Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1264: learn from each other

"Top of Qinglian (

It stands to reason that Wuchang can not say that this is equivalent to exposing his own weaknesses and cultivating a great strength.

Wuchang took the initiative to explain that he was a body cultivator. He pursued fairness and was very confident in himself.

"Okay, although Martial Daoist takes action, I also want to experience Martial Daoist's magical powers."

Wang Changsheng agreed, with a solemn expression on his face.

He took out a pair of shiny golden gloves and put them on. There were several golden lotus patterns on the surface of the gloves.

Golden Lotus Gloves, a magic weapon specially tailored for physical training, only physical training can exert its greatest power.

To foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, he is a dual practitioner of law and body. In terms of strength, he is definitely not comparable to a special body training. He is a craftsman who can refine applicable magic weapons and enhance his own strength.

Wuchang's body surface lit up with countless mysterious red runes, the blue veins on his arms were exposed, and there was a muffled sound of "crackling" bones in the body, the body rose a lot, and a large red flame emerged on the body surface, like a fire god. , the nearby temperature rises suddenly.

A burst of red light lit up under Wuchang's feet, turning into a hot wind, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Before he could get close, an unbearable heat wave hit his face, and Wang Changsheng only felt his mouth dry.

Wang Changsheng moved his arms, and countless water vapor condensed out, turning into a blue shark with a length of more than ten feet, and pounced on Wuchang.


The blue shark was smashed to pieces by Wuchang at the first sight, and turned into a large white mist.

Wuchang took a leap and suddenly appeared in front of Wang Changsheng. With a move of his arms, a wave of red fire rolled up and smashed at Wang Changsheng.

With a muffled sound, Wang Changsheng's body was torn apart, turning into a little blue light and disappearing.


Wuchang frowned, he didn't even realize it was a phantom.

With a flash of blue light, nine Wang Changsheng suddenly appeared around Wuchang.

Wuchang snorted softly, his arms shook, and a deafening roar sounded from his body, billowing flames swept out, and turned into a red giant tiger two feet long and half a meter high, the red giant tiger jumped on its forelimbs, Pounced on a Wang Changsheng.

The red giant tiger's claws tore a Wang Changsheng to shreds, his tail swept away suddenly, and a Wang Changsheng disappeared into a little aura.

It tore the four Wang Changsheng into pieces in a row, all of which were fakes.

A Wang Changsheng moved his arms, and the golden lotus glove in his hand suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light, the golden light flashed, and a few feet of golden fists flew out and smashed past.


With a loud noise, the red giant tiger was smashed by the dense golden fist shadows, and it burst open immediately, turning into billowing flames, and the circles of red air waves turned into red hurricanes, rolling away wildly in all directions.

As soon as the Scarlet Hurricane approached Wuchang five feet, a red flame gushed out from him, shattering the Scarlet Hurricane.

There was an earth-shattering whistling sound from Wuchang, his fists slammed into the void, the void made a muffled "humming" sound, and the ignition light appeared out of nowhere, and quickly turned into a giant tiger more than thirty feet in size. The whole body of the giant tiger shone with red light, wrapped in a layer of golden flames, and even the appearance of the body was clearly visible.

The spiritual technique Jin Yanxiao Tianhu, which is performed with the cultivation base of Wuchang Yuanying early stage, has 30% of the strength of the fourth-order Jin Yanxiao Tianhu, and its defense power is not comparable to the real Jin Yanxiao Tianhu.


Jin Yanxiao Tianhu let out a roar, descended from the sky, and rushed towards Wang Changsheng.

Before it landed, it spewed out a golden sound wave, heading straight for Wang Changsheng.

Where the golden sound waves passed, ripples swayed in the void, and the cyan slate laid on the ground flickered non-stop.

Wang Changsheng snorted coldly, and the golden light of the golden lotus glove on his right hand rose sharply, smashing towards the void.

