Top level understanding: starting from basic boxing

Chapter 378: Entering the road to heaven again!

Kunwu Realm!

The Giant Ax Immortal took Lu Changsheng directly to Kunwu Realm.

This was something Lu Changsheng didn't expect.

But when I think about it carefully, it seems normal.

It is well known that there is a road to heaven in Kunwu Realm.

Lu Changsheng even went to the Heavenly Road in Kunwu Realm back then. Of course, the original Heavenly Road was broken, but now the Heavenly Road has been restored to its original state and is reconnected with the Heavenly Realm.

"Great Axe Immortal, this is the Kunwu Realm. Are you going to fly to the Heavenly Realm through the Kunwu Realm's ascending road?"

Lu Changsheng asked.


"The Kunwu Realm is a very special place. It existed in the ancient times."

"This is a world transformed by the immortals who came from the ancient era and used their great supernatural powers. It is actually equivalent to a coordinate."

"As long as the Kunwu Realm still exists, the immortals in the heavenly realm will be able to capture the location of the realm sea and thus open the way to heaven again."

Lu Changsheng suddenly realized.

He once also investigated the Kunwu Realm.

I just don’t know the specific origin of Kunwu Realm.

Now it seems that this Kunwu world is indeed extraordinary.

It was actually created by immortals in the ancient times with great supernatural powers, specifically anchoring the "coordinates" of the boundary sea.

In fact, other routes to the sky can also be used as "coordinates".

But Kunwu Realm is obviously different.

Kunwu Realm is almost never destroyed.

Even the mighty powers of the Immortal Realm cannot destroy the Kunwu Realm.

No matter how many years have passed, Kunwu Realm can still exist as a "coordinate".

"The heavenly immortals in Kunwu Realm have also gone to the ancient battlefield. Now is our opportunity."

The eyes of the Giant Ax Immortal were full of eagerness.

"Wait a minute, Giant Axe Immortal, this Kunwu Realm will exclude monks above the Ancestral Realm."

"How do we get in?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

He has stayed in Kunwu Realm for such a long time and is very aware of the situation in Kunwu Realm.

Those who enter the Kunwu Realm from the Ancestral Realm will also be rejected.

Lu Changsheng is now in the strongest ancestral realm, but he is still in the ancestral realm.

As for the Giant Ax Immortal.

If the opponent even transcends the ancestral realm, he will be even more rejected.

"Yeah, repelled."

"Actually, the repelling power of Kunwu Realm is a method similar to formations arranged by the immortals in the heavenly realm using great magical powers."

"If you enter the Kunwu Realm above the Ancestral Realm, you will be rejected by the entire Kunwu Realm. But how did those immortals from the ancient times live in the Kunwu Realm?"

"Even those servants of the immortals, are they all below the ancestral realm?"

"How do you follow the ancestral realm of immortals from the ancient times without being rejected in the Kunwu realm?"

"It's actually very simple. It just requires an identity token."

"The identity token of the Kunwu Realm has been almost completely destroyed. Only the immortals in the Heaven Realm can find special ways to stay in the Kunwu Realm."

"But I just got some identity tokens called Kunling!"

The Giant Ax Immortal has obviously been prepared for a long time.

He directly took out the Kun Ling and handed it to Lu Changsheng.

As long as the token is with you, you can stay in Kunwu Realm at will without any rejection.

"Kun Ling..."

Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up.

With Kun Ling, if you can enter the Kunwu world, then this first step will be successful.

But, does Kun Ling really work?

"Let's go."

The Giant Ax Immortal didn't explain either.

He took a step forward and flew into Kunwu Realm.

Lu Changsheng also followed closely behind.


Lu Changsheng's surroundings were slightly distorted.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Changsheng arrived at Kunwu Realm from Jiehai.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng and Giant Ax Immortal were standing quietly in the void, overlooking the bottom of Kunwu Realm.

Lu Changsheng immediately felt the power of repulsion.

The repulsive power of the entire Kunwu Realm quickly covered Lu Changsheng's body.

But it's not the same as before.

This time, Lu Changsheng was not excluded.

The Kunling on his body exuded a cool aura and enveloped Lu Changsheng.

The repulsive power of Kunwu Realm will automatically retreat when it encounters the power of Kunling.

