Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1265: chat

"Top of Qinglian (

There was a strange cold air on the blade, Wuchang's arm froze at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the red flames on his body could not help the ice layer at all.

The Taihao Spirit Slaying Saber has been refined into a piece of ten thousand-year-old mysterious jade, and its power is not comparable to ordinary ice-type magic weapons.

Within two breaths, Wuchang turned into an ice sculpture, and the body was covered with a thick layer of ice. Wang Changsheng could see Wuchang's face full of horror.

If it was a life-and-death struggle, Wuchang was already dead.

Murong Bo was stunned. Just now, the two were still on the same page. The situation turned sharply, and Wuchang was in danger.

Li Ling'er's appearance changed greatly, and she quickly shouted: "Stop, Daoyou Wang, we admit defeat."

With a shrug of her shoulders, eighteen red flying swords about two feet long flew out, hovering uncertainly above her head, she took out a red glittering command flag in her right hand, with a posture of fighting if they disagreed.

Wuchang was always worried about her life, and Li Linger didn't dare to be careless.

"Stop, fellow Daoist Wang."

A majestic voice suddenly sounded, the three light curtains suddenly collapsed, a red light suddenly lit up around Wuchang, and a golden-robed old man with a hunchback appeared. out, the ice melted rapidly.

Wang Changsheng had already put away the Taihao Spirit Slaying Sword, and he had no intention of killing it.

The big reason he was able to win was that Wuchang underestimated the enemy. He wanted to defeat Wang Changsheng with his physical strength, but he did not use a magic weapon.

On the other hand, Wang Changsheng used the Golden Lotus Gloves, a Dinghaizhu and the Taihao Spirit Slaying Sword.

Wuchang is worthy of being a pure body cultivator, with great strength, Wang Changsheng wears golden lotus gloves, but he can't bear it.

At this time, Wuchang had regained his freedom, he laughed wildly, clasped his fists and said, "Wang Daoyou is very skilled, and Wu admires it."

"Fellow Martial Artist has praised it. If you use the magic weapon, it is estimated that Wang will lose. Wang Mou has fought against the demon clan. The strength of the martial art friend is not much worse than that of the demon clan in the Yuan Ying period."

Wang Changsheng said modestly, he was telling the truth, and when he bumped into Wuchang Quan, his hands were a little sore.

"Friend Wang Dao and Martial Dao friend are not weak, each has its own merits, let's go back and drink tea!"

Murong Bo made a round.

Li Linger put away the flying sword and walked to Wuchang, her beautiful eyes filled with concern.

"Don't worry! Madam, I'm fine."

Wuchang smiled and said disapprovingly.

Li Ling'er glared at Wuchang and said, "I made you arrogant, something almost happened, let's see if you dare next time."

"Hey, I didn't think that Wang Daoyou is also a physical practitioner. If it weren't for his extraordinary magic weapon, I might not lose."

Wuchang smiled and said nonchalantly.

He did care a lot, but this is Fangshi, and it is inside the Wanbao Pagoda. If Wang Changsheng really killed him, Wang Changsheng would not be able to leave Kyoto Fangshi alive.

It's a rule that life and death fights are not allowed in Fang City.

Whoever dares to violate the regulations, the Dayan Royal Family and the three major business alliances will not be polite.

He lost to Wang Changsheng, but the bottleneck was loosened, so it could be said that it was a blessing in disguise.

Not long after, they returned to the teahouse, and the five of them drank tea and chatted.

"Fellow Daoist Wang and Madam Wang, if you are free another day, you can come to Northern Xinjiang for a tour. We welcome two fellow Daoists at any time. When that time comes, let's have a good fight."

Wuchang warmly invited him, this time he lost to Wang Changsheng, and next time he must defeat Wang Changsheng.