The void seemed to be torn apart, making a sharp piercing sound, and a golden fist that was more than ten feet in size flew out.

With a loud noise that shook the sky, the golden fist shadow smashed the golden sound wave into pieces, and a powerful air wave spread out.

A shocking heat wave fell from the sky, Wang Changsheng swayed and avoided it. A golden flame fell on the ground and spread rapidly, and the aura covering the floor kept flickering.


Wang Changsheng turned into afterimages, avoiding the attack of the golden flame, the entire light curtain was submerged by the golden flame, even though there were three light curtains, Wang Ruyan and the three could still feel an unbearable heat wave, showing the high internal temperature .


An extremely angry whistle sounded, the whistling sound was loud, and a long red tail fell from the sky and slapped Wang Changsheng.

With a move of his arms, Wang Changsheng grabbed Jin Yanxiao Tianhu's tail and threw it hard.


A large number of floors were smashed into pieces, dust was flying all over the sky, and a big blue hand of more than ten feet appeared out of nowhere and slammed down.

With a whimper, Jin Yanxiao Tianhu's body was torn apart, turning into a large golden flame that splashed around, and the heat wave was billowing.

A fire suddenly lit up in front of Wang Changsheng, and after a blur, it suddenly turned into Wuchang's figure, the Fire Escape Technique.

He naturally didn't think that a single spirit technique could hurt Wang Changsheng, and Jin Yanxiao Tianhu was just a cover up.

Wuchang moved his fists and smashed at Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng's eyes flashed with sternness, his body lit up with golden light, as if his body was gilded.

Spiritual glaze gold body.

Wang Changsheng moved his fists to meet him.

The muffled sound of "bang bang", the four fists collided, and a circle of visible air waves erupted, and countless floors were swept up into the sky by the powerful air waves.

Wang Changsheng was enveloped by a large blue glow, Wuchang was enveloped by a mass of red flames, the two were like the confrontation between flames and sea water, the air waves were rolling, the red and blue lights were intertwined, and they merged together~www.readwn .com ~ hard to tell apart.

"Friend Wang Daoyou is also a body repairer?"

Murong Bo was a little surprised and said, Qinglian Immortal Companion is very famous in the South China Sea, and Murong Bo has heard a little about it, and he does not know the true magical power of Qinglian Immortal Companion.

Qinglian Xianlu has very few discussions with others, which gives people a sense of mystery. Few people know about Qinglian Xianlu's magical powers.

Wang Ruyan smiled without saying a word, and there was a look of worry in her beautiful eyes. Wang Changsheng was a dual practitioner of the law, but he was injured, so this discussion was not fair.


After a loud bang, Wuchang turned into an afterimage and flew out.

Before he could stand firm, a blue water dragon more than ten feet long rushed over.

Wuchang shook his arms, and countless flames rushed out, turning into a red giant tiger, and greeted him.

The red giant tiger was like a piece of paper, and it was torn to shreds by the blue water dragon at a glance, and the blue water dragon slammed into Wuchang.

He only felt that an unstoppable force was coming, and his body flew out in an instant. Before landing, ripples swayed in the void above his head, and a big blue hand more than ten feet long emerged out of thin air and slapped it fiercely.

A flash of panic flashed in Wuchang's eyes, and when he opened his mouth, a red seal the size of a palm flew out, and the windward sword rose and smashed into the big blue hand.


With a loud noise, the big blue hand was smashed by the red seal and turned into countless water vapors.

Wang Changsheng's figure flickered, turned into a little blue light and disappeared, and a drop of water splashed on the ground lit up with a dazzling blue light, and Wang Changsheng appeared.

He held the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sword in his hand, and the blade turned snow-white as he slashed towards Wuchang.

Wuchang crossed his arms and stepped forward.


With a muffled sound, the Taihao Spirit Slashing Sabre slashed Wuchang's arm, and red scales were faintly visible on the arm.

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