"You really won't be rejected!"

Lu Changsheng's eyes lit up, with a hint of surprise on his face.

"Kunwu Realm is so big, where should we go?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

In fact, he knew the specific locations of several routes to the sky.

But not all climbs to the sky can be used.

Moreover, since the Giant Ax Immortal came to Kunwu Realm specifically, he may have already planned it.

It's impossible not to have a goal.

"There are many immortals in Kunwu Realm at present."

"These immortals are actually closely related to the immortals from the ancient times, at least to a certain extent."

"The clue I got this time is to go to the Guixi Mountains. In ancient times, there was an immortal in the Guixi Mountains, but his reputation was not obvious and he was a relatively ordinary immortal."

"This time, the road to heaven that connects Kunwu Realm, from the road to heaven in Guixi Mountains, came an immortal named Xishui Immortal."

"I don't know if this Xishui Immortal is related to the Guixi Immortal from the ancient times, but our goal this time is the road to heaven where Xishui Immortal descended."

Lu Changsheng understood.

It seems that everything is ready for the Great Ax Immortal.

Even the information is extremely detailed.

When Lu Changsheng was in Kunwu Realm, he had never heard of the Guixi Mountains.

I have never heard of the Guixi Immortal.

If there really is a Guixi Mountain Range, it must be very remote and unattractive.

Even the Giant Axe Immortal took into account the strength of the Xishui Immortal.

In order to ensure that everything is safe, they naturally have to find a "weaker" immortal.

It's better to be safe than sorry!

So, the two left quickly.

After flying for another month, they finally arrived at the Guixi Mountains.

As soon as he arrived at the Guixi Mountains, Lu Changsheng immediately felt something was different.

He is now in the strongest ancestor realm, and his ability to analyze the Red Dust Immortal Path has been greatly improved.

Therefore, Lu Changsheng saw at a glance that there was something wrong with the Guixi Mountains.

"Daoyou Lu, you have felt it, right?"

The Giant Axe Immortal asked.

"Yes, I have."

"The entire Guixi Mountains are 'hidden'. The mountains we are actually seeing now are not the real Guixi Mountains."

Lu Changsheng answered affirmatively.


"This is the immortal formation."

"However, this is just an ordinary immortal formation. Daoyou Lu, you have to find a way to analyze the immortal formation so that we can enter the Guixi Mountains smoothly."

The Giant Axe Immortal can actually break the immortal formation by force.

But the noise was too loud, who knows who would be attracted?

What if there are immortals in Kunwu Realm?

The Great Axe Immortal could not guarantee this.

If there is an immortal hidden in Kunwu Realm, or an immortal has not left, the noise caused by the Great Axe Immortal forcibly breaking the immortal formation with such a big fanfare would definitely attract the attention of the immortal.

Then there would be big trouble.

At this time, Lu Changsheng had to play a role.


Lu Changsheng did not refuse.

The Great Axe Immortal brought him here just to play a due role at this moment.

Lu Changsheng sat cross-legged on the ground.

Then, he swept his consciousness.

With his powerful analytical ability, he easily captured the immortal formation.

There is indeed an immortal formation with a wide coverage.

It would definitely not be so easy to enter the immortal formation silently.

This immortal formation must be analyzed first.

Lu Changsheng began to analyze.

One day, two days, three days...

After three days, Lu Changsheng had a clear idea.

This is indeed an immortal formation, but it should not be a very strong one.

If he wants to analyze it completely and put people into the immortal formation silently, it will take about six months.

"Great Axe Immortal, it will take me six months to analyze this immortal formation."

Lu Changsheng said truthfully.

"Six months?"

"Okay, I will protect you!"

The Great Axe Immortal nodded.

He was still quite satisfied.

It was only six months, which was quite short.

He also estimated the time.

This Xishui Immortal had just left Kunwu Realm and went to that battlefield.

It took more than six months to go back and forth.

Therefore, these six months were probably very safe.

So, Lu Changsheng began to analyze the immortal formation with all his strength.

One month, two months, three months, four months, five months...

Finally, it was just six months.


Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

At the same time, circles of ripples were stirred in the void.

After the ripples spread, the light around seemed to be distorted.

In fact, this is not distortion, but the formation is failing.