"Northern Xinjiang? Our couple has long heard that Northern Xinjiang is rich in mineral resources, and we have never had a chance. If there is a chance, we will definitely go. I wonder if you can tell us about the Northern Xinjiang Cultivation World? We can tell you. Let’s talk about the South China Sea Immortal Cultivation World.”

Wang Changsheng had an interested expression on his face, as if he had never been to Northern Xinjiang.

Wang Ruyan said with a smile: "If it weren't for the hot and dry environment in the northern Xinjiang, which affected the cultivation of your husband, we would have traveled to the immortal world in the northern Xinjiang."

"Yeah! Northern Xinjiang is rich in mineral resources, and the old man has heard a little about it, but Northern Xinjiang does not respect the king's way and does not respect the etiquette. It would be nice if the king's way could be implemented in the northern Xinjiang."

Murong Bo stroked his beard lightly and suggested.

The four Wang Changsheng looked at each other and smiled. They didn't like the many etiquettes in the Central Plains cultivation world. When they met friends, they had to bow, and when they met their elders, they had to bow. There were too many etiquettes.

Wuchang talked about the situation in the immortal world in the northern Xinjiang, mainly to introduce the power of their Wu family.

The ancestors of the Wu family came from the Shengfu Palace and were inextricably related to the Shengfu Palace. Many children of the Wu family worshiped in the Shengfu Palace.

"Daoyou Wang, Mrs. Wang, and Taoist Murong, there are countless beautiful scenery in the northern Xinjiang, and you can't say it for three days and three nights. You'd better take the time to come to the northern Xinjiang Xiu Xianjie, and we will take you on a good tour of the northern Xinjiang."

Wuchang smiled and said with a familiar tone.

The three of Wang Changsheng agreed, and as for when they were free, it was up to them.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I heard that there are abundant resources of monsters in the South China Sea. In addition, there are many forbidden sites. Is this true?"

Li Linger asked curiously.

Wang Ruyan smiled sweetly and said, "Of course it's true, there are abundant monster resources in the South China Sea, but the risk of hunting monsters is very As for the forbidden area of ​​the ruins, there are indeed many treasures, but they are very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die.”

"We heard that there is a Murong family in the South China Sea. It used to be the head of the top ten immortal cultivation families in the South China Sea. Fellow Daoist Murong, you should have heard of the Murong family!"

Wuchang said with a half-smile but not a smile.

Murong Bo smiled bitterly and explained, "Naturally I've heard of it, we can't compare to the Murong family, tsk tsk, the number one immortal cultivator family in the South China Sea, the name alone makes people move."

"The Murong family has long since perished, but it is rumored that the Murong family has left a secret place. It is said that there are countless treasures of heaven and earth. I don't know if it is true or not."

Wang Changsheng said casually that after Jin entered the Yuanying period, he sent people to collect information on the forbidden sites in the South China Sea. It was rumored that the Murong family left a secret place with countless rare treasures.

"Most of the rumors are unbelievable. The rumors also say that Qinglian Immortal Companion can rival the middle stage of Nascent Soul!"

Murong Bo said with a light smile,

Wang Ruyan said with a smile: "What Murong Daoist friend said is that rumors are rumors after all. I heard that the Murong royal family has a kind of elixir called Beast Yuandan, which can heal the wounds of monsters. My concubine wants to buy a beast from Murong Daoist friend. Yuan Dan, I wonder if fellow Daoist Murong is willing to give up his love."

Zhenhai Ape was seriously injured, if there is no medicine pill, it will not get better in the short term.

Murong Bo shook his head and said, "Sorry, Madam Wang, the refining materials for the Beast Primordial Pill are too precious, and we don't have a few in our clan, so we won't sell them easily."

"Fellow Daoist Wang, don't waste your time. The Beast Primordial Pill is a healing medicine that is as famous as Jiuchang Erdan. Wu Mou and fellow Daoist Murong have known each other for many years. ."

Wuchang said with a wry smile.

After chatting for more than half an hour, they left the teahouse and went back to their respective homes.

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