Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1269: Inner Demon Pass

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Five Dragons Sea Area, Qinglian Island.

In a spacious courtyard, the floor is paved with bluestone, and a red bamboo is planted in the corner.

There is a red stone pavilion next to Lingzhu, and Wang Jiyu is drinking and chatting with three monks.

Among the three monks, in addition to a shrewd middle-aged man, there were also two young girls who looked like jade.

The middle-aged man's name is Fang Tianyuan. He comes from a small family and has joined the Wang family for more than 20 years.

The two girls were named Fang Yufei and Fang Yuruo, they were Fang Tianyuan's niece.

When the Fang family arrived in Fang Tianyuan's generation, it was already in decline. There were less than thirty monks in the whole family. It was just that the Wang family recruited troops and horses, and Fang Tianyuan brought the whole family to join the Wang family.

As an outsider, the only way to get better treatment in the Wang family is to marry the elite children of the Wang family.

Wang Jiyu is Wang Qingqi's most valued grandson, and Qinglian Xianlu also knows his existence. There are many female monks with different surnames who want to marry Wang Jiyu and improve their status.

Fang Yufei and Fang Yuruo both have three spiritual roots. They don't know any skills. It is very difficult to accumulate enough merit points to exchange for foundation pills.

Their parents died early, and Fang Tianyuan was their uncle. For the future development of the Fang family, under Fang Tianyuan's persuasion, they were willing to marry Wang Jiyu.

Under Fang Tianyuan's arrangement, they began to learn the art of alchemy. Every time Wang Jiyu went to the lecture hall to teach the art of alchemy, they would be there, and they would ask questions every time, leaving a diligent and studious impression on Wang Jiyu.

After several years of hard work, Wang Jiyu has close contacts with Fang Tianyuan.

Wang Jiyu's face flushed red, and Fang Yufei and Fang Yuruo kept toasting him.

Wang Qingqi has strict requirements on him. He has been lax in his practice recently, and was severely reprimanded by Wang Qingqi for a while. He felt a little uncomfortable, so he asked Fang Tianyuan to drink, and Fang Tianyuan called his two nieces again.

"Fang Daoyou, don't be too sad, Senior Wang is also for your own good."

Fang Tianyuan comforted.

"I know that the ancestor is for my good, but his old man is too strict with me. Fortunately, his old man is busy refining Fu Jindan, otherwise he doesn't know how long he will be reprimanded!"

Fang Yufei said in surprise: "Fujindan! I heard that it is made from Fujinguo as the main medicine, which can increase the chance of forming a pill by 20%. If Senior Wang makes Fujindan, there must be friends Wang Daoyou Let's share it! When Daoist Wang consummates his pills, we will call Senior Wang."

"Yeah! I didn't expect Senior Wang to be able to refine Fu Jin Dan. I heard that some cultivators can't make Fu Jin Dan!"

"Hmph, what is Fu Jindan, even if it is Ningying Dan, the ancestors will be able to refine it in the future."

Wang Jiyu said proudly, with a smug look in his eyes.

Wang Qingqi is the only third-order alchemist in the Wang family. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan also rely on Wang Qingqi very much. As Wang Qingqi's most important grandson, Wang Jiyu's status has also risen.

Hearing this, Fang Tianyuan was secretly surprised. Could it be that the Wang family has a spiritual baby? Ningying Dan can be refined with Lingying Fruit as the main medicine, which can increase the chance of forming babies.

Wang Jiyu is talking about the future, which means that the Wang family has Lingying Fruit or a Lingying Fruit Tree.

Fang Tianyuan didn't dare to ask any more questions. If Wang Jiyu hadn't been drunk, he probably wouldn't have said it. As an outsider, it's no good for him to know too much.

Fang Yufei and Fang Yuruo kept toasting Wang Jiyu, and after a while, Wang Jiyu was lying on the table, talking nonsense: "When I condense pills, I will definitely surpass my ancestors."

The spirit wine they drink is a century old wine, and Fang Tianyuan has waited too long for this day.