Or, part of it is failing.

"Did it work?"

The eyes of the Giant Axe Immortal lit up, and he was slightly excited.

"Did it work! Giant Axe Immortal, follow me."

Then, Lu Changsheng took the lead and stepped out.

His figure swayed slightly, and he disappeared out of thin air.

The Giant Axe Immortal did not hesitate and quickly followed him.


When the two figures appeared again, they had already arrived at a completely unfamiliar mountain forest.

The water was gurgling and the mountains were majestic.

There was even the fragrance of various flowers in the air.

"Yes, this is the real Guixi Mountain Range!"

"Amazing, really amazing! It actually broke the immortal formation silently..."

The Giant Axe Immortal was very excited.

He himself was a great power in the immortal realm, so he naturally knew how powerful the immortal formation was.

Especially the immortal formation arranged by the heavenly immortal himself.

Even if he attacked forcefully, it would take a long time to break it.

And what about Lu Changsheng?

Just by analyzing, the immortal formation was broken in just six months.

It was incredible and unbelievable.

"Where is the road to heaven?"

Lu Changsheng asked.

"To the Guixi Mountains."

The Great Axe Immortal flew quickly to the north.

As he flew, Lu Changsheng saw a mountain.

The two flew directly to the top of the mountain.

When they arrived at the top of the mountain, they immediately felt something different.

The aura of immortal spirits.

And it was a rich aura of immortal spirits.

There was only one reason why there was such a rich aura of immortal spirits on this mountain, the road to heaven!

The road to heaven in the Guixi Mountains was on this mountain!

Lu Changsheng glanced slightly.

No one was found on the mountain.

There was a cave on the mountain, and the two stepped directly into the cave.

In the cave, Lu Changsheng and the Great Axe Immortal saw the road to heaven.

A wisp of immortal spirits emanated from the road to heaven.

However, the Great Axe Immortal did not step into the road to heaven excitedly.

The reason was very simple.

Immortal formation!

There is actually an immortal formation around the road to heaven.

And this immortal formation is amazing.

Just a slight feeling seems to make people feel palpitating.

It seems that once you force your way into the immortal formation, you will be attacked by the immortal formation.

This immortal formation can kill people!

No, it's probably more than just killing people.

It's estimated that it can kill immortals!

Why did the Giant Axe Immortal have to bring Lu Changsheng here? It was to break the immortal formation.

The previous immortal formation was just an appetizer.

It was too simple and easy.

But it's different now.

The current immortal formation is the real killing formation.

Whoever dares to force his way in will be seriously injured or even killed if he is not careful.

This is why the immortals can leave the Kunwu world with confidence.

With the protection of the immortal formation, even the great immortals can't break the immortal formation for a while.

"Daoyou Lu..."

The Giant Axe Immortal looked at Lu Changsheng again.

Lu Changsheng certainly understood what it meant.

He took a deep breath, didn't say anything, and sat cross-legged on the ground.

Lu Changsheng first understood the entire immortal formation.

One day, two days, three days, four days, five days...

This time, Lu Changsheng spent a full ten days to almost understand the entire immortal formation.

The previous immortal formation only took three days for Lu Changsheng to almost understand it clearly.

And now this immortal formation, it takes ten days!

It shows how extraordinary this immortal formation is.

And Lu Changsheng only has a rough understanding of it.

However, the more he understands this immortal formation, the heavier Lu Changsheng's heart becomes.

This immortal formation is very difficult!

In fact, how difficult is it?

It is so difficult that Lu Changsheng does not have much confidence.

"Daoyou Lu, is there any trouble?"

The Giant Axe Immortal saw Lu Changsheng open his eyes, his eyes full of tension and anxiety.

However, the expression on Lu Changsheng's face may have explained many problems.

The Giant Axe Immortal also felt a little uneasy.

Lu Changsheng took a deep breath. He did not hide anything, but said directly: "Giant Axe Immortal, according to Lu's estimation, it will take at least ten years to analyze this immortal formation!"

"What, ten years?"

Giant Axe Immortal opened his eyes wide, and his expression changed instantly.

Ten years!

If it was normal, it would not be a big deal.

But in this situation, who can guarantee that Xishui Immortal will not come back in ten years?

