lu Changsheng made a decision.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng took the initiative to find the Giant Ax Immortal.

"Giant Ax Immortal, the Immortal Formation is no small matter. With my current analytical ability, it will take a long time to fully analyze the Immortal Way, but the longer the time, the more dangerous we will be."

"These days, Lu has also thought of some ways to improve his analytical ability, so that he can analyze the immortal formation faster and break through the immortal formation."

"But this may require the help of the Great Ax Immortal. Because I need avenue fragments, a lot of avenue fragments, the more the better."

Lu Changsheng stated his request in detail.

"Do you need Avenue Shards?"

The Giant Ax Immortal was surprised.

After all, he could tell at a glance that Lu Changsheng was not a Sanxian.

It's not the Sanxian Dao, why do we need the fragments of the Dao?

Could it be that the fragments of the great avenue can increase the analytical ability of the immortal path in the world of mortals?

It seems like it should be like this.

The Giant Axe Immortal began to ponder.

He naturally knew that whether he could break through the immortal formation in a short time was of vital importance.

An opportunity like this may only come once.

After all, who knows what will happen next?

If he cannot successfully break through the immortal formation this time and enter the road to heaven, he may not have another chance in the future.

In this case, you must do your best to increase the chance of success at all costs.

"Fragments of the avenue..."

"No problem. I will give you all the avenue fragments I have accumulated over the years."

"How far you can enhance it depends on you."

The Giant Ax Immortal agreed to Lu Changsheng's request.

Afterwards, the Giant Ax Immortal directly took out all the avenue fragments he had accumulated.


Suddenly, a pile of avenue fragments appeared in front of Lu Changsheng.

Piles piled up!

Lu Changsheng opened his eyes wide and felt a turmoil in his heart.


It was so exciting.

These are all fragments of the avenue.

Lu Changsheng had never seen so many fragments of the avenue.

"We have to do it as soon as possible, otherwise we will be in trouble if we wait for those heavenly immortals to return to the road to heaven."

The Giant Ax Immortal said in a solemn tone.

He was afraid that Lu Changsheng's refining of the avenue fragments would delay his time.

Lu Changsheng nodded.

"One month!"

"We will still set off as planned."

Lu Changsheng said.

The previous plan was to leave in one month.

Now there are so many more avenue fragments.

If you really want to refine them one by one, one month will definitely not be enough.

But Lu Changsheng was naturally not worried.

It's just a matter of refining the fragments of the avenue and increasing comprehension points.

There is no need for the main body to waste time.

The clone can also refine avenue fragments.

At that time, the increased understanding will be synchronized to the main body.

It won't waste much time.

Of course, Lu Changsheng will definitely do his best during this month.

Time flies, and a month flies by.

"The time has come!"

Lu Changsheng stood up and left the cave.

He is still far away from completely refining the avenue fragments.

But there's no rush.

He threw all the avenue fragments to the clone.

The clone continues to refine the fragments of the avenue in Danqiu Realm.

Traveling takes time anyway.

While you are on the road, you can refine a large number of avenue fragments.

Lu Changsheng met the Giant Axe Immortal.

"Has everything been refined?"

The Great Ax Immortal asked.

It's only been a month.

Can so many avenue fragments be refined?

He didn't believe it.


Lu Changsheng gave an ambiguous answer.

But the Giant Ax Immortal weighed it for a while and stopped asking further.

Lu Changsheng can definitely handle it properly.

After all, even the Giant Ax Immortal is in danger during this operation.

"Then let's go."

The Giant Ax Immortal took out an immortal treasure.

Immediately, he and Lu Changsheng soared into the sky and disappeared into the Danqiu Realm.

In fact, Lu Changsheng also has immortal treasures, and there are two of them.

One piece is a city in the sky, and the other is a water mansion.

Lu Changsheng had already emptied everyone in the water mansion.

Even the old turtle was emptied.

Except for Lu Changsheng himself, there is no life in the immortal treasure on his body.

Lu Changsheng was already ready to "ascend to the heavens".

The Giant Ax Immortal didn't say where he was going.

Anyway, it stimulates the fairy treasure.

Time passes day by day.

Lu Changsheng's clone is also constantly refining the fragments of the avenue.

One month, three months, five months...

In the blink of an eye, eight months passed by.

"All the avenue fragments have been refined!"

Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

There was a glint in his eyes.

A full eight months.

Add the previous month, and that's nine months.

Lu Changsheng finally refined the fragments of the great avenue.

Moreover, Lu Changsheng's analytical ability has also improved somewhat.

After all, although it is not that difficult to analyze the avenue fragments, it can also improve the analysis ability.

Lu Changsheng immediately called up the attribute panel to check his current situation.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 86080000 (unique in the ages)

Mortal Immortal Dao: 75% (Enter the Dao)

All Souls Immortal Body Foundation: 64% (not yet complete)

Foundation of physical immortality: 83% (not yet complete)

Eye of Annihilation: The Most Powerful Ancestral Realm Level

Way of Killing: Sixth Turn

Flesh and Blood Martial Arts: Ten Growths (Ancestral Realm)

Comprehension deduction: A large amount of comprehension can be consumed to perform deductions

Lu Changsheng's immortality in the mortal world increased by 3%, reaching 75%.

This is already scary.

Then comes understanding.

This understanding directly increased by 40 million points.

It can be considered a rapid progress.

Although it still hasn’t reached 100 million, the understanding still hasn’t changed.

But with so many understanding points, Lu Changsheng also gained confidence.

No matter how difficult the Immortal Formation is, he can now analyze it with confidence.

Three days later, Xianbao slowly stopped.


The Giant Ax Immortal put away the immortal treasure.

The two stood quietly in the sea of ​​boundaries, looking at a world in front of them.

Seeing this world, Lu Changsheng was shocked.

"This is... Kunwu Realm!"

Lu Changsheng opened his eyes wide.

Unexpectedly, the Great Axe Immortal actually came directly to Kunwu Realm.

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