"Yu Fei, Yu Ruo, hold hands and help Daoist Wang go in to rest."

Fang Tianyuan winked, Fang Yufei and Fang Yuruo helped Wang Jiyu into the room.

He hummed a little song and left, leaving two nieces to serve Wang Jiyu, raw rice and cooked rice, and it was not Wang Jiyu's turn to deny the account.


East Wilderness, Taiyi Immortal Gate.

In a secluded courtyard, Wang Mingren and Ximen Feng are entertaining Xu Zihua.

Wang Mingren came back a few years ago, but he had something to ask Xu Zihua for, otherwise he would have retreated and hit the Nascent Soul period long ago.

"You have come this far, Mingren, are you going to retreat to attack the Nascent Soul?"

Xu Zihua took a bite of the dish and asked casually.

"Exactly, the disciple wants to ask the master about the birth of a baby."

Wang Mingren said respectfully, Xu Zihua's qualifications are old, he can talk to most of the Yuanying monks in Taiyi Xianmen, Wang Mingren wants to ask some things that need attention.

"We came back a few years ago. Originally, my husband could retreat to attack the Nascent Soul, but he just wanted to wait for your master to come back, and said he wanted to ask you for advice. Your husband said that the best person in the sect is your master. "

Ximen Feng picked up the jug and poured Xu Zihua a glass of spirit wine.

"Generally speaking, the fewer demons in the heart, the smaller the obstacle to having a baby, and the demon in the heart depends on the person. For a person who values ​​love, if the Taoist couple dies at the hands of others, this will become his demon. , For those who value propriety, righteousness and shame, if this aspect is not up to standard, they will become demons. In short, the more you care about something, the more likely it will become your demons. There are some spiritual things that can weaken the power of demons. , For example, the three-element calming incense of this sect, but it depends on the person, if there are too many inner demons, the three-element calming incense is useless."

Xu Zihua took a sip of the spirit wine, his face condensed, and then he said, "Do you know why my cultivation as a teacher has been stuck at the stage of forming an elixir?"

When Wang Mingren entered the stage, Xu Zihua was in the stage of forming an elixir. Wang Mingren had cultivated to the ninth level of forming elixir, and Xu Zihua was still in the stage of forming an elixir.

Wang Mingren's heart tightened and he asked, "Why?"

"I'm afraid of death."

Xu Zihua laughed at himself, took a bite of the dish, and had a look of reminiscence on his face, as if he had remembered something bad.

Wang Mingren and Ximen Feng looked at each other, they had a lot of guesses, but they didn't think of this reason.

"Breaking pills and transforming infants, either life or death, there is no third way, foundation building will impact the pill formation stage, if you fail, you will be defeated. Failure is death, there is no third way."

Wang Mingren was silent, he also knew this. He was afraid that Chen Xianger would become his inner demon, as well as Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan. When Wang Changsheng asked him to help in the impact of the dandan Mingren refused, Wang Changsheng had already forgiven him, but he didn't know if he would become his inner demon.

For the sake of his own future, he did a lot of unfortunate things, almost killed Wang Qingshan in order to compete for merit, and in order to be promoted to Taiyiwujie, he attacked behind the enemy with Ximen Feng and almost died. In the end, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan broke up and let them escape. .

"Other teachers don't know, Chen Shi-nephew will definitely become your inner demon. To tell the truth, you owe her too much, and I owe too much to one person. I know that I can't overcome the inner demon, so I slack off and cultivate. Otherwise, the teacher would have already cultivated to the ninth level of forming pills."

Xu Zihua sighed, a look of guilt in his eyes.

A word of love has stumped many immortal practitioners.

Wang Mingren was silent. He sought Ximen Feng to reconcile, and also wanted to make up for Chen Xianger, thereby weakening the power of the demon.

Chen Xianger didn't give him a chance, and Wang Mingren couldn't help either.

"Because of this, some immortal cultivators don't talk about love and focus on the Tao. For example, your grand-nephew Wang Qingshan will also encounter demons, but it shouldn't be difficult for him."

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