Once Xishui Immortal returns to Guixi Mountains, all their previous efforts will be in vain.

"Ten years...does it really take ten years? That's too long."

"Can it be faster?"

"Ten years is really dangerous. Xishui Immortal may not come back after two years of going out, but it should be no problem to go out for three years."

"But after three years, Xishui Immortal may come back at any time..."

Giant Axe Immortal said solemnly.

Even these two or three years are just the prediction of Giant Axe Immortal.

It is highly likely that he will not come back in two or three years.

After all, it takes a long time to go back and forth.

Even if he is an immortal, he cannot leave in one day and arrive in one night.

The vast sea of ​​​​boundaries is still huge for immortals.

But it is hard to say after three years.

In fact, Xishui Immortal can go to the ancient battlefield at any time.

If he really goes to fight, it is possible to fight for ten, twenty or even thirty years.

It depends on whether there are really clues left by the ancient immortals in the ancient times in that ancient battlefield.

If there are, it may be delayed for a long time.

If not, it is estimated that Xishui Immortal and other immortals will soon return to Kunwu Realm.

It will be troublesome at that time.

The Giant Axe Immortal did not speak, but just looked at Lu Changsheng.

He brought Lu Changsheng here just to make Lu Changsheng's ability to analyze the immortal way of the mortal world play a role.

But now it seems that Lu Changsheng's ability to analyze is not very useful.

Ten years, the risk is too great.

If they are not careful, the situation of both of them will be very dangerous.

Lu Changsheng pondered for a long time.

He slowly said, "The time can be reduced, maybe it won't take ten years."

"Maybe it will only take five years. No, if I try my best, three years, only three years, I can analyze the immortal array!"

Lu Changsheng gritted his teeth and made a decision.

Three years!

The reason why he was so sure was very simple.

Lu Changsheng could consume his comprehension points to improve his analysis ability and then analyze the immortal array.

He even had to consume his comprehension points.

Otherwise, he would have to take the risk of using ten years to analyze.

Once Xishui Xianren came back, it would be dangerous.

Lu Changsheng didn't dare to gamble!

"Three years?"

"Okay, then three years!"

"Thank you, fellow Daoist Lu. You must do your best to reduce the time if you can. The shorter the time, the safer we will be!"

The Great Axe Immortal said in a deep voice.

In fact, the Great Axe Immortal also knew that if Lu Changsheng shortened his analysis time from ten years to three years, it would inevitably cost a huge price.

But this was their only way.

As long as he could analyze the immortal array and enter the road to heaven, it would be worth it no matter how great the price.

"Unfortunately, this is Kunwu Realm..."

Lu Changsheng shook his head.

Kunwu Realm is isolated from the outside world.

Even if Lu Changsheng's clone obtains the fragments of the Great Dao and refines the fragments of the Great Dao, Lu Changsheng's main body is in Kunwu Realm and is disconnected from the clone.

The increased enlightenment points of the clone cannot be reflected in the main body.

From now on, Lu Changsheng's enlightenment points will not increase at all, but will only decrease.

After all, Lu Changsheng needs to consume his comprehension points to "deduce".

"Let's get started."

Lu Changsheng didn't waste time.

He started analyzing directly.

While analyzing, Lu Changsheng was also consuming his comprehension points.

As Lu Changsheng's comprehension points were consumed, his analytical ability also skyrocketed several times.

In Lu Changsheng's eyes, the originally very complicated immortal formation.

It also seemed to become much simpler with the analytical ability that skyrocketed several times.

Lu Changsheng could understand the secrets of the entire immortal formation bit by bit, like peeling off silk from a cocoon.

However, even if it was simpler, it would take time to peel off silk from a cocoon.

Lu Changsheng's comprehension points were always being consumed.

Although it was not consumed in millions or tens of millions at one time, it was consumed every day to support Lu Changsheng's deduction.

Therefore, the comprehension points consumed over time were terrifying.

However, the effect was also very good.

Lu Changsheng was able to steadily advance and continuously analyze the immortal formation.

No matter how complicated the immortal formation is, it cannot escape Lu Changsheng's analysis at this moment, and is gradually controlled by Lu Changsheng.

One year, two years...

In the blink of an eye, it has been nearly three years.

At most, it will be three years in two or three months.

The most anxious one is the Great Axe Immortal.

As the three-year period approaches, Lu Changsheng shows no signs of waking up.

"Is it going to fail?"

The Great Axe Immortal's heart tightened.

Since two years have passed, the Great Axe Immortal has been very attentive to the situation outside.

Especially in Kunwu Realm.

Once an immortal returns, the Great Axe Immortal must be alert.

What if it is the Xishui Immortal?

But fortunately, no immortal has returned to Kunwu Realm for the time being.

However, the Great Axe Immortal cannot pin his hopes on luck.

What if the Xishui Immortal comes back?

Therefore, the Great Axe Immortal still hopes that Lu Changsheng can completely analyze the immortal formation within three years.

In fact, Lu Changsheng is also in a critical moment at this moment.

He is not completely ignorant of time.

On the contrary, Lu Changsheng has been paying attention to the time.

It has been almost exactly three years now.

Most of the fairy formation has been analyzed.

But there is still a key problem that has not been analyzed.

If it cannot be analyzed, then this key problem may be delayed for several months.

Lu Changsheng does not have so much time to waste.

It is too risky to hope that Xishui Xianren will not come back.

Lu Changsheng glanced at his comprehension points.

In the past three years, he has consumed almost 30 million comprehension points.

But now is not the time for him to feel sorry for his comprehension points.


Lu Changsheng was ruthless in his heart and had made a decision.


Lu Changsheng was shocked.

Then, the comprehension points were consumed crazily.

Hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions...

At this moment, Lu Changsheng felt that his comprehension soared, and his analytical ability also increased.

It was as if the whole person was "opened up".

The problems that had troubled him for a long time were solved at once.

Lu Changsheng was actually "trying hard".

He had been taking his time to slowly consume his comprehension points to deduce, which was the safest way.

He hoped to analyze the immortal formation within three years.

Unfortunately, man's plans are not as good as God's plans.

This immortal formation is indeed difficult.

After three years, there is still a key step left.

So, in order to deal with this key step, he can only consume comprehension points.

Moreover, he consumed tens of millions of comprehension points at once!

These tens of millions of comprehension points consumed instantly gave Lu Changsheng a terrifying analytical ability.

One day, two days, three days...


Suddenly, the immortal formation shook.

In just three days, Lu Changsheng completely analyzed the last key problem of the immortal formation.


Lu Changsheng shouted softly.

The immortal formation was controlled by him.

Yes, he was not just analyzing it, he even controlled the immortal formation.


Lu Changsheng opened his eyes.

Seeing this, the Great Axe Immortal immediately stepped forward and asked: "Daoyou Lu, this immortal formation..."

In fact, the Great Axe Immortal had already guessed it.

"Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission. The immortal formation has been broken..."

Lu Changsheng smiled.

Three years, exactly three years.

He really analyzed the immortal formation.

This made the Giant Axe Immortal ecstatic.

He made the right move to bring Lu Changsheng to the Kunwu Realm.

Lu Changsheng was also very happy.

He looked at the attribute panel at the first time.

Host: Lu Changsheng

Comprehension: 46080000 (unparalleled in the ages)

Mortal Immortal Path: 82% (entering the path)

The foundation of the immortal body of all spirits: 64% (not yet perfect)

The foundation of the immortal path of the flesh: 83% (not yet perfect)

The Eye of Annihilation: The strongest ancestral realm level

The Way of Killing: Six turns

The Way of Flesh and Blood Martial Arts: Ten times of growth (ancestral realm)

Comprehension deduction: can consume a lot of comprehension for deduction

On the attribute panel, the comprehension decreased by 40 million.

This is normal, after all, Lu Changsheng's deduction consumed a lot of comprehension points.

The progress of the Red Dust Immortal Path has also reached 82%, an increase of 7%, which is all due to the improvement brought by the analysis of the Immortal Formation.

There are no major changes in the rest.

"Daoyou Lu, there is no time to lose. While Xishui Immortal has not returned to Kunwu Realm, let's quickly go to the Heavenly Road."

The Giant Axe Immortal can't wait.

Lu Changsheng nodded: "Open."

He controlled the Immortal Formation and revealed a hole.

The Great Axe Immortal and Lu Changsheng, the two of them directly passed through the immortal formation and stepped into the road to heaven.

The road to heaven was pitch black.

However, the darkness was filled with rich immortal spirits.

Lu Changsheng urged the Immortal Body of All Souls.

Suddenly, the Immortal Body of All Souls was like a black hole, madly devouring a large amount of immortal spirits to strengthen the Immortal Body of All Souls.

Lu Changsheng felt quite comfortable.

In fact, he should live in the road to heaven.

In other words, he should live in a place full of immortal spirits.

Because this would help him cultivate the Immortal Body of All Souls.

Without the immortal things, Lu Changsheng's Immortal Body of All Souls has not been improved for a long time.

So far, it has only progressed by 64%, which is far lower than the Immortal Path of the Mortal World and the Immortal Path of the Flesh Body.

You know, Lu Changsheng was the strongest Immortal Body of All Souls at the beginning.

As a result, the progress is now lagging behind.

It is because there are no immortal things and immortal spirits.

If possible, Lu Changsheng really wanted to continue practicing in this Heavenly Road.

With such a rich fairy spirit, even if there are no fairy spirit objects, Lu Changsheng is confident that he can push the Wanling Immortal Body to a very high level after hundreds or thousands of years.

Unfortunately, this Heavenly Road is not controlled by Lu Changsheng alone.

He can't stay in the Heavenly Road all the time.

He still has to go to the Heavenly Realm.

Once he goes to the Heavenly Realm, the fairy spirit will be many times richer?

There are even a large number of fairy spirit objects. Are you still afraid that you can't push the Wanling Immortal Body to perfection?

Therefore, Lu Changsheng is very determined now.

He also has only one goal.

Heavenly Realm!

Both of them have a firm will and keep moving forward in the Heavenly Road.

However, the Heavenly Road is pitch black, and no one knows where the end is. There may be danger, so the two walked very slowly.

One day, two days, three days...

This time, the two walked for ten days.

Because they walked very slowly and cautiously.

But even if they walked slowly, ten days was enough to walk a long distance.

Finally, after ten days, the two stopped.

They looked at the scene in front of them with a hint of excitement in their eyes.

Right in front of the two, it was the end of the road to heaven.

At the end, there was a huge and dark portal, and a wisp of extremely rich fairy spirit emanated from the dark portal.

Obviously, behind the portal was the passage to heaven.

As long as you step into the portal and pass through the passage to heaven, you can ascend to heaven!

"The passage to heaven... it's really the passage to heaven."

The voice of the Giant Axe Immortal was trembling.

Even though he was a great power in the fairyland, the Giant Axe Immortal could not suppress his excitement.

How long had he waited for this day?

The Giant Axe Immortal could not remember it clearly.

Thousands of years?

Tens of thousands of years?

I don't know how long it was.

Anyway, the Giant Axe Immortal has been waiting for such an opportunity.

Now, the opportunity has finally come.

Once upon a time, the Giant Axe Immortal thought that he might not be able to ascend to heaven in this lifetime.

Even if he was a powerful person in the fairyland, he could only be trapped in the sea of ​​boundaries.

Who would have thought that there would be such a change?

How lucky is this?

According to Lu Changsheng, the ancestor of the giant spirit and the red dust fairy Liu Yun.

They were very unfortunate.

Even if they were red dust fairies, they had infinite potential.

Even if they were flesh fairies, their battles were earth-shaking and they almost swept across the eight wastelands and six directions without any invincibility.

But so what?

In the end, they died lonely and regretful.

They couldn't wait for the opportunity now.

And the giant axe fairy waited for this opportunity.

"Friend Lu, I will step into the heavenly passage first to try."

"If there is no problem, you can go in again."

"Remember, once you step into the heavenly passage, there is no way back. You can only move forward and resist the pressure to ascend to the heaven!"

The giant axe fairy looked solemn.

Lu Changsheng nodded.

Of course, he knew that once he stepped into the heavenly passage, there would be no return, and he would not regret it at all.

After saying this, the Great Axe Immortal no longer hesitated, and instantly flew to the gate and stepped into the passage to the heaven.

"Boom boom".

At this moment, the Great Axe Immortal just stepped into the passage to the heaven with one foot.

However, the passage to the heaven began to shake violently